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If the State of Florida passes a mmj bill?

Mr. Miyagi

It's the internet, the forum topic is irrelevant. It could be muscle cars, motorcycles, computers or cats some people just constantly gotta show their ass. Most of the time I can ignore it but every now and again I hit "stupid overload" and get a little sideways.

I think I know what I'm doing but I'm always looking for another piece of the puzzle. Couple years ago I really thought I had the whole organic thing pretty well mastered but time and perspective have shown me that I just had a really good year that year and I still have much more to learn.

Moving some of my stuff into a cabinet this year was a real eye opener as well, started very badly but I was able to pull the nose up and end with a decent finish. Getting ready to crank it up again now that the weather should cool a bit and I'm actually working up a written plan for the grow to lessen the chance of me missing something along the way.

You gotta look at members post history and ignore post counts and rep points. Some folks make points in the Tokers Den or by posting funny pics and that's all cool - hell the funny pic threads are some of my favorites!

If you can find somebody that grows the way you want to grow and they are consistent in what they do, then you have a chance to learn something meaningful.

Indeed Dawn...indeed...

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
lol... wow... i feel bad now, I wasn't actually referring to him/her.... oh well..

Don't feel bad, but I think I told you he was a straight up troll. I cracked up at his little babyface moment in the Florida thread when he need help with his outdoor plants.

He will be back under a new name, mark my words. This will be his fourth or fifth time around but he will eventually show his ass and reveal himself as Stihg again.

I'm glad he can't tell people to grow and ride it out the courts. Stupidest shit ever.

Some people have faith in the Florida Legislature and some people haven't lived here long enough. "Government in the sunshine" is a thing of the past, it's not the 80's anymore.

Rick Scott is a criminal. Pam Bondi and Adam Putnam are just as corrupt as most of the legislature. People don't understand that there may be medical cannabis in our future, but it won't happen until the government mafia and all their corporate cronies figure out how they will get their cut and believe me, they don't really want their money in traceable tax dollars.

If that means sick people don't get access to their meds until they are ready to grant that privilege, I'm certain they really don't give a shit if it takes a year or five. Look how long it took them to sort out and act on the Charlottes Web bill.


OK, after the first time failed moved on but kept this in the back of my mind. It looks like it is going to pass this time. I have not had time to go back and read all the comments but from what I remember the first few were mostly about the expense of setting up a operation.

What I am looking for is info on where I need to start to get the commissioners to approve cultivation in my county. As I stated Clay county ruled against having it but my land is in an unincorporated area so that is to my advantage.

If I can get it approved then I am ready to lease my land to potential growers.

Anybody out there interested?

paper thorn

Active member
Is it just me or do the FL threads of recent make you wanna put your head in a vice?

or you guys could ignore what you think are troll posts and talk about the thing the OP actually started the thread about.
Read the OP's first post, then read the OP's last post, skip everything else, help the man get some answers.


Well-known member
...What I am looking for is info on where I need to start to get the commissioners to approve cultivation in my county. As I stated Clay county ruled against having it but my land is in an unincorporated area so that is to my advantage.

If I can get it approved then I am ready to lease my land to potential growers.

Anybody out there interested?

if they already denied it i think opening up dialogue to try and understand their objections to allowing Cannabis cultivation in the county would be a start.

next try and settle their fears by being educated on the facts as well as the misleading info they often cling to.

maybe try and canvas the area around your land and ask neighbors if they object to the county allowing Cannabis to be cultivated.

if your successful in getting you county to change course you could still be on the sidelines watching. it may be treated like the LOW THC Bill where only those w/30 yrs of continuous agriculture cultivating, i think, 400,000 plants annually. they may lower it to 15 yrs but all those details will be developed after it passed.



from what I have learned the fact that my land is in an unincorporated zone within the county itself is in my favor when deciding if a mmj business can operate. When we attended seminars on this two years ago that was one of the things we gleaned.

What I am trying to do is lease my land to an individual who already has a license just needs land to grow. I have the land and am willing to put in the needed warehouses, power, well and septic.

I have stated this several times but its not being addressed. This is a similar model that is actually happening in Colorado and other states as well right now as I am typing this.

I have googled rental warehouses for the sole purpose of cultivation and there listed. I guess I can just call them and hopefully they can guide me in the right direction.

