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If I was going to name a strain after a celebrity...


Long haired country boy
How's about some Clifford Smith???

Paris Hilton weed - blonde, skinny buds. It would suck, and give you herpes, but it would immunize you against most drug law prosecutions, as long as you had a friend with you to take the heat. And the high would make you forget to wear underwear.


Scarlett J, Frodo, Highlander, Doug Wilson

Ok the last three aren't real life celebrities.

I really like the idea of a strain named Rick James. You get so high you take people hostage and burn them with a pipe.

Oh wait, that would be if they named a variety of crack after him.

haze crazy

Glen Beck

First you will become hysterical then find religion.

Sarah Palin

Fucks you up so bad you will quit your dream job.

John Boehner

Turns you into a chain smoking raging alcoholic and tans your skin.

Terry Jones

Turns you into a racist idiot Islamaphobe masked as a man of God

Gordon Ramsey

It makes you belligerent and insulting whenever you enter a kitchen.

Monsanto Bud

Slow systemic killer weed. Literally

I could go on, but why?

Just one more

Jersey shore

Turns you into trailer trash with fancy clothes.

Mud Man

Sumthink Stinks
The Ron Jeremy .... A+ avaliable in late fall 2010
Short fat , hairy Indica, Very Strong...Gets you messy, but still enables you to defy logic and achieve miracles in the world.,.. ROOFIE Weed So strong you can get chicks to sleep with ya.


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