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Strange Slime buildup on roots


hey thanks for the quick reply skunk and yeah the zone is pretty legit stuff, and every thing is goin great since i started using it. Do you use zone with hygrozyme your self? And if so how is it workin for you?

When I was growing hydro live in such a hot climate zone and lots of bubbles was the only thing that gave me pearly white roots I have used them both together when I was growing hydro yes ..ST


Out of the slime, finally.
You can use any zyme product with Zone but just know that you will be playing with fire--slime jet fuel. In my experience I have found no real need for an enzyme product in hydro.

I only use enzyme products with my mothers that stay in coco pots for a long time. Once in a while you need to use an enzyme on them to break down some old root mass and keep the mommys happy.


New member
would getting all new systems get rid of it?

would getting all new systems get rid of it?


If you had brown slime, and then threw away all of your systems, got all new systems, pumps, everything, and started over with new clonestock, would the problem be gone?

So could it be environmental ( in the house, air, walls, etc) or is it more of an "in the system" type of problem???


Out of the slime, finally.

If you had brown slime, and then threw away all of your systems, got all new systems, pumps, everything, and started over with new clonestock, would the problem be gone?

So could it be environmental ( in the house, air, walls, etc) or is it more of an "in the system" type of problem???



New member
Wondering if anyone has tried sm-90 and zone together? Is this possible or a little over board? Have the algae as well. Waiting for physan20 to come and going to go buy zone but still have a bottle of sm-90. Thinking that you can mix chlorine and soap so wondering if the two could work together? Just don't want to kill the girls and comments greatly appreciated



Out of the slime, finally.
Wondering if anyone has tried sm-90 and zone together? Is this possible or a little over board? Have the algae as well. Waiting for physan20 to come and going to go buy zone but still have a bottle of sm-90. Thinking that you can mix chlorine and soap so wondering if the two could work together? Just don't want to kill the girls and comments greatly appreciated


You can, but the real and only knock out is what you have coming--Physan20.


New member
Thanks richyrich. Hopefully physan20 will arrive soon, but want to at least contain it till my it arrives. I have just run straight veg solution and the girls are already starting to look a lot better. Haven't noticed any the normal ph swings or build up of brown crap over everything. I think from now on I am just going to run with straight chems and zone (SM-90 till it is used up) with a few hour physan20 flush every res change.

Going to do a run with coco. I used it awhile back and loved the stuff. Nothing beats nice organic canabis grown properly in coco.

Wondering if anyone has tried sm-90 and zone together? Is this possible or a little over board? Have the algae as well. Waiting for physan20 to come and going to go buy zone but still have a bottle of sm-90. Thinking that you can mix chlorine and soap so wondering if the two could work together? Just don't want to kill the girls and comments greatly appreciated


I did, didnt seem to do much


New member
Thanks robertmarley. As long as it doesn't kill the plants or work worse than zone alone. I figure might as well slow it down as much as possible till the physan20 gets here. I have notice that it really hasn't been as bad since I am running straight nutes. Some trees are greening up and roots are growing back. One girl that has it the worst is still yellowing. Hopefully a little physan20 to kill everything off and she will green right up. Hope to flip the girls in a week so hopefully i can clear this up and get something off them. Hate to loss them now.



gets some
Thanks robertmarley. As long as it doesn't kill the plants or work worse than zone alone. I figure might as well slow it down as much as possible till the physan20 gets here. I have notice that it really hasn't been as bad since I am running straight nutes. Some trees are greening up and roots are growing back. One girl that has it the worst is still yellowing. Hopefully a little physan20 to kill everything off and she will green right up. Hope to flip the girls in a week so hopefully i can clear this up and get something off them. Hate to loss them now.


Hate to burst your bubble but the roots that were affected are dead. There will be no "green right up" until the plant has the chance to grow NEW roots. Your expectations are a little too high I think. Be prepared for a long time consuming process for your plants to recover. The slime doesn't just disappear and all is well again. It permanently damages your roots, forcing the plant to grow new roots to survive.


New member
yup I have already pulled off large dead patches of roots that were just covered in slime. Since I have run just straight nutrients (about a week and half) the roots are just starting to recover. In waterfarms so I can check the roots pretty easily and noticing nice white roots starting to poke out the bottom. I am noticing less dead roots floating around, less algae build up in my reservoir. Thats why I haven't flipped them yet. Rather try and contain it now and hope the girls recover and build some strength back before I flip them. Just set up the scrog screen today and they are definitely getting greener. Hopefully get the physan20 early next week and flip them by then end of next week if all goes well.


