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if you could pick and move to any state and grow

Shit has changed for me drastically in the last 48 hours. Now this once-theoretical thread is real.

Looking at moving in near my mom in Santa Cruz, or perhaps Oregon or Washington. These are the places I have narrowed it down to. I'm a dude who grows and does that game, but I also need to work a 9-5. So, to this end, Santa Cruz looks better than the above. At least in the parts of Washington and Oregon I want to live in.


Active member
If you dont mind the cold, the UPPER PENINSULA of Michigan is where it's at right now. I found the perfect spot up here for a full time MMJ caregiver to thrive, and I won't give it away, but at the same time it would be nice to see a few more growers move in. Some spots in this state (i.e. Lansing, Detroit, surrounding counties) are currently hot spots and probably a bad idea to move to, but other spots in the state are perfect, you just gotta do your research.
ididanddid..........headed to WA........
MMJ 15 plants and 24 o/z's of buds.......works just fine for me....
and sum low-key dispensaries.....to boot
and still plenty of room to roam around and not feel trapped in the
jungle known as cali...........

WA.......full steam ahead............:tiphat:
Have you ever been to WA? Before going out on a limb and putting all your cash into a move, you should go visit there for at least 3 weeks. See if you can live with the grey skies, rain, drizzle and mold everywhere. I was born and raised in Seattle and have been in CO the last 5 years. Regs in CO are fucked as could be right now but I would never go back to WA except for a short vacation. No way I could go from 300+ days of sunshine a year back to -100!

Also, if you are going to WA to grow, you will not be happy with the dispensaries. They are paying jack shit to vendors. 2000-2500 per unit for top shelf indoor.

Climate everywhere is saturated and as risky as ever. Face it, gravy days of MMJ are over pretty much over.



To Have More ... Desire Less
Have you ever been to WA? Before going out on a limb and putting all your cash into a move, you should go visit there for at least 3 weeks. See if you can live with the grey skies, rain, drizzle and mold everywhere. I was born and raised in Seattle and have been in CO the last 5 years. Regs in CO are fucked as could be right now but I would never go back to WA except for a short vacation. No way I could go from 300+ days of sunshine a year back to -100!

Also, if you are going to WA to grow, you will not be happy with the dispensaries. They are paying jack shit to vendors. 2000-2500 per unit for top shelf indoor.

Climate everywhere is saturated and as risky as ever. Face it, gravy days of MMJ are over pretty much over.


I'm VERY familiar w/ the area......and Seattle isnt the only place to live.....there is whole another world on the other side o' rainier.....
where i'm headed getts plenty 0' sunshine .....
and I'd be afool to try and play the dope game.......
strictly MEDICAL......I got real income from my real life.....

but then again.......TOO each there own.......U can keep CO



I would move out of the country grow and live in Spain. I dont live here in the USA because I want to

I thought about Spain but it seems even though 2 oz and less are pretty much legal, selling and growing could get you 3-6 years. Not to mention the price is about half of what it is in the States.
I thought about Spain but it seems even though 2 oz and less are pretty much legal, selling and growing could get you 3-6 years. Not to mention the price is about half of what it is in the States.
Don't move to Spain to sell weed, you're right, that's a bad idea. Go there and become a breeder. Sell seeds to Americans on the internet for $10-25 each.


HAWAII Get my own little patch of land and grow until i couldnt grow no more. Perfect climate for both indica and sativa, ALOWA


Active member
Maine is where its at, its perfect for monster outdoor grows, and it stays frigid in the winter- which can be great for doing indoor grows.

The laws are very lax, i mean fuck, you could do 99 100-200g smartpots scattered in full sun, odds are the chopper wont even fly by, but if it does, your looking at a misdameanor fine!!

Its tough to say whether you would yield more doing 499 in 10g holes in the ground, or vegging indoors and planting 99 bushes end of may in 100-200g pots...but being under 100 plants and growing monsters seems like the way to go... you can breathe alot easier knowing its only a 2000 fine and a slap on the wrist!!!


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Hawaii's great if you're retired, but I don't think there are many jobs there. Last time I went there were shitloads of homeless people there. Good luck.

