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Strain(s) for Multiple sclerosis and psoriatic arthritis


Hi, let me start off by saying how thankful I am for this forum. The wealth of information freely available is astounding. I have been suffering from both MS and psoriatic arthritis for nearly 10 years, unfortunately I cannot take the drugs to treat the psoriatic arthritis as they can cause a worsening of MS symptoms. The most effective treatment for both conditions I have ever used is marijuana.

I have been growing for almost five years now, but the bagseed I grow has not been so effective recently, I am now having to smoke ridiculous amounts to get any relief. I've started considering ordering seeds, however I am very nervous about doing so(I don't live in a medical marijuana state) and I'm not sure which strains to order. I have read that I should not have seeds sent to my grow address, but I don't have any other safe address that I can send them to. Should I or should I not order seeds if this is the case? I would certainly like to grow better genetics, but not if it can put me at risk.

Can anyone make a suggestion for a high potency strain to relieve my pain? I have been looking at AnnaC, Mandala and Gypsy Nirvana seeds, but theres just so many choices I don't know what to get.

I'd appreciate any input on this.


Resident pissy old man
One of the problems in selecting medical marijuana is that the cannabinoids do different things. THC is neuroprotective, help nausea and pain. CBD is anti-inflammatory, anti-convulsive(helps muscle twitches and spasms), neuroprotective, good for nausea and helps the bodies long muscles to relax.

For your conditions, CBD is more important than THC. Unfortunately, most Dutch strains have had all the CBD bred out of them. You need to find a hash strain,like an Afghan or moroccan, that is unworked and does not have the CBD bred out. This can be very difficult. I am currently trying to find the same thing myself, and am trying to breed such a strain. I have a very long way to go. Sorry that I can't make any recommendations.


Thank you for the advice. I have been reading up on lots of different strains, some of them list THC and various cannabinoid percentages, however I don't know if I should trust that assessement. I've seen strains that claim over 25% THC. What would be considered a high level of cannabidiol? Like most of the strains I see listed are under 1%, if they list content at all.


Thank you. That picture looks delicious, I will definitely add it to my order. I would like to order several different strains, so anymore suggestions are greatly appreciated. I have been thinking of Kalichakra by Mandala seeds, Northern Lights 5 x Haze, and Bubblicious or Citral by Nirvana.


Active member


Hello Sojourner!

A friend of mine suffers from a very bad type of Multiple Sklerosis, and I am also searching for a particular strain that could be used to help him.

I also heard about the rumours of CBD having been bred out in "modern genetics", but can´t confirm that.

If my memory serves me right it was Sam the Sunkman who mentioned this some time ago here on ICMAG.

So what we need would most likely be some landrace with a high THC and CBD content.

On the other hand, it seems like some of the popular seedbanks are now finding higher CBD level lines could be a good idea for their marketing.

For instance, Dutch Passion offer some new lines that are claimed to have high CBD levels,- and so do Greenhouse Seeds.



I am currently growing some GH´s Arjans Haze#3 that is also claimed to develop a relatively high CBD content.

However, we will most likely try out a few different strains until we reach the desired effects.

Trial and error...

My friend is in such a bad condition that it would be nearly impossible for him to smoke(technically), so I´m going to try making a Cannabis tincture for oral application.

I am currently doing my research on how to create a tincutre that serves a very quick onset of the desired effects.

Cannabis alchemy...

I wish you all the best,- God bless you!

And please keep us updated on your progress.

Using Cannabis just for fun, or as a recreational vehicle is totally different than doing it for medical purposes,- I guess what we need is patience and a government that helps us instead of throwing us into jail...

One love,

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I'm sorry about your friend, spicecowboy. Nobody should have to endure this awful disease. Thank you for the links, I'll check them out. I'm sure just about any strain will be better than the bagseed I've been growing.


Chiefsmokingbud said:
Sojourner, when you get to 50 posts shoot me a pm.
Heh, that could take awhile. I try to only post if I have something worthwhile to say.

Anyways, I would like to order from seedboutique in the next couple days, unfortunately my paranoia may prevent me from going through with it. The last time I was close to ordering seeds was 3 years ago, but the whole Marc Emery getting busted scared me off, so I decided to let it blow over. Some months after that my favorite marijuana site(overgrow) got shut down. This scared me off for a good two years. I'm finally back and ready to order seeds.

