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If you own a phone, drive and live in Maryland...


Active member
I think I talked on the phone once with the guy who was working on that cracking device.

They wanted to lease our IT that would have helped them connect to a bunch of cell phones... we told them to go jump. lol

Keep it Clean! :D


Should be fairly easy to avoid... just carry a clean SIM card on you at all times, and make sure any "bad" data on your phone is saved to the card not the device. Then if you get pulled over grab your phone and swap out the sim cards real quick (takes me about 20 seconds to access my card) which is much shorter in time than it takes to stop your car and for the officer to get out and approach your window.


Should be fairly easy to avoid... just carry a clean SIM card on you at all times, and make sure any "bad" data on your phone is saved to the card not the device. Then if you get pulled over grab your phone and swap out the sim cards real quick (takes me about 20 seconds to access my card) which is much shorter in time than it takes to stop your car and for the officer to get out and approach your window.

Most data is not stored on the SIM card, but in internal flash memory or a removable microSD card.


Most data is not stored on the SIM card, but in internal flash memory or a removable mini-sd card.

What types pf data gets stored on SIMs then? When I remove my SIM and put in my back up I lose my text messages, phone numbers, call log, and photos.


... meh,be ... dee.faltz of th.e pl.atf.0rm & arkitekture (whi/h0w) ... unee.versel , meh.bee..p0s-c-bal ani.t1me , ani.wair , ~in/0r/0ut es.dee/m.em ... ... s.eee ~ a;d;b , a.ndr0 'yd deevyce manejr , 0vr th.e aer upd8s , etc... 0r ... th.e 0rden.aree/d.fal.t ~ba.kup / ree.st0r~ , al.redi th.air , ...b.y d.fal.t... ma.ybee i.n th.e ~pla.tph0rm/ar.kee.tekture d0ks.. ...

dddaver said:
Sure, that's easy for you to say.

... if ser.ch th.e que.rees b.l0w ... may.b s.ee\0r not..... ... not ~eas.ee~ , but any1 w/ a f0ne c.an du say.me thingy ~ 4 fr.eee \n0 |2K (teehee t000 fun.neee)... 0n f0ne 1ts.elf ... 0r by l0.kal ne.t.wer.k ... 0r by n.ter.n.etwer.k ... may.bee br.0wse \x\d\a b0a.rdz fe.w h.ourz ... or ju.st reed abou.t a\d\b & an.dr0 'yd d.vice man.e.jer.. u may s.ee. u c0uld du say.me st.uf ur.self ~4 fr.ee... jus.t 2 te.st/tr1 ... ... th.e tek iz mayb.ee al.red1 th.e.re b.y De.falt,..n0t wr1t1ng at a.ll a.b0ut h0wt0/wh0~sh0uld/why/why.not th.ey can/shoul.d. ~ 0n.lee tha.t the tek 1z bilt in.2 d.v1cez 2 du.... just try.1n ta he.lp ... \peac.e....... ~

~... may.b serch: "a.ndr01d h1st.0.ree" "an.dr01.d dev1c.e man.e.jer" "a.ndr.01d dbug br1dg" "a.nDr.01d o.t.a upd8 cinter" "x/d/a"....

...th.es.e l1nkz ma.y help.... \pea.ce...

theverge\com/2011/12/7/2585779/android-history <<=== also, f1nd fl0w char.t of arkitekture uv 0/s... may.be help 2 show h0w sum part.s _sand-boksd...

\google\com\android\devicemanager‎ <<=== re-m0te trakeng & _wipeng.... alred.i bilt int0 devyce arkitek.ture.....

developer.android\com\tools\help\adb.html‎‎ <<== akcess ur F0ne fr0m an0ther macheen.... fr0m any,ware....

androidcentral\com/tags/ota‎ <<=== what may.be hapeneng ... r1te now... .... & h0w u can _re-pr0gra/m ur \ a new f0ne b.y typeng certtain keyz.... that 1z th.e "dat.a" cd.ma\g.sm\ basik, etc.. 2/3/4g etc.... akcess...~ diferent than w1f1 akcess, wh1ch doez _not rekwire f0ne to be _aktiv8ed....

xda-developers\com/‎ <<== dev f0rum... shoul.d f1nd st.uff the.re.. u alredi kn0 how th.e b0ardz werk....