Out of the slime, finally.
If you can--and this is from experience--have some other girls in veg that you can replace the damaged ones with if they do not recover. If they don't turn around and you need to start over you will wish you had done this.

Or you can always go to coco and never worry about the slime again.
My husband says it's never a good idea to waste space keeping a sickly plant. I say that if it can be saved (and I am better at saving plants than he is), and it's a big one, it's definitely worth your while to try. If it's little and you've got replacements, then replace them. But the only way to make sure you're always in business is to have a large bushy, and smaller growing mother of each strain you grow and your cloner or cloners always full of cuts in various stages. We run 240 clones at a time, so we always are getting some ready that can be used as mothers, others that can go straight in the turbogardens or hydrofarm 8 plant. We always have at least 4-5 super sized mothers that we're cutting clones off and that are ready to go into flowering as we have space. We always have our flowering room filled with former mothers and whatever else we can squeeze in there. Frankly, it takes a lot of time, space, planning to get to the point where you're always ready to rock and roll. I'm SCARED of having something happen and having to start over from seed and do the genetic selection again (although we can do that any time and my husband is the master at it), so I always want to have backups and for my backups to have backups. Ideally, I like 2 mothers of each strain at all times and I prefer to have clones of each strain, but that hasn't happened yet. It might finally happen this round, though after 5 months of growing mothers and adding more gear to have more mothers and switching things around to have enough space for that many mothers . . . .

If there's any way to have more space, I would recommend having back ups until you nail the slime problem.

this is a LONG answer to a short question, but I am anal retentive about my genetics. Having 7 awesome strains that put out, taste great, and have great medicinal effects is a great place to be and I don't want to screw anything up. :)
Question: I have brown algae and I got rid of it the first time somehow. This is the second time and it's just now starting. I put in about 7 tablespoons of Physan 20 in about 8 gallons of water. Now I also put in a shitload of liquid karma and fox farm big bloom which is organic I think. This was after I read some comments about brown algae (satan) liking organic nutes. FML.

What should I do?


gets some
Question: I have brown algae and I got rid of it the first time somehow. This is the second time and it's just now starting. I put in about 7 tablespoons of Physan 20 in about 8 gallons of water. Now I also put in a shitload of liquid karma and fox farm big bloom which is organic I think. This was after I read some comments about brown algae (satan) liking organic nutes. FML.

What should I do?

Get your plants out of that water!

Fresh water with Physan20 only overnight to kill the algae. The next day flush out the roots of dead algae and remove dead root mass (itll come off real easy) and install into well aerated fresh water with beneficial bacteria. This will jump start new root growth and you can go from there.
Get your plants out of that water!

Fresh water with Physan20 only overnight to kill the algae. The next day flush out the roots of dead algae and remove dead root mass (itll come off real easy) and install into well aerated fresh water with beneficial bacteria. This will jump start new root growth and you can go from there.

Hey bro, thanks. I think I put way too much in there but the algae should be dead now. I rinsed it with water and some of the browness washed away. A lot of the roots are still intact and they look a little distressed but resting in ~10 gallons of chem nutes and about 1.5 ml of Physan. What beneficial bacteria and enzyme products do you recommend?


gets some
I like AquaShield and/or Great White personally. Do NOT add enzyme products into a fresh res. Did you add enzymes before? If so, that was where your problems really started. WAIT until bacteria have colonized your roots BEFORE you add enzymes. Wait at least a week.

Btw, I probably wasn't clear in my post above. Don't add any nutes to the fresh water for a couple days and when you do add, add at half strength and avoid organics until new root growth (colonized with bacteria) get going.
This morning I turned on the lights and the sweet tooth dropped like it didn't have any strength. So I rinsed it with a 3ml per gallon solution of h202 and she perked up within minutes.

All that is in the res right now is 3ml h202 per gallon and 1 ml of physan 20 in 8 gallons. Is this good? How long should I keep the roots in this solution?

Thank you so much for the help. Algae seems to be receding everywhere except where the light leak was and roots look like they're improving.
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