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If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?

Smoking Gun

Active member
Harry(?) Anslinger was born. Maybe that's Henry, I don't really care. ASSHOLE anyway, whatevs.

This was my initial reaction to this question as well. Yet I wouldn't prevent him from being born, I would actually make sure him and his political career would be publicly ruined. I just think that if Anslinger were never born there would just be some other person with a personal vendetta who would show up to fight cannabis. If Anslinger were publicly shown to be a liar and a fraud then I feel there would be a much greater likelihood that people would not support cannabis prohibition for fear of them ruining their own personal reputations by supporting a known fraud.

Another moment in time I would attempt to change is the day Kurt Cobain killed himself. I would hope that if Cobain never killed himself the course of popular music would be very different; maybe we would still have some real rock 'n' roll.

guest 77721

Imagine if Sir Walter Raliegh came back with some Kush or Kali Mist instead of tobacco.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I would go back and make it so that in all religions one should have as much sex as possible. minimum 4 times a week for members, 6 times a week for prest/imams/rabbis.

think of all the poor children that would be saved.

and it would take the edge of the religious anger.

but alas i couldnt do that, because i would have to vaste my go to go back and change it back to 4 word game to save the spacetime continum
tnx a lot s4l

Such a selfless sacrifice :) I'm sure a holiday would be made in your honor for that. :)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Imagine if Sir Walter Raliegh came back with some Kush or Kali Mist instead of tobacco.

Well played sir. Now we're talking, that's a real wll thought out, subtle, yet far reaching change that could have very desirable consequences.
ohh how many future selves would love to come back in time and whisper in your ear a couple of things that you or I could simply act a little differently and change the world..

this thread should make us really ponder what we could do right now, even if very small, that would change the world in the future..





Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
ohh how many future selves would love to come back in time and whisper in your ear a couple of things that you or I could simply act a little differently and change the world..

this thread should make us really ponder what we could do right now, even if very small, that would change the world in the future..




Excellent point....you must have watched that change for a dollar video? :)



i didn't mean it in a negative way

i said it with humor maybe there was some truth at times

I'm not sure I would change anything

I made mistakes in my life, I might have liked to change them, but, I had to make them I guess, to learn what I know now

life knows it's course I guess
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Far enough back to prevent the formation of the three religions of Abraham?

Kill baby L. H. Oswald?
Kill baby H*tler?
Kill baby G. Lucas?
Kill baby S. Jobs?
Kill baby B. Gates?
Kill baby (insert Name Here}?

That's a lot of babies. What baby would you kill?

Ugly stuff, dude. Just sayin'.
i'd go back in time and show them how to make soap.

Joseph Lister, and antiseptics. probably one of the greatest discoveries in history. before this, there was no sanitation. wouldve helped during those dark ages.


I'd go back to a time before Europeans went and colonised the America's, Africa and other parts of the world they killed off,enslaved and took control of all the wealth made made the world the fucked up place it is now.


Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
I would go back to the June 28. 1914 in Sarajewo and make happen that the austrian Kaiser don´t get killed by Gavrillo Princip. No 1. WW means, no traumatized Adolf Hitler, no russian revolution, a complete different 20 century.

But it means also, that Ernst Juenger never wrote "Storms of steel", one of my most favorite books.
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ICMag Donor
I would stop Hitler and the Third Reich...The total life loss between 40-72 million people..The 6,000,000 Jews are always the ones talked about ,because of his plans.

But the Russians lost 26,000,000 people which was 13.7 percent of their population in 1940.The Usa lost 418,000 people..


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Another thing I would be interested in doing is going back to before the first Europeans came to North America and try to teach the Native Americans what will happen to them if they allow the White Man to settle in their lands. I would also try to convince them not to attack the white man when he does come but rather encourage them to unite all the tribes and split of the lands into something like the states and then have a Federal government that represents them as a whole. Such that when the White man came he would find there is no land to settle here but he would be welcome to joing the Indians or go back home.

I'd be interested to see what the Indians would have ultimately done with all the land and resources of America. The reason they were treated the way they were was because we saw them as primitive and inferior because they didn't live like we lived or believe the things we believed. The reality though is that they were the way they were because they managed the trick of living in harmony with their environment and as such did not need to change in the ways other people in other lands had to.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Another interesting thing would be if I could go back to a time before the Jews were persecuted and driven from their lands and/or enslaved and teach them how to defend themselves better. Imagine how different the world and history would have been if the jews never left Israel.


Active member
the man on the moon thing.

Instead of him screwing up the line "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

I would've told him just say "This is the moon, it's pretty bright...that's pretty cool though my lenses are polarized just like you see those wal-mart glasses saying. cool right? this is cool."


Another thing I would be interested in doing is going back to before the first Europeans came to North America and try to teach the Native Americans what will happen to them if they allow the White Man to settle in their lands. I would also try to convince them not to attack the white man when he does come but rather encourage them to unite all the tribes and split of the lands into something like the states and then have a Federal government that represents them as a whole. Such that when the White man came he would find there is no land to settle here but he would be welcome to joing the Indians or go back home.

I'd be interested to see what the Indians would have ultimately done with all the land and resources of America. The reason they were treated the way they were was because we saw them as primitive and inferior because they didn't live like we lived or believe the things we believed. The reality though is that they were the way they were because they managed the trick of living in harmony with their environment and as such did not need to change in the ways other people in other lands had to.
just imagine and the same for Africa and Australasia .


Active member
Wow what the white Europeans did was pretty bad but not exactly unhistorical or unique.The indians didnt even have a written language.I live In fla a stones throw from the Hard Rock Cafe and casino.I dont feel so bad for them anymore although the past has no excuses


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Wow what the white Europeans did was pretty bad but not exactly unhistorical or unique.The indians didnt even have a written language.I live In fla a stones throw from the Hard Rock Cafe and casino.I dont feel so bad for them anymore although the past has no excuses

They had smoke signals :) Might have been more primitve but which is more effective at communicating quickly over long distances smoke signals or a written letter?