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If you could be one person for a week.........


its weird most of you guys want to be hot chicks to be sluts, that seems kind gay lol just my thought, you want to screw a bunch of dudes

well i would want to be shanti, maybe sam, or just a rich south american drug lord, that way i would have all the money and women i wanted
i'm bisexual so i'm allowed to want that XD

Smoke Kush

I know its a movie... but it would be awesome to be Dewie Cox for a week....

or Kim Jong Il

that was a good one also...


h^2 O

i don't want to be anyone else, i like me. i need money though. and a treadmill


Complicated question, would my body and person still exist while im the other body or no? Would it be something like in another time and dimension or in real life so I could move some money to my account? :D

If I could be a fictional character I would be Tony fucking Montana :D .
In real life...Tito Ortiz, I guess, just to f*** Jenna Jameson for 1 week nonstop...and he still has enough money so I could move 3 millions or so to my account :D.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Bill O'Reilly, so I could kill myself.

Thank you...you just made my day, ahahahaha.. I hate that jerk with everything in me.

I would be....hmm, I don't know. I have awesome weed, I'm a sexy chick and my bf is cute and tall. I'm gonna count my blessings today and say I'd stay myself. But for shits and giggles, Frank Sinatra...I love him.

h^2 O

i see transformers on Craigslist all the time. Some really look like women. :joint:

Big D

i'm bisexual so i'm allowed to want that XD

I have always wondered, what is it like to want to fuck everyone? You must not have much time to think about anything else, lol.

Someone is already going to be Bill O'Riley and then kill himself. So I will be Rush Limbaugh and kill myself. That would be two gaint steps for mankind!


I'd be Oprah Winfrey, I'd donate all my money to charities outside her "phucked up prejudice mind" Then she would have a grip of reality.


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
kevin talley, sick drummer, nothing better then doing what you love and make money for it...


I would want to be Babbabud for a week.

Thats right, I saw the hash man they made like 2 years ago after their outdoor, and was instantly jealous.


I would be obama and fuck shit up

do every drug ( hey its not my body) get mad bitchs prego, Punch h-dog in the sniz, divorce michelle, start some wars with random ass countries like luxembourg and the vatican.


cant stop wont stop
yeah i'd be tha last guy who won the 450 million dollar powerball jackpot. put about 2/3's of those funds into my own name and reep the bennefits...
or maybe Ron jeremy.. i dunno :joint:

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