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ID the Pest

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
So these been beating my ass lately, I had some two spotted spider mites in the flower room but nothing too crazy, i was able to finish the cycle without major problems...

However these veg plants are getting a beating, Im thinking i might have to just reset everything and bleach top to bottom and go from scratch, its a pain in the ass but idk what to do...

Plants looks weak, light green, some leafs canooeing some with little holes everywhere and these little mites are fucking shit up...





Im hoping they are not broadmites, which I think its not because these are pretty easy to see it, U can see it with naked eye the little white spots under the leafs that under the scope u can clearly see its some sort of mite.

I was thinking these were cucumeris at first but those are supposed to be predatory mites and not be eating my plants...

I did do a bunch of sprays, pyrethrin, neem, soaps, oils, for 2 weeks like 2 weeks ago, but I been away and havent done anything since...

Some of these are some nice plants, would be nice to keep one or two...but I might just sacrifice em...

Any help much appreciated...


Bat Macumba
Looks like an aphid but you say it's sucking the leaves dry? Is this a particularly heavy infestation? Got any shots of the whole leaf and visible damage?

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
so, sorry for the lack of replies, I decided to reset the room and toss all the dirt and bleach everything a few times, vacuum, etc...

So a month deep into the next run and these fuckers are all over the place again... I'm not sure if they hibernated or moved around, but now they are back, fucking major pain in the ass...

I dont think they are spider mites, maybe something else, they kinda even look like predator mites (cucumeris) but they dont move so much... just suck up the leafs..

They usually start attacking the plant from the bottom up. I just did some defoliation and trying to reduce their population and eggs...

You can definitely notice them under the leaf with naked eye, with a 40x scope you can see them fairly well..

I'm gonna snap some pictures of some damage when I can find more...

Real pain in the ass, any help is appreciated!

Vanilla Phoenix

Super Lurker
ICMag Donor
Put a NO PEST STRIP in your grow room. That will be the end of your problems.

I’d go this route if you don’t live with your grow. You should see results almost overnight.

If you do live around your grow, I’d hit em with avid and/or forbid on a every 3 day schedule for a few weeks. And on the days you treat, spray the grow room with undiluted ISO (rubbing alcohol). I beat russets fairly easy doing this. I don’t believe you have russets, but that regime will mess those mites you have up! I’m sure you know, but only use this in veg.

Or if you don’t wanna go chemical, there’s always predator mites. :tiphat:


Avid and Forbid worked well initially for me but they would always return. Each time the chemicals worked less and less on these mites. Even last ditch cocktails of the two didn't work. They adapt quicker than you'd think to these chems. I don't see myself ever touching those chemicals again. Maybe Forbid...Avids nasty

Organic alternatives, these seemed just as effective.

emulsified oil foliar

Mites can't breath swimming in oil

You could try the no pest strips if not in a living area. I used them when restarting the room after shutting it down for a few months. So far so good

If outside growing is an option they really don't like full sun. I watched them panic and die after full sun exposure.

Its an indoor mite. Not really...but they did not like full sun.

hahah...fu mites :)

It's winnable

Lost in a SOG

I think theyre just spidermites that happen to not be red or orange or have two spots.. cousins or just an epigenetic/genetic thing..

Get predator mites in..


Active member
yea boy....bugs....

right now i got em all!!

i have aphids out the yin yang, few kinds......RA....spiders....FG.....and some long, dark jobby thats the size of an adult aphid but long body, DK what the fuck that is......and powdery mildew....

for canopy crawlers check out what douglas.curtis says, ISO91 at 10% spray the plants keep it from the soil, works i tried it.

but now, im waiting. just got in 1k green lacewing eggs.....they'll hatch and eat EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hopefully. thats what ive been told and its s'posed to be bona fide. better work.
i get 3 shipments from arbico, first one's been released.

green lacewings. cant find any reference to them here on IC, theres decent Ytube might wanna check it out.

best to you Bwatcha, im in the boat too.

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
Looks like an aphid but you say it's sucking the leaves dry? Is this a particularly heavy infestation? Got any shots of the whole leaf and visible damage?

doesnt quite look like aphid to me, yeah it sucks the leaves dry kinda, start with some dry spots which start getting darker and then eventually die... yesterday I did a heavy inspection and also defoliated a bunch of the lowers that were affected the most, some leafs you could see 10 of those fuckers clumped up together having an orgy party... I guess at this point they are taking over...

Put a NO PEST STRIP in your grow room. That will be the end of your problems.