Ive got lots of land so if I can just get some leased for that then my foot is in the door. I am actually in the process of filing for my llc with my farm name.


Well-known member
Man Ive farmed my whole life and got land tractors plows bedders etc. They wont let us small guys in youll probably have to have a mil cash to put up as a bond and itll probably be 25000+ for a lottery chance at having a legal grow. And that shit will be rigged for sure. The already legal guys got greenhouses and plenty of land. Im sure you could look up what nurserys got the contracts (all 5 of them) and call to see if they need land to grow on. Goodluck with that though. In a year when I hope and pray I can eat my words and we will be the new cali then Im sure youll have lines of prospecrive leasees. Again goodluck and if you need a way to lower your taxes in the meantime perhaps you should look into cattle. If its fenced and got some pasture and access to water cows are a easy way to lower taxes.


Man Ive farmed my whole life and got land tractors plows bedders etc. They wont let us small guys in youll probably have to have a mil cash to put up as a bond and itll probably be 25000+ for a lottery chance at having a legal grow. And that shit will be rigged for sure. The already legal guys got greenhouses and plenty of land. Im sure you could look up what nurserys got the contracts (all 5 of them) and call to see if they need land to grow on. Goodluck with that though. In a year when I hope and pray I can eat my words and we will be the new cali then Im sure youll have lines of prospecrive leasees. Again goodluck and if you need a way to lower your taxes in the meantime perhaps you should look into cattle. If its fenced and got some pasture and access to water cows are a easy way to lower taxes.

You are correct but like all the others once the big guys make their millions and it gets opened up to us little guys I plan to be first in line. Look at Colorado all you need is permanent address, no criminal record and not be late on federal taxes (not sure what the taxes has anything to do with it) and its 8k for the license and you can sell to any vendor.

My plan A is aquaponics fruits/veg using catfish rather than tilapia (higher demand for catfish in my area) for farmers markets and local grocery and that gets me in the door. Also have a tree farm going. Doing everything I can to get in.

Me and my wife both work in health care but we are less than 10 years from retirement so I am transitioning into farming thats why we bought the land. I can't do nothing after I retire. But I appreciate all your help.


Active member
I already voted, yo be honest I'm not sure it will pass. Because of the system they are leaning towards we will be like NY state . Many of my friends who are just like us voted no because of the way it will be implemented .
I say if you can't get the whole loaf settle for a slice. I remember when lotto came to FL. It was on a small scale, when they see the money pouring in I'm hoping I can grow my own.
I'm thinking of moving to Maine and I'm a Florida Boy, i may be cold up there but 4 hp sodiums in the basement will warm me up fine .


Well-known member
... Many of my friends who are just like us voted no because of the way it will be implemented....

what do you mean "just like us"

growers, smokers.....me, im medical and any step forward is a good one and id hate to think that someone needing Cannabis as medicine would vote no because its not a good or big enough step forward.



Active member
My apologies

My apologies

what do you mean "just like us"

growers, smokers.....me, im medical and any step forward is a good one and id hate to think that someone needing Cannabis as medicine would vote no because its not a good or big enough step forward.


A couple things I must clarify but first of all I was out of line for making any assumptions or including anyone other than myself, it was an incorrect statement, my apologies.
I will not apologize for people that I disagree with that would prohibit by opinion of voting any positive steps forward in compassionate medical
Marijuana use simply because of the way state legislatures have written their halfassed vision of the bill.
I need marijuana for chronic pain, and anxiety as well as insomnia. I feel that cannabis is the only medication I can use that is non addictive, benign and natural. I feel angry that laws are in place that probhibit me from relief.
The real unfortunate thing is this... until I retire in 2019 I can not use marijuana without risking my job. I can only use it for a 7 day period once every 6 weeks when I put together enough time off to medicate than detox.


