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If you get busted what country can you run 2?


Active member
Hopefully, i wont ever have to do this but where could you run to these day to avoid prison for a MJ crime? I'm talking about getting size years for having a few pounds or something like that. The hell if i'm doing 35 years for pot!
Venezuela, North Korea(if your desperate), probably most of Africa and South America. All Depends on that countries relationship with the US.


Active member
In most states if you are a first time nonviolent drug offender you will get probation.

I have a friend that got raided after selling to undercover cops. 52 plants 5 felonies and 2 misdom.

He got 3 years probation and had to do alot of drug classes.
Ecuador, probably. They just recently denied renewal of a U.S. military base contract. The President there said he will renew when the U.S. lets them put a Ecuadorian military base in Miami.

Uruaguay might be good also, they have a very good economy.


Active member
You guys need to understand how backed up the prison system and jails are.

If you have under 100 plants
If you dont have guns
If you dont have a record
If you have the money for a lawyer

You arent going to prison.


Come to the UK, had my car stolen twice and my house burgled here in the last year, no one caught, they can't find any f****r in the UK, you could walk around wearing a "Im a drug dealer come get me" T-shirt and still be safe!
If you've been arrested for like not even a gram and went to drug classes and got it taken off my record would sentencing be harsh you think?


running for weed will only make your lives worse, damn youngsters,i say dont even bond out, make them feed you,read a few books, dont let them win, you will get time served , no probation and it wont be near as long as breaking probation(years), probation is a raquet, they will have your ass in court if your in the county in a couple months to get your ass in court, they will drop it down twice too probably a miss poss charge, dont ever run for weed, its just a weed, they want your money, but i say fuck that, ill go detox and get in shape, yall cant have a cent

Guest 18340

Brazil. If you can get there and hook up with a Brazilian broad and knock her up, you cannot be extradited once the child is born.
haha true wise old man i don't know i served a week and it was fucking hell. looking out a window a the world almost drives you to insanity.
Brazilian girls are hot are hot as shit my ex brother in law went there and married a 18yr. old hot as fuck Brazilian chick hes a lucky bastard.

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