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If you wanted to grow commercial...


If you wanted to grow commercial would it be better to grow 200 plants here somewhere in america or drive into canada and do it? What if a older white dude took 5,000 dollars to canada to start growing? which is better, being a us citizen and getting caught in canada or getting caught here?


all being said what matters is your risk pool. do you have a lawyer. do you got kids. do you make money from it . do you believe you can spend time in jail picking up the soap(lol) either way you can go to jail a real fucking long time on comercial grows. it kinda goes along the road of all or nothing which i believe in to heart. i say fuck it, grow here or there the risk is the same.this shit aint rocket science. since you talking bout commercial than let me tell you there is alot more better things to do than take 5 gees and grow weed.


I think you'll need more than 5k to be a commercial farmer of any crop. What are these better things you speak of maxima32?


Active member
if you wanna go commercial with a startup capital of 5k, you CAN, its just not gonna be what most peple here envision...

with 5k startup capital you WILL need to start small, hell 5k is practially rent for a successfull crop.

I assume since your talking about other locations that this would be a grow op. Not a "I live there and tend a grow" type thing. People need to realize the difference between these two and the different types of security needed.

With 5k, not living there, you're capable of doing something only if you find a location thats cheap... not neccesarily something you want if youre gonna be running multi hundred #'s.

I jumped into something too quick back in the day and that made the difference in it being an unsuccessful crop vs success.

for straight up commercial growing I envision ebb/flow tables, they have such ease with them, can be linked together if you wanted to expand/etc, and the maintenance isnt too bad on them. A setup that will produce profit on top of your rent/overhead would mean multi thousand watts.

is the 5 grand for the operation in its entirety? or is location/rent already covered and the 5k is for just the grow itself?

if you've got 5k total, I'd say hold off.

I had a friend ask me recently, "why dont more people grow? I mean its as simple as giving it the right nutes and light, thats all!"

HAHAH dont we all wish :biglaugh:

in theory yes we are just growing a plant, but its FAR more expensive than most people think to:

rent a house/warehouse
procure lights/ducting/fans/buckets/grow medium/nutrients (basically everything "grow" related)
the manual labor/time it takes to transport/set all of this up
electricity (this will get you without lube depending on where in the states your reffering to)
then sit on it for months on end, all while paying rent/elec while waiting for a crop.

In my experience, if you are relying on a crop to get you through, you're fucked.

I had a cardboard box micro grow as my first shindig. After that I dropped 8k on equipment alone. Quite the jump compared to most.

I cannot stress this enough, always always ALWAYS have a "slush fund" that you prepare for in advance, if $500 is the make or break between success and failure, you're gonna feel really shitty watching months of work go down the drain over a few more dollars that you didnt anticipate... and believe me it IS more expensive than you think.

now that my bantering is out of the way :biglaugh:


hands down its less risky (legality wise) growing commercial in canada (just based off of what I hear/read) however that isnt to say if you grow in canada you're fine with no worries.

if its literally a skip across the border it may be something to look into, otherwise I wouldn't risk it as trafficking (sp?) charges would be a lot easier to pin on you given something DOES go down.

international trafficking is worse than having 200 plants in a house for obvious commercial reasons in my opinion. (i have some legal experience in cultivation :badday: :wink: )

edit: I learned how to spell trafficking :biglaugh:
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Active member
with 5k and the desire to grow commercially this is exactly what I'd do given the chance to start over.... read

read some more

and then read some more.

read countless threads on this site till its 5 am and your eyes are drooping (not from the bong hit you just took though :smoke: )

with 5k you can easily set something up at home with a FEW plants. By few I mean less than 100.

get an 4x8 ebb flow table that can hold upwards of 160 (if i recall correctly) plants and put two thousand watters over it or three 600's, with 5k you can afford a table, a few lights, some nutes and electricity to complete a crop, with that completion you learn your strain better, how it likes nutrients, and how to do what you've gotta do to make it all work together.

if you can complete that and have extra product for your "commercial" ventures. Build your investment up.


Active member
2 1k lights in a 4x8 flowering space plus a small veg area can pull 4ps a crop with 18 plants if you can grow. 8 grand a month with minimal risk woulnd't be bad for an ol white guy (or any color :chin:) with 5k start up cash. hardly worth moving to canada for.
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Ajunta Pall

Why not call a lawyer or two in the part of Canada you wish to grow in, and ask them. Then ask them what they would charge to represent you. At least that way you would have a better understanding of the potential consequences of your actions.


livin my way the high way
umm international traficking sp charges dont sound nice. so if u could unload all of it canada then go there. but otherwise doesnt sound smart. 5k isnt much save up more. theres a thread on here somewhere about a guy moving to cali and setting up a med grow for clubs. he has like 75k saved up and is still hesitant. just save more and get a few good cheap crops in. believe it or not you can grow good weed pretty cheaply.


you know, it's true why move. I've grown in the house i live in for a couple of years now with no problems. I would be thrilled to just grow enough to make 2,000 a month to pay bills. I could do that just by growing some extra plants, not even enough to make me nervous. If a person wanted to just sell that much, how do you find a buyer? I take it just one buyer is best? I know what I'm doing growing for sure, but not selling. I grow only organic and grow and cure really dood organic bud. I would think someone would want it. How do you find buyers safely?
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Active member
one buyer is best, for sure...

if you don't already know someone who wants weight then i'd say its a security risk to go looking for someone...however if you know other people who smoke then i'd say that's your best bet...

be safe!