The last time I was going to order I planned on using a PO box, but my health has deteriorated and I can no longer drive. I cannot maintain or check a PO box. Nobody knows I grow, nor do I have a safe address I could have seeds sent to. I don't want to put myself into any unnecessary risk, but I really would like to grow some better genetics. How should I proceed, should I place an order or not?


solarpowered_ca said:
Sojourner perhaps a diffirent name but your own po box may work.
Um, perhaps I wasn't clear enough, I can't maintain a P.O. box. I would either have to get a ride or take the bus/taxi, which really doesn't seem the best way to do this.

Basically, I want to know the safest way to do this under my circumstances. I've read up on this quite a bit, but I can't do most of the security suggestions. I don't have any other address that I could have seeds sent to. It would be very difficult for me to get a P.O. box.

Also, is it better to send a money order or would cash be fine? What about using a visa debit card at seedboutique--seems unwise to me, but I don't know.

I think this is sort of going off this topic. Perhaps I'll make a post in the security subforum. Thanks for any help...more suggestions for a good medical strain would also be appreciated.


Active member
if you have no other choice. i would say order threw seed-bay to your place..
you should be fine..
im sure others agree


I agree. order it to your place. youll be fine and unnoticed.


crownedsparrow said:
I agree. order it to your place. youll be fine and unnoticed.
Thanks for the reassurance. I'm going to order on seedboutique later tonight or tomorrow.
I'll probably order:
Mandala - White Satin
Nirvana - Indoor mix
White label - Rhino

Any final suggestions for a good medicinal strain would be more than welcome.
Hello.I have a nuerological disease that may infact be MS.I have not been diagnosed yet.It hurts very bad and my muscles twitch/cramp and hurt all the time.I sure hope you find a good strain.In the mean while I will try and find strains with High CBD for you and me.


Thank you, igrowdadankest. Goodluck with everything, I hope you don't have MS. What a miserable freaking disease!

I've been looking for high cannabidiol strains, I did see a few that listed around 2%CBD on seedboutique, but I don't know how accurate that is, plus they were all over a 100 for a pack of seeds. The Rhino reads "White Label Rhino is a plant for all Indica-lovers and commercial growers. This hybrid is also useful for medicinal purposes, due to a high THC content coupled with significant amounts of CBD and CBN.", So I just went with that.

I sent in my order 3 days ago. I'm eagerly awaiting my seeds and trying not to worry.
I have MS and Chron's Disease. It can really suck sometimes. Talk about being a wind bag. I am a light smoker though. I don't take any prescription meds either. Big pharma can GFTS. I only smoke when my symptoms are acting up and out of control. I will usually only smoke on days where my muscle spasms and pain are "off the chart" so to speak. Higher than a 9 or 10. Most any herb will do it for me though. Look for a hybrid that leans to the Indica side. Most of the Serious Seeds strains work well. This might sound silly but brick weed works for me most of the time. It might have seeds, but its grown outside in parts of the world that have a lot of UV exposure. That tends to make the effects stronger. Believe it or not.
The other thing that you can consider as a medical patient is that the full moon is on 5/19.
Getting to know you body better will help you in the process. There are more accidents, murders, and other general malaise around the time of a full moon. This is a proven fact. An old hippie once told me "Have you seen how the moon affects the tides, your body is 80% water, don't think the moon don't affect you too."
Try some mexi brick. It might not make you popular with your friends. But if they were your friends they would not care to begin with.


TheBigGreen1 said:
The other thing that you can consider as a medical patient is that the full moon is on 5/19.
Getting to know you body better will help you in the process. There are more accidents, murders, and other general malaise around the time of a full moon. This is a proven fact. An old hippie once told me "Have you seen how the moon affects the tides, your body is 80% water, don't think the moon don't affect you too." --snip
I am terribly sorry about your illness, but I have no idea what to say to this moon business. Can you provide any reputable citation on this? The moon's gravity does not cause tides in your body, nor does it have any meaningful biological effect. There is no greater incidence of crime around a full moon. Can you explain why the light cycle of the moon(I do not grow outdoors) matters? Thank you.
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