Last time I was in hawaii and saw homeless people building tent cities on the beach.... you know what I was thinking?

"Hell, if I'm ever homeless, I'm panhandling myself a ticket to hawaii and be homeless in paradise!"


Active member
Last time I was in hawaii and saw homeless people building tent cities on the beach.... you know what I was thinking?

"Hell, if I'm ever homeless, I'm panhandling myself a ticket to hawaii and be homeless in paradise!"

hahaha, this is so true!! Being a bum in hawaii really wouldnt be that bad at all


Active member
Maine is where its at, its perfect for monster outdoor grows, and it stays frigid in the winter- which can be great for doing indoor grows.

The laws are very lax, i mean fuck, you could do 99 100-200g smartpots scattered in full sun, odds are the chopper wont even fly by, but if it does, your looking at a misdameanor fine!!

Its tough to say whether you would yield more doing 499 in 10g holes in the ground, or vegging indoors and planting 99 bushes end of may in 100-200g pots...but being under 100 plants and growing monsters seems like the way to go... you can breathe alot easier knowing its only a 2000 fine and a slap on the wrist!!!

What does it take to qualify as a patient in the state of Maine?


Active member
First off, the racism isn't appreciated. Tells me a decent amount about your character....... :fsu:

I never said anything about doing such, certainly not myself, a personal medical user here. I said, it does happen....seen it done and people DO as such.

Yes, there certainly are people very, VERY willing to do such. There ALSO are a decent number in jail because of doing such.

If you think it's as easy as loading the truck, driving cross country, and dropping it off then you're more off base than I thought.

When that 10 pack costs you 30K+ in lawyers, 15+ years in state....is the 60-75K really worth it to you? Certainly wouldn't be to me. Cops around here will fuck up your life for grams, let alone lbs. These are UNFRIENDLY waters....no medical excuse, no sympathy, no compassion. After visiting med states, you guys have it fucking easier than you think.

Einstein's theory of relativity, a recommended read. Cause everything is fucking relative.

It almost boggles my mind you guys can't believe there is up to a 200% markup on an illegal, schedule 1 narcotic. Starting to think you guys are high. Christ, look at plenty of legal markets.

A pack of cigarettes in VA/TN costs you $3.50-$5, in NYC $10+. A 3 bedroom house on 10+ acres in VA/TN ~$200K, in NYC you can't get a nice condo for that. NOT EVERYONE is in a depressed area/market. Hell, I know several totally legit people making the best $ they've ever made right now. Fuck a recession. Life, it's all relative my friends.

Well said. Only problem with spots in New York that pay $6500 or more for a pd usually want a specific strain such as Sour Diesel and not much else. I know Pure Kush is ok with them and OG Kush is popular but they love the Sour D both indoor and out. Headband in or out is another favourite of NY apparently. I can see a nice lime green properly done Sour D going for 6k there or maybe a bit less or more depending.


Active member
What does it take to qualify as a patient in the state of Maine?

Im not exactly sure...but i know its nothing like cali where you can walk in an say it helps you sleep, helps with pain, etc. Im pretty sure you have to have a more serious medical condition like glaucoma for example...

The thing is, theres really no point in going legal in maine. The laws are so laid back as it is....
What does it take to qualify as a patient in the state of Maine?

Intractable pain is on the list. Intractable pain is defined:

intractable pain Etymology: L, intractabilis, hard to manage, poena, penalty

pain that is not relieved by ordinary medical, surgical, and nursing measures. The pain is often chronic and persistent and can be psychogenic in nature.

Can't get much more open ended than that... :tiphat:


Active member
growing outdoors can be tricky in maine without a greenhouse. need to pick the right strains as the growing season starts late and ends early. i picked many strains early till i found some that worked.


the shit spoon
Why oh why do I let myself be bound to relatives and friends. I secretly want to run away to Maine and live in the woods.


Active member
Colorado!! To be a grower for a club, that would be the best :)

Or just have 5 patients, work, bang college qt's, and enjoy life?! (can do this in CA as well)

We shall see..

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