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Ido's at it again FINALLY!!!!!!!!!


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
Well F me......12K ?? boy did i fal out of the sky or what?? :yoinks:......i should read a bit better me thinks....or i just missed a huge piece while away :chin:....damn have to track back this last year .....LOL


got legal recently bro,,,so i am stepping up my game,,,going from 2k to 12k,,,peace


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
aaah thats why...great to know my friend ...Cool news!....pitty it can't be done here..I would invest in that 2...starting up and growing some dank shitzz...like you :D

Big D

I love it when a plan comes together :D Best wishes idood.... gonna be an epic grow!

green peace brother!


Active member
yeah with the 5ton,,i would just have to run a 12k room,,,becuase even if i buy the 5 tons double room controller accessory it wont cool the room with lights off so if it gets 2 hot during lights off i will have to find another way to cool it unless i run the vegrrom lung room and BOTH flower rooms together so i might as well run one room witht he stealth so i dont have to waste a bunch of co2 in the flowerrom with the lights off,,,because that will be a 20x8 room that will bewasting co2,,,
with the mini splits i can run a flip flop and save money on ballasts,,,control co2 better from lung room can buy a Titan flip flop co2 2 room controller,,,or 2 cheap ppm 4's and run my co2 tank in one room and my generator in the other room,,,and the mini splits will help with humiduty when light are off,,,and with the mini split its a four zone model,,it has 4 12k btu heads,,,so both 6k flowerrooms will have a 12kbtu,,, the veg room will have a 12k btu head,,,and the co2 rrom will have a 12k btu head,,,so when light are on in the flowerrooms they will have a potential 36kbtu flowing thru them becuz i might as well put my lung room in my vegroom and let the vegging plants get some co2,,,and hten the flowerroom with lights off will have a 12kbtu to keep it humidified and cool,,,setting the lungroom in the vegrroom(3k on movers) using all those heads for when lights are on will give me the cooling capapcity to go barebulb in the flowerrooms as well,,so only 9k getting cooled by 36kbtu should be just fine,,,plus i am in a basement,,,
i have thought this out so many times its rediculous lol,,,peace

God dam brotha......12k..... thats a lot of wattage...... Question is do you really need that headache?

Ive seen people run 12k on a flip before and its a lot of work.....5 ton should be overkill like you said.....ive actually seen 20k with a 5ton for that room alone...which was ice cold and hit around 80lbs....

All as i know its a headache.....I wish you all the luck......but with success comes envy......just watch out brotha......and whatever you do....>DOnt bypass the electric company.....seems like thats the only way commecial growers down here get busted.....with computers these days......the electric company can easily see the increased load.....personally i wouldnt do this unless i was in an industrial park or a house with a super large pool and jacuzzi....because the light bill alone is gonna be above 1k.....and no legislature allows for a system that big....

summer time is gonna be a bitch no matter what......man i just hope you really weighed the pros and cons of setting up like that.....also seems like a partner is need which is probably the worst thing a person like us can have......i have a partner for my large grow and i will tell you there is nothing that strains a relationship more than growing together......I share a grow with my best friend.....a friend even closer to me than my own mom and brother which live within 5 miles of me.....This is the closest person in my life.....and constantly during harvest time......I FEEL LIKE I GET RIPPED OFF EVERY SINGLE HARVEST.....the numbers are always off......he always has weed for an extended amount of time after im done with my half despite going threw more weed than i do......but i have it good over there.....all my equipment, all my nutes, all my girls....HE Pays all the bills and splits 50/50 down the middle which is more like 38/62 after he takes his extra cut....or at least it seems....

not trying to turn u off......just giving you the hard falls of my experience running larger grows....hope you dont get discouraged but we've been friends quite some time.....just wanted to show you the problems ive had in the past.....


Active member
ya i luv her lol i really need some of her in flower butg my grow fukin sux ballz atm got 2 many issues goin on gonna reconfig everything as soon as i got it emptyand everything in there done

i hear that my rooms are a snafu of issues right now...really wanna tear down and re-do everything but i got so much shit in veg and flower i probably cant do anything until december....

good to hear that SFVxChem is the business i got 2 different cuts of it now from the homie up north...

