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Idiot's Fly Pack Grow


You all know me as the idiot who bought the fly packs, I guess I should cut back on the smokin a little:joint: Anyway, I am starting a Fly Pack grow thread so everyone can see Mosca's work and so you peps can help me sort through the "mix". No one else has started a grow thread so why not me, in fact I will be going out tomorrow to buy a camera to post pics just for this project. Everyone please feel free to post up any comments you have as this is my first grow post and I need all the help I can get.

Without delay, lets start the grow. It's 9 pm eastern time (not that I am in the eastern time zone but it would be 9 o'clock if I were) and I have just dropped ten fly pack seeds into a plastic beer cup filled with about an inch of distilled water. Only have room to start ten. No big loss on the pics, not much to see. Beans will float for 12 to 14 hours. I don't want them to pop in the cup. After which they go straight into the pro mix. No papertowel, no touching the beans. Put um in the dirt the way God intended and it works everytime. We should have strouts in a week by which time I will score a camera and post pics.

Mosca I hope this thread becomes an asset for you.
Haha, kudos for owning up to it. We've all done stupid things stoned based on skewed mental states. I once spent 2 hours looking for an object I had in my hands the whole time, even transferring the object I was looking for from hand to hand in order to reach up and under things in my search...


Awesome, I just unwrapped my own fly pack two seconds ago and am sitting here thinking I have no idea how to figure out who is who. I'm watching close.

Good luck, no pressure!
good to see you had a change of heart! i bet it will be a good decision.

exchanging from hand to hand... now that stuff was funny lol. good story...

peace and blessings:joint:

mosca negra

Wspman- I hope you read my Fly Method of germinating.

The Fly Packs you purchased have half Cinderella 99 BX-1 and half Sonic Fly seeds.

As I posted this morning I am advising everyone who has purchased Cinderella 99 BX-1 and F1 seeds to scuff the seeds before they are soaking them for 2-3 days.

This is because the seeds cases on the Cinderella are harder and thicker than most! This is essential for a higher germ rate.

I look forward to your success!



Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
Got this tagged and i will be watching for sure good loock with the gro bro


ICMag Donor
Wspman -
Lightly scuff all of them , as everyone receives their packs this thread will get alot of attention .

With everyone chiming in , def. figure out which is which . Looking forward to this grow .

Good Luck

mosca negra

Cheers to you Wspman! I want you to be H.A.P.P.Y. with my seeds and your grow! I salute you for having the courage to be the first to start a thread documenting your grow! We are all here to help and encourage you with your grow.

Once you have succeeded in flowering out my seeds then we have all succeeded!



I for one will be watching this closely.
I grew out Mosca's C4 x C99, now known as Tsi Fly, and C99 x WW and both were stellar. There is some good gear here in Mosca Seeds.
Good luck to all.



To Have More ... Desire Less
OK...i'm sold.....tagged....going along for the ride.......
hope U find what U'r look'in for.......U'r off to the BEST start possable


Just checked on the bathing beans, 3 sunk to the bottom and 7 happily floating. I'll let them swim a couple days as per Mosca instructions.

While I got a minute, thought I'd fill ya in on my set up. First off, I use pro mix. Would like to try hydro one day but with the circus I have going with 7 strains at different flower periods, hydro would be a nightmare. My operation is not very large, I do NO comerical at all. My wife is on disablilty with fibro and disc problems and I have a metal plate and 2 screws in my neck holding my head onto my body so even though it's not offical medical grow, that's what I call it. The wife was a 5 year pain pill addict, notice I said was, she is one of the few to kick those damn things. She's been off um a year and half now. Anyway to make a long story short, I grow medicine for the two of us. Somedays I couldn't get out of bed if not for my Mr. Nice medicine man. I flower under a 1k and have a 400 watter in the veggie closet. I use the whole fox farm line of nutes, it works pretty good and is easy to get around here.

Going out now to score that camera, can someone teach me how to post pics:)



7 Tails

7 Tails

Update-9:00am EST

Just checked the beans and we have 7 little tap roots! :woohoo:
Of the remaining 3, one looks like it may have been damaged in packing. After soaking, it just kinda fell apart into 3 pieces. The other two look good so I put them back in to soak.
I planted the 7 that popped into pro mix so they are cooking now.

Bought a camera yesterday, plan on spending the weekend learning how to use it. This tech stuff is way over this old man's head. And I still have to learn how to post pics.



To Have More ... Desire Less
EXCELLENT...newz....glad itz going swell...forU...
...may U'r beanz be blessed by brilliant buds beared.......

mosca negra

Great to hear Wspman! We are all looking forward to your success--don't worry, we are all here to help and support!!!

Cheers and Thanks for the update!