WOW..Well first of all this is my first post on ANY florida thread in MANY moons.LOL,reading it has kept me up and 6 am comes early.Not sure where but some one said ppl don't use old handles,,Well they do..mine has never changed since OG days..I thank a lot of you ol schoolers for the laugh and good read.Just from reading these replys makes me wonder.We aint changed have we?..As far as mmj vote..Im all for free the weed,but don't go making plans to lease land and think its gonna be peaches and cream..Anybody from fla and wants to stay attuned to mmj? Jon morgan has been for several yrs now got us to where we are today.Even if they gave me a friggin golden ticket to say:OK,,you are legal to grow consume mj ect legal I wouldn't take it..Hell!!! I been doing that for 40 yrs..Its late and I will get back over here,,Hell I been so far in the swamp for 10 yrs I'm just now getting this new fangled internet..Peace yall,<ws>


stuff that comes from your end is to much. i think it's 2400-3000 per unit. done here it is jarred so we don't have to pay that price



support your local surfboard builder...
I already voted, yo be honest I'm not sure it will pass. Because of the system they are leaning towards we will be like NY state . Many of my friends who are just like us voted no because of the way it will be implemented .
I say if you can't get the whole loaf settle for a slice. I remember when lotto came to FL. It was on a small scale, when they see the money pouring in I'm hoping I can grow my own.
I'm thinking of moving to Maine and I'm a Florida Boy, i may be cold up there but 4 hp sodiums in the basement will warm me up fine .

If ya ready to spilt,just being able not to grow LEGALLY....
well spilt from here already wont cha...
Dont get me wrong, i love ganja and growing..but to move me entire clan, somewheres else JUST TO GROW...fuck that...ya a fla boy huh..go to maine in another month or so...and let us know what ya think,or should i say how ya freezing your balls off... :biggrin: :tiphat:


If ya ready to spilt,just being able not to grow LEGALLY....
well spilt from here already wont cha...
Dont get me wrong, i love ganja and growing..but to move me entire clan, somewheres else JUST TO GROW...fuck that...ya a fla boy huh..go to maine in another month or so...and let us know what ya think,or should i say how ya freezing your balls off... :biggrin: :tiphat:

we have talked about becoming snow birds between Colorado and Florida. Might help get us in the biz. Only 8K for license to grow and sell to any vendor.


but I'm hoping I can get in here in Florida. It will pass and there will be more opportunities. Scott can only feed his cronies for so long then he has to let us in.


We are down to the line FG"ers.Sorry bros/sis my outlaw ass cant vote..I have much compassion for those of you who need mmj.Dont yall EVEN think adm#2 will fail!!.Get it passed first. Work out the kinks later.Fla NEEDS mmj!!!! No matter who produces it.

I'm pretty sure a lot of US .{passion growers} have been following this over the last couple yrs.I was [AWAY],but I studied and got every printed material I could on F.mmj. Way too much for discussion to type[I peck]lol...

I was offered a VERY lucrative job just as soon as I hit the door .Turned it down flat. They are good ppl and good friends. They asked me why. I told them MY battle is here and has been for over 30 yrs and <ws> will stay here at the front where[ WE GG's] of the south>>>WILL never bow to their worthless sh*t they put together in Tal.

I have respect and compassion for those of you who cant live this way and HAVE to abide by these laws,regs,and rules..Point is,,Im too frigging old to change!!..Well I do have ACE in the hole. My daughter is a DOCTOR lol,and she will take care of me if needed if I live to be that old>>>hell I'm living on borrowed time now.

Its gonna pass.Im not sure as to all the nuts and bolts in it this time.one thing for sure ANYBODY thinking they gonna reap a lucrative market? [unless YOU know jon Morgon personally,or you have diligently been involved in the last several yrs].NOT gonna happen!

However,,,,Their is a lil sunshine for those who can maybe be {care givers} Again,I haven't researched whats in this one,but I will wen time permits. I do KNOW in the last one 2 yrs ago>>Care givers could grow {either 6 plants for 5 patiants or 5 plants for 6 patiants}lol>>burnt out..Now if that's in this one {I don't know}..Well now then...Imagine 5 or 6 plants that can pruduce 10 plus lbs each!!! But their will most definitely a weight limit on that to.

No matter.Im a true WARRIOR in this movement and I stand second to none who says I CANT GROW whats MY GOD given right? Good luck #2!!! My heart goes out to yall who needs this thing to pass..Either way. If it does YAAAA!!! If it don't?
WS gonna overgrow his swamp and TEACHEM a lil about spreading the seeds by drone or ANY frigging way I can do it.I WILL figure it out.Yall just stay positive on this and I'm gonna finnish this swamp chronic that I'm burning!!! peace! <ws>