... it ma.y bee als0 p0ssibal 2 bu1ld an an.dr0'yd 0s fro.m skrat.ch... al.ter.1ng th1s/th.at & tun1rng 0ff st.uff n0t wan.ted\....

xda-university\com <<=== bild ur own...
~bildeng an.Dr0'yd fr0.m sourz....


turn.eng 0ff w1f1 & dat.a wen n0t in use may.bee als0 hel.p w/ st.uff goeng 0n in _bakgr0und al.l th.e t1me... news a.pz, etc.... 1nter.nal/xter.nal doesnt mat.ter... if there... can may.bee be "bak'd.up", red, wr1tten to, etc, etc.... al.l 1n "bak.ground..... may.be rem0ve _a.ps not used.... better maybe bild from skratch & n0t inklude st.uff that "F0nes H0m3" in bakground.... c0nstant.lee....maybe.....\peace.....

qupee said:
What's needed is an app that will perform a secure wipe that can include all important data (some things, like text messages, call log, etc. can require special handling depending on the phone's OS).

....d0esnt need an "a.p"... alread.y bilt into 0s\dev1ce.... can du 1t fr0m f0ne 1tself, 0ther comp, OT.a, etc, etc......

...sum\what m0re diffi.kult t0 _w1pe entyre.lee.... 1f u f1nd & l00k at th.e appli.cashun layer of an an.dr01d fl0wchart, maybe s.ee part 1z a _viru.al macheen......... simila.r 2 virtual macheen kr0me br0w.zer...... w1pe _dalvik-vm cache t00, when _w1pe....
see _dalvik.....

any1 can _w1pe_... 0r..._fl.ash_ f0ne _da.ta 1n re.kover.ee m0de... see a\d\b & x\d\a f0rumz.... does that meen 1t all g0ne 4ever?.... maybe n0t... th0ugh sum st.uff 1z may.be possi-bal... ther.e was thred here about 37 0r s0 ~w1pes.... may.be reed aktual b0ard & r0.m type uv ur d.v1ce has, & may.be w1pe b00t-l0ad.er t000... jst 1n case the.re 1z _silent ~call to (?) @ b00t t1me....

...sh0rt vershun..... mayb.e.... >> fastboot flash /part1shun <<....... see a\d\b / cyan0gen.m0d........ & ur dev1c.e m0del\d0ks.... b00t-l0ader may.be prolba.bly slitelee diferent..... that woul.d bee from ur deskt0p macheen koneeckted thru u.sb.... but, 1st, get the _adt bundle....


==> konneckt f0ne to comp thru usb....

==> switc.h 0n _u.sb debuggeng 0n f0ne...

===> @ comp cmd pr0mp.t... >> adb dev1ces....

...shoul.d show dev1ce....

>> adb --help

... should sh0w opshuns....

...that iz just 1 way...

since f0ne has w1f1.... u can _login to ur f0ne 0ver l0kal\oth.er net.werk.... just l1ke lap\deskt0p & ... du st.uff.... 0r, vise-versa...... etc, etc... say.me as an 0rdinar.ee desk\lap\t0p... bcuz ur f0ne iz mayb.ee a full comp w\ full 0s.....

**** 1mportant *******....!!!! bak.up ur data b4 tryeng the >> fastboot << &
>> wipe << ... 0pshuns......... ********** u r resp0nsible 4 ur 0wn st.uff \ akshuns...*********** this iz jus.t 0rdinar.ee st.uf abou.t th.e an.dr0'yd plat.phorm..... alred.y in publik \ 0n web ....... n0t necessarily ab0ut the "eye\w1n" f0ne\pad\etc _n0t_ open sourz...... u can reed _nearly_ everyth1ng abo.ut an.dr0y'd.... not s0 much w\ oth.er 0s's in f0nes...

..may.be b00t 1nt0 rekover.ee m0de... man.y _bak-up "a.pz" hav.e 0pshun 2 _w1pe th.e part1shuns on \r.om \inter.nal\ex.ternal es.dee kard... see

cyanogenmod\org <<===== rek0ver.ee \ w1pe \ kustum st.uff....
~ n0n-st0k r.0mz & _clokwerkm0d rekover.ee_.... get tha.t & ull mayb.e see......... 0ther st.uff that iz alred.i the.re...............

...may.bee... see also...

theguardian\com/media-network/partner-zone-infosecurity/snapchat-photos-not-deleted-hidden <<=== still ther.e......

ksl.com/?sid=25106057 <<=== still ther.e......

salon\com/2013/06/04/yet_another_way_to_retrieve_deleted_snapchat_photos_partner/ <<=== still ther.e......

may.b tr1 sayme st.uf in l1nk... 4 phu.n 0r ju.st 2 c h0w s.ee ea.se/difi.kultee... may.b du.able w/ reed.eng d0ks... b0ardz... w\out s0.me 0t.he.r "de.vyce"...tek may.bee al.redi bilt in2 d.vyce 0s\plat.ph0rm 1tse.lf...

teeheee... tooooo fun.nee !... twel.v \K/ 4 tek tha.t iz may.bee fr.eee... & may.bee de.falt 0prayshun/d.zyne of d.vyce\0s ... the enty.re an.d.r0'yd plat.phorm iz may.bee 0p.1n sour.z ... cap.a.bil.ities of th.e 0s 1n th.e d0ks & ex.d.a b0ardz... f0r fr.eee ... take ca.re


dont do b0ardz muc.h anym0re... but linkz abuv may be enliteneng ab0ut st.uff f0nes capab.le uv..... member baberlfish's p0sts may be enliteneng ..... have phun w\ ur f0ne n fab;-let ! !!!!! \PEACE....................................

