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Ido has great pals..thx guys....



honestly about every single seeds i sprouted is almost dead the coco i put htem in was way hot so i am flushing out now hoping they recover,,,might have to pop 50 more beans man its lookin that bad down here,,,well wish me luck,,,peace


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
lol,,,no we dicked it up this weekend lol

lol yea once a month Ido has to travel into the city somewhere in search of Dicks...

honestly about every single seeds i sprouted is almost dead the coco i put htem in was way hot so i am flushing out now hoping they recover,,,might have to pop 50 more beans man its lookin that bad down here,,,well wish me luck,,,peace
too much dick time!! LOL

seriously,that sux bro.


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Hope they pull through, Ido. At least you got beans to spare. :D

What's all this about dicks?


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
What's all this about dicks?
Ido will have to answer that one lol...

honestly about every single seeds i sprouted is almost dead the coco i put htem in was way hot so i am flushing out now hoping they recover,,,might have to pop 50 more beans man its lookin that bad down here,,,well wish me luck,,,peace

Damn bro didnt realize that all or most of your beans didnt make it! Good thing u just started a few of each....what kinda coco did start them in? I usually start mine in straight bcuzz coco and never had a problem up to now.... btw how them cuts doin?


too much dick time!! LOL

seriously,that sux bro.
hopefully they pul thru i am pissed, but it teaches me to buy cheap coco

Hope they pull through, Ido. At least you got beans to spare. :D

What's all this about dicks?
i like to shop for golf clubs lol at dicks
Ido will have to answer that one lol...
lol,,peace guys i hope they pull thru guys buty yeah beans to spare encept for the testers,,,just sux real bad to have to start over,,,peace

Damn bro didnt realize that all or most of your beans didnt make it! Good thing u just started a few of each....what kinda coco did start them in? I usually start mine in straight bcuzz coco and never had a problem up to now.... btw how them cuts doin?


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
so i just caught the last part of what u said.....did u lose all the AG testers?


no i have lost 3 so far one not lookin goodi am thinking 6 for sure and 2 killer queen and 2 chemd x sourd will make it from one tray and then maybe 8 plants and then a few scragllers that just might take a bit longer to bounce back,,,


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
so u orginally planted 4 or 5 of each of the KQ and da CD x SD ? Good to hear that not all the testers were lost. At least with 6 u should have a good chance at a few girls. I hope them others pull thru as well.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
srry to hear about the accident with the coco, my 1st time with coco was in mixed coco and fox farm soil. had no luck lost all but the next time i deleved into coco i was much more sucessful. with cheap compresed brick coco a very through rinse will make it fine for use. ask sir about his growen in coco tis all he dose

well just got back online today, but i have to make another run for wedding supplies. all day been running be back later

oh yea lol if ya need more gunk beans PM me.


St. Elsewhere
Sorry to hear it, dude. I don't really care for coco for starting seeds. I have better luck with cups of soil less mix these days. From clone on, coco's the way to go, IMO.


Sorry to hear about your troubles, Ido.

I'm just settling into coco.
Seedlings seem to be the trickiest trick. :crazy:

If I can help you out with anything, just let me know. ;)


Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
Yeah, Ido you got pals that will help, just like the thread!
Pop a bunch more, we got ya. Sorry the losses are so deep, it happened to me my first try with cheap brick coco.:comfort:


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
Hey ido, sorry about the losses bro as its was said b4 with the coco bricks a good flush until your runoff is clear and registers no ppm's and a good ph(6.0) is a must
when i first went to strait coco i lost a few seedlings until i worked it out
good luck with the rest bro
stay safe


To Have More ... Desire Less
dam...mang...sorry b'out the hicupz.......sux'z ....but U know it'z part of the process.....not all plantz where meant to live......and yes our manipulations can sumtimez hurt not help.......

I jumped into the C0C0 bandwagon this run too.......but juts too much of a dirtbagger......still fold'ed in EWC, Perlite, and dolomite.......
and seems to be work'in VERY well no flux and problemz,.....
I did start w/ botanicare c0c0....not cheap small blocks....but there big 5k........washed and rinsed 4 timez........then laces w/ the ewc/perlite/and dolomite......then soaked w/ good liquid humic
and my babiez...have stayed happy.......

I'm just a scarydyKat......just cant make the jump to straight c0c0.....
oneday.....but not today........

I'm seending the posotive vibez U'r way......hope the light of sucess find U'r garden and bless'ez U stragglerz...w/ new zellus and quick recovery........

glad U'r still kick'in ......and hag'in w/ us lowballerz.......



legal medical grower got my card & paper work 2 pr
damn broski that sucks on the germ rate this was my first run wit coco an let me tell u its the shit i will never go back my plants look better than ever an best of BIGGER YIELD but i will never start seeds in coco
long as u keep ur coco flushed pretty good u will have no probs have lots of cal/mag on deck


Active member
Reminds me...
I've got to start some new seeds because the 6 G13hazes I was starting in coco died.
Sometimes my luck starting seeds in coco sucks.


yeah i learned my lesson about not flushin coco before u put seeds in it, thats for sure,,wish ya luck bro,,,peace