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if you won the lottery



Hook my parents up so they can stop working and buy more seeds

Bubble Puppy

Would pay off my debts ,buy a plane ticket and spend a decent amount of time in asia having loads of fun.Then fly down to Indonesia to go surfing for a month then 3 weeks for surfing in aussie .Then fly back home ,buy a whole bunch of pills ,then head into work .

And tell everyone ,i don't need to work for awhile cause " Im Reeech Beeiotch "


Active member
zoolander said:
Hook my parents up so they can stop working and buy more seeds
Hook your parents up so that they can stop working, and buy more seeds instead of working? Or hook your parents up so that they can stop working, and you buy more seeds for yourself?

Either way, sounds good to me. :yes: :yes:


My bad , yeah the seeds are for myself LOL . My mom would kill me if she knew I grew


If I won the lotto I'd be setting myself up self sufficient on a couple of hundred acres & only put clothing on every few months when I had to come to town to stock up on stuff I couldn't produce myself.
oh that would be the life!


buy land in a pot friendly state move my close family to the compound . collect all the seeds to grow all types of food and collect all the weed seed for growing .build a lab to use in my breeding seeds for myself.have a machine shop to make any tool i need .2-3 big generators .build a place to make bio fuel from crops.garage to work on my motors that run on bio fuels. a place where when the bottom falls out i will still be doing my thing . it would not take much for the hole thing to just fall apart .but my people will be just fine if thay are not lazy .we would have the best meds on the planet. we would not turn any one away as long as he or she pulled ther own weight to make it a better place then when you found it. you could go in to a field of your choice machinist,farming, ect.and so on for the next generation.


Registered Med User
By my moms old land back, pay off my grandmas home, by my pops a yuawt. Then Id move to my moms old home and fix it up, make everything solar and build an underground labratory, where I would begin my breeding project. But first Id by a free range organic cow and have it chopped up and thro a barbecue.


Freedom Fighter
If I won the Lottery...most around me would stay high...while I did something to make $$...(as usual!!) :muahaha:


buy a house made in the 50's with a huge bomb shelter and set up a commercial medicinal grow, and invest the rest in foreign stock markets.


Active member
If you won the lottery, would running a commercial grow be the wisest of things? Couldn't you get your LEGIT money to work harder for you in a LEGIT fashion without risking putting your now-rich ass behind bars, with no way to spend that money? :chin:

I mean, just a thought. I know it must be everyone's dream to run a commercial sized grow, but you gotta answer "why?" first.


New member
Well, if I'd won 15 mil, I'd buy a nice house for about 300-400k max, a Nissan Xterra, a nice Mercedes sedan, and a Maserati. After that was done, I'd build a nice grow op used 3kw. I'd also buy some land close to where I lived, preferably 20 acres, so I can create an orchard, a mini-farm (>2 acres) and have land to grow my own livestock (cattle, chickens, and goats). I'd invest about 5 million in a diversified portfolio. I'd buy my parents a house along with my sister and give them each 300k for furniture and other needs. I'd set up an acct with 1 million in each for my parents and sister with the condition they can't withdraw more than a set amount each month so it isn't squandered. I'd give some to friends, and donate to some charities. That's about it really...

If I won the lottery firstly I would buy a coffeeshop in Amsterdam and only sell the top hash and weed varieties and second I would buy a executive box at my favourite football team, Manchester United. Then depending on how much I have left I would make sure my family were living phat, then it would be donating to animal shelters and cancer charities.

Mr. Tony

Active member
1. Make it rain.

2. Move to NYC and eat the best pizza every day damn till the day i die.

4. spend $100,000 on opas bowls

5. Diamond crown RooR

6. get a skyline ( actual five year goal for me)

7. Walk into my Synagogue with a duffle bag full of $ and give it to them as a donation.
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