Last edited:


Active member
... meh,be ... dee.faltz of th.e pl.atf.0rm & arkitekture (whi/h0w) ... unee.versel , meh.bee..p0s-c-bal ani.t1me , ani.wair , ~in/0r/0ut es.dee/m.em ... ... s.eee ~ a;d;b , a.ndr0 'yd deevyce manejr , 0vr th.e aer upd8s , etc... 0r ... th.e 0rden.aree/d.fal.t ~ba.kup / ree.st0r~ , al.redi th.air , ...b.y d.fal.t... ma.ybee i.n th.e ~pla.tph0rm/ar.kee.tekture d0ks.. ...


Sure, that's easy for you to say. :tumbleweed:


What types pf data gets stored on SIMs then? When I remove my SIM and put in my back up I lose my text messages, phone numbers, call log, and photos.

Well, it can vary some by model of phone and carrier (some do not even use SIM cards). As phones have progressed, less and less is stored on them by default. After the essential data that identifies your account/phone, contacts would be the most common, followed by text messages and call logs. I don't know that I've ever known of photos being stored on SIM cards.

SIM stands for subscriber identification module. It's a simple microprocessor running some basic firmware code usually with a very small amount of memory (32kB or 64kB, this is a primary reason why older phones can only hold a limited number of text messages much less photos, not enough memory).

Several years ago, possibly even before YouTube existed, there was a new type of SIM card released that also contained some flash memory intended for media. I don't think these really ever caught on, though, as microSD was already available.

Also, if it's important to hide, I wouldn't count on hiding your sim or removing it while being pulled over. It wouldn't be easy for me to remove my phone case, pop off the back, and remove the sd card, replace it with another, and put it all back together in a short time while driving, and what if you use an iPhone or a Nexus S etc.

What's needed is an app that will perform a secure wipe that can include all important data (some things, like text messages, call log, etc. can require special handling depending on the phone's OS).


How is this shit constitutional?

Do we have no rights to privacy anymore?

It's working it's way up through the courts. LEO has a habit of doing whatever they feel like until they are told very clearly and specifically that they cannot.

There have been various rulings in the last couple years bringing digital data more explicitly under the 4th amendment, but it does take a while for the system to catch up while LEO will do whatever they can get away with to achieve their ends.


Active member
high power magnet should wipe it all right? maybe ya need a electro magnet in a box with a switch. if shit goes bad hit switch and all data should be gone. send ,me crab if ya live there


high power magnet should wipe it all right? maybe ya need a electro magnet in a box with a switch. if shit goes bad hit switch and all data should be gone. send ,me crab if ya live there


... prolly st.il the.re , even w\ mag.net. tek.. ther.ez afew 0lder thredz in th1s f0rum about th1s .... _may.be_ s0mewhere ar0und 37++ f0rmats _may_ chang sum ones and zeros.... but prolly still there.... & reteevable.....


theguardian\com/media-network/partner-zone-infosecurity/snapchat-photos-not-deleted-hidden <<=== still ther.e......

ksl.com/?sid=25106057 <<=== still ther.e......

salon\com/2013/06/04/yet_another_way_to_retrieve_de leted_snapchat_photos_partner/ <<=== still ther.e......

btw... ..neat.est sigs 0n the 'net 4 many yrs !...

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mojave green

rockin in the free world




Rubbing my glands together
Damn mistress*. I want some of what you're smoking. Not of that makes sense when reading it while straight.

pappy masonjar

Well-known member
The thing I wanna know why mistress is talking in code. To me that says they think these posts are being systematiclly searched by LEO.

Should I put on my tin hat?

Nah Fuck it..
Lifes too short for all that bein scared shit.

mojave green

rockin in the free world
Yeah, sounds good. If you trust the people running that company to have the same moral fiber and backbone as, say, http://lavabit.com/

I wouldn't
yes, some level of trust is required to communicate electronically. you apparently trust ic mag, no? all companies have to comply with leo's demands. lavabit's mistake was having unencrypted data on their servers. wickr is different in that regard. they will freely turn over all the data they have. if your messages haven't yet expired, they are still encrypted..

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