12k is a nice workload for sure but plenty of people are running 20-40kw by themselves only need a few hands at harvest.....but yeah that shit is a headache by 5kw keeps me up every night til 3am i cant imagine how busy id be on a 20kw....and def dont steal power man they are cracking down tough on that shit...does you state offer subsidies for low income power? you can try to apply for that, or find a warehouse or something.


I love it when a plan comes together :D Best wishes idood.... gonna be an epic grow!
thx brother,,,peace
green peace brother!

Nice good for you brotha!
thx bro,,,,,,peace
if u need help trimming lol....
u know it,,,peace
Glade to hear you got legal brother,i cant wait for the show to begin.
grab a chair its coming to a computer near u,,,peace
God dam brotha......12k..... thats a lot of wattage...... Question is do you really need that headache?

Ive seen people run 12k on a flip before and its a lot of work.....5 ton should be overkill like you said.....ive actually seen 20k with a 5ton for that room alone...which was ice cold and hit around 80lbs....

All as i know its a headache.....I wish you all the luck......but with success comes envy......just watch out brotha......and whatever you do....>DOnt bypass the electric company.....seems like thats the only way commecial growers down here get busted.....with computers these days......the electric company can easily see the increased load.....personally i wouldnt do this unless i was in an industrial park or a house with a super large pool and jacuzzi....because the light bill alone is gonna be above 1k.....and no legislature allows for a system that big....

summer time is gonna be a bitch no matter what......man i just hope you really weighed the pros and cons of setting up like that.....also seems like a partner is need which is probably the worst thing a person like us can have......i have a partner for my large grow and i will tell you there is nothing that strains a relationship more than growing together......I share a grow with my best friend.....a friend even closer to me than my own mom and brother which live within 5 miles of me.....This is the closest person in my life.....and constantly during harvest time......I FEEL LIKE I GET RIPPED OFF EVERY SINGLE HARVEST.....the numbers are always off......he always has weed for an extended amount of time after im done with my half despite going threw more weed than i do......but i have it good over there.....all my equipment, all my nutes, all my girls....HE Pays all the bills and splits 50/50 down the middle which is more like 38/62 after he takes his extra cut....or at least it seems....

not trying to turn u off......just giving you the hard falls of my experience running larger grows....hope you dont get discouraged but we've been friends quite some time.....just wanted to show you the problems ive had in the past.....
no i will be doing 2 6 kw rooms not 24k,,,and i have a partner my wife and my daughter will also help,,,yeah no worries bro,,,i can do this i have been practicing long enough,,,its time,,,bro,,,yeah no tievery and i get sweet rates on my electric 6.5 cents a kwh,,,but with 12 k and a house it will easily be a 1000,,but its legal man i am legal,,,and i can have 72 plants under a 100 lights if i want but i just cant go over my plant count,,,i appreciate the advice bro,,,peace
bros are these dumpster or your sfv cross

thats my baby,,,taken at 73-75 days she is a beast,,great chest expansion and that unmistakable funk of d and the stinky gooiness of og,,, i love it but that be becuz she is mine lol,,,hope u enjoy her,,,peace
that looks like his sfv to me...whats it smell like??
good eye,,peace
i hear that my rooms are a snafu of issues right now...really wanna tear down and re-do everything but i got so much shit in veg and flower i probably cant do anything until december....

good to hear that SFVxChem is the business i got 2 different cuts of it now from the homie up north...

12k is a nice workload for sure but plenty of people are running 20-40kw by themselves only need a few hands at harvest.....but yeah that shit is a headache by 5kw keeps me up every night til 3am i cant imagine how busy id be on a 20kw....and def dont steal power man they are cracking down tough on that shit...does you state offer subsidies for low income power? you can try to apply for that, or find a warehouse or something.
i will get u my girl at some point for sure u will like her for sure,,,peace
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no, not yet but ive got five going in week 9 so very soon.
how long does the kushedelic go cus i have one in week 9 and its greener than green?
is that banana kush you have the laffy taffy orgnkid banana kush?

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