Active member
I'll tell ya right now unless you have a nice yeilding strain and its dialed in, 2 lbs per 1k isnt as easy as it sounds. Overestimate the cost of your setup/operational costs, and underestimate your yeild/sell value.

if you dont have a buyer that can handle a P it wouldnt be TOO hard to find a reliable source, where do your smoking buddies get their herb? I highly advise knowing someone more than just their first name before you start dropping off packages for them.

People in the service industry, your waiter for instance, restaurants I have found to be a place where once people are off they hop in their cars and have a bowl on the way home or once they get home. I like being friends with them.

I like places where theres lots of younger 20-mid 30's employees, goin to school or payin the bills, got somethin to lose and arent prone to be shady sonsofbitches, aka more reliable in business. The hustler guy who gets by slangin dub sacks down by the movie theater, he's no good, yeah he might handle your weight exclusively however if he gets caught, you really think people dont roll?

edit:my spelling sucks :smoke:
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livin my way the high way
I like places where theres lots of younger 20-mid 30's employees, goin to school or payin the bills, got somethin to lose and arent prone to be shady sonsofbitches, aka more reliable in business. The hustler guy who gets by slangin dub sacks down by the movie theater, he's no good, yeah he might handle your weight exclusively however if he gets caught, you really think people dont roll?

ok i have 2 points to make. i would be more prone to trust college kids, young adults etc too. But when it comes down to it i believe that a hustler is less likely to talk to cops. im basing this of personal experience. i got caught with 2 preppy kids and another G like myself (not bragging) the 2 of us knew the laws and didnt say shit to the cops but i ended up goin to jail cause of one of the dumbass preps. my best experience with straight business people was a total gangster. i was always straight with him from the first time, i told him i will be weighing every sack and i will never be short with the money. it got to the point where he didnt even count the money and i rarely took my scale because if he was short i knew he would get me back. i also trusted that my name would never come up to the cops. he was in jail a few times in the course of our business and i never knew about it till he told me later on over a blunt. ok off rant but you get the point.


Active member
I agree, I dont trust anyone in that business, I give people chances and if they fuckup its on them. Just tonight someone I converse with was driving stupid before handling business and ended up getting pulled over and searched because his buddy he was riding with was on probation. Now if we had just met up, do you think I'd be shitting myself? hellllll yeah I would.

I dont trust anyone to keep my name out their mouth, therefore they never know my real name. (hard to do in some circles though if you've known everyone forever, or a friend of a friend)

a "real OG" would keep their mouth shut no matter what, I've just seen too many "g's" roll like the preppy kid with a scholarship to lose. Its like a new trend.

Side note. A friend of a friend was dropping off a package for a new customer of his, the guy was all business on the one time before and handled himself well, the 2nd time he thought he'd jack my friend of a friend for a pound of some nice GDP. There are SOME people that equate a few hundred or thousand dollars worth of weed to a human life, so regardless of making millions or nothing, its not worth losing your life.

Never do anything unlesss you are positive you'll be driving away .


is 2k what the courts consider commercial or is this just for the beginning? 2k seems real low to be commercial...


Active member
Kinderfeld said:
is 2k what the courts consider commercial or is this just for the beginning? 2k seems real low to be commercial...
2000 watts of lighting you mean being equated to a "commercial" grow in the eyes of the law? nah

you could run a million watts and have 3 leetle baby plants.

the courts wouldnt call it "commercial" rather "intent to distribute" or "manufacturing" but a rose by any other name.....

its case by case specific when determining wether a grow is for distribution purposes or self consumption, obviously a couple plants in a cardboard box will be treated differently than a warehouse full of tables.

2k is just what this specific case would (probably at most) be able to pull off given the financial capital to start.


if you want to do commercial, i would recommend taking it outdoors. if you want to do 200 plants i'd recommend doing 20 plants 10 different places


ninfan77 said:
Oy you're talking about going commercial and how to find buyers? Putting the cart before the horse aren't we?


I agree with Ourcees first post

The second post aabout how to find buyers, ehhh not my choice. My ONLY customer I have known for 10 years. I am possibly venturing with someone else who has been a friend of my wifes family since they were in diapers and I have been told they would trust him with their life. Even that is a little risky for me but I am going to explore it

Talking about weight with some busboy I met 4 weeks ago? not me

You want to know the ups and downs and what NOT to do in a commercial grow? Read up on my grow in my signature


Active member
yeah its all networking, I wouldnt talk weight with a busboy either, those are the types to pick up eighths and grams, not the customers someone with weight WANTS to deal with. Rather I know theres usually only a couple links in the chain that supply most circles. The busboy knows those links. Proper networking leads to a smokeout with a few people maybe. I never talk of growing or selling, just offer to pack a bowl of some "good shit" so they can try it out. They always want more. I like meeting friends of friends because everyone I meet is on a different level, you are joe potsmoker to every one of them, not johnny pot dealer. If you meet the right person, they are a link in the chain between you and the busboy.

growing hundreds of pounds of weed is easy, getting rid of it (safely) is the hard part.


I think you have to be more precise about exactly what it is you want to do. Someone can easily grow 70k-80k worth of weed per year in a house you live in with 4 600w lights.Or, do you want to grow enough in a few years to be able to retire?

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