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If this were to happen in the USA.....

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Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
leave you neighbors house and car alone and bring it to the bastards that deserve it.
That's what's so upsetting about it for me. The mindless herd destroys everything not just the institutions of their oppression.

They should be burning the big banks. Not their neighbors home's and businesses. It is a herd of humanity lashing out though. And herds are often collectively mindless and misguided.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I agree that it should be taken to the people that deserve it but why the need to burn stuff? Will the destroying of buildings do more then create more expenses? Since we will still need banks and such when everything is over? Will protestors be respected for destroying things or will they be seen as mindless fools? Violence begets violence, it never solves anything.


Rubbing my glands together
let us all not come to this!!! NO BODY HAS THE RIGHT TO TAKE ANOTHERS LIFE

If a man, or woman for that matter breaks into my house then yeah, I'm GOD, at that moment. There will be no jury, no trial, no jail sentence. Just a funeral. If they've got the balls to invade my sanctuary, the one place my family should and do feel safe, then they will be met with definite and decisive action by my hand or another member of my family. I will not passively sit by smiling as they rape my wife or daughter, steal what we've worked for, or possibly even KILL US to avoid being identified later on. Take that how ever you(you=figuratively speaking)want but come into my house uninvited and you put your life into my hands.
As far as the thread goes, there will not be a chance for any rioting/rebellion on a massive scale to happen. The President and governors of the affected states will direct the police/national guard to come in and shoot the people like fish in a barrel.If you're old enough to remember, does Kent State ring a bell? Do you really think the politicians and powerful in this country will allow anything to happen to them and their way of life?
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Throbbing Member
Hey UK is Rodney King in town?

Good or bad, in the US it is legal to own a gun and those who property is threatened will use leathal means to protect it. I hope the looters here(US) have lots of body armour :)


Active member
If a person is smart enough to rebel then they should be smart enough to distinguish between good and bad destruction.
Those that choose to take advantage of chaos for there own good need to be removed from the populace.
In the US we still have the glorious second amendment.
This would give a rebellion another positive. The culling of those who loot the wrong patriot.


If a person is smart enough to rebel then they should be smart enough to distinguish between good and bad destruction.

Too many fucking retarded people in this world, so stupid they don't even know why they are rioting or who they should be rioting against. Not saying thats what's happening in the UK but in the US this would be the case.

The biggest issue facing the human race is we have too many do-do birds without a purpose or direction and increasing demand for resources.


ICMag Donor
this will happen if the economy doesnt turn around. nothing worse then a summer heat wave to piss off broke people.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
If you wanna know what the government of the US will do, look no further than Katrina. In the midst of the chaos, when streets were flooded and people were stranded, the police were shooting people for looting flooded stores.


Rubbing my glands together
Anti-You know damn good and well they have to keep us serfs in our proper place!!!
And btw, a judges ruling a couple of years ago regarding people who were stopped from crossing bridges and leaving via roadway during the aftermath, clearly and loudly stated that as citizens of the USA we have the right to interstate travel but NOT TO INTRASTATE travel. Freedom is an illusion to herd the sheeple.


Well-known member
These riots are worse than the ones 30 years ago......The white people are joining in this time.:noway:


Active member
The difference with the U.S is we the citizens have a shit ton more guns than those the UK, and if the riots were about our terrible economic stance or political disputes with the gov, i'd have a feeling it would get real ugly like mass fire fights.. not just youngins like myself involved. i know i would have my kevlar helmet, flak jacket and my bushmaster compact ar15 with me on my property or if i owned a store, i'd leave a nice sign Touch this store and you get shot. nice and simple :). imagine those crazy SOBS with fully autos in just about every other state..
Sure there are a lot of criminal opportunists in London who are looting, but there is much more to the story. News media is now led by the government and it is their job to tell us how awful these looters are. Looting is simply the collateral damage in a poorly planned revolution where there are no clear leaders. I think it is pretty damn cool how tens of thousands of student protesters occupied and destroyed the conservative headquarters following the decision to triple tuition prices while simultaneously agreeing to increase their financial contribution to the EU by upwards of a billion dollars a year.

Think there are any government officials leaving their houses right now? NOPE. The government is fearful of its citizens. That's the way it should be. Hope I'm alive and well enough to participate when the real revolution happens in America. I would postpone retirement if I thought it were on the horizon!


Well-known member
More going on than meets the eye here....The police are the biggest gang on the planet, 16,000 old bill on the streets of London tonight. They slither around our society provoking people with their "WHAT YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT" attitude.

The youth have had enough.

Whoever didn't like my previous post....Why?


Crotchety Cabaholic
If some 16 year old fucktard wants to destroy my home, business or property, I'd have no problems using the Saiga on their sorry ass.
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