I'm in EU, cant get access to them pest strips... from my research they seem effective, even tho they also seem toxic as hell.. its in an attic, nobody is around there, but the access to the attic is in the middle of living area... at this point if i had access to them id give it a try lol

Perhaps young russet mites?
I'm not so sure... from the pictures ive seen doesnt seem quite like them...

Cyclamen? Looks familiar...

I was thinking that this might be a possibility, but I though that they were invisible to the naked eye, correct me if i'm wrong please.

I’d go this route if you don’t live with your grow. You should see results almost overnight.

If you do live around your grow, I’d hit em with avid and/or forbid on a every 3 day schedule for a few weeks. And on the days you treat, spray the grow room with undiluted ISO (rubbing alcohol). I beat russets fairly easy doing this. I don’t believe you have russets, but that regime will mess those mites you have up! I’m sure you know, but only use this in veg.

Or if you don’t wanna go chemical, there’s always predator mites.
I also dont think they are russets... I have abamectin in hand here but I really want to avoid using this shit.... predators should be here in a few days... fingers crossed this work!

Avid and Forbid worked well initially for me but they would always return. Each time the chemicals worked less and less on these mites. Even last ditch cocktails of the two didn't work. They adapt quicker than you'd think to these chems. I don't see myself ever touching those chemicals again. Maybe Forbid...Avids nasty

Organic alternatives, these seemed just as effective.

emulsified oil foliar

Mites can't breath swimming in oil

You could try the no pest strips if not in a living area. I used them when restarting the room after shutting it down for a few months. So far so good

If outside growing is an option they really don't like full sun. I watched them panic and die after full sun exposure.

Its an indoor mite. Not really...but they did not like full sun.

hahah...fu mites

It's winnable

hey bro, thanks for the suggestions.. what do you think they might be tho? I dont really have access to some of those brand but I have something with abamectin which is the active ingredient.. shits toxic so I'm trying to avoid using it, plus one of my rooms is 11 days into flower... might even just re-switch to veg once Im able to separate all fems from males...

I think theyre just spidermites that happen to not be red or orange or have two spots.. cousins or just an epigenetic/genetic thing..

Get predator mites in..
yeah man, sometimes I think that too, but sometimes im not so sure no more... lol fucking shit bro, maybe they are just at the nymph stage thats why they look a bit different, i know they go through a few cycles in their lifetime.... the fact that i'm able to see them with naked eye makes me think they are spider mites... I have around 2000 predators arriving in a few days.... persimilis and californicus, however I heard that persimillis is kinda ineffective during the flowering cycle, anyone can confirm that?

yea boy....bugs....

right now i got em all!!

i have aphids out the yin yang, few kinds......RA....spiders....FG.....and some long, dark jobby thats the size of an adult aphid but long body, DK what the fuck that is......and powdery mildew....

for canopy crawlers check out what douglas.curtis says, ISO91 at 10% spray the plants keep it from the soil, works i tried it.

but now, im waiting. just got in 1k green lacewing eggs.....they'll hatch and eat EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hopefully. thats what ive been told and its s'posed to be bona fide. better work.
i get 3 shipments from arbico, first one's been released.

green lacewings. cant find any reference to them here on IC, theres decent Ytube might wanna check it out.

best to you Bwatcha, im in the boat too.

ion, man this sucks bro, sorry to hear, best of luck to you too... I have green lacewings larvae in the room, added them after reseting along with persimilis and cucumeris... not much effect on them mites, hope you have better luck with aphids, i had them before and was able to get rid of them by shutting down for a few months and recleaning everything with bleach solution and new soil....

I'm hoping another batch of persimilis and californicus will help, but at this point im pretty frustrated...

these fuckers cause so much work and effort and money... makes me almost wanna say fuck to growing indoors... I just mixed around 800 liters of new soil, no way im getting rid of it again and remixing shit... sht was a ton of work and around $500 of materials plus all the genetics involved right no... eh fuck man, this shit is a real nightmare...

I dont have many pics of the damage, I'm sure in a few days I will be able to take plenty. i pulled a ton of leafs and mites out of the room yesterday, also sprayed some sulfur on the veg tent, gonna see the results today and might just spray in flower since there is not much going on yet...

Any suggestions or tips with the sulfur is helpful, first time using it...

I got a few more pics of the mites and some pics of the plants that I will upload in a few.

Thanks for all the help and support everyone!

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member




you can see some of the damage on the plants in the back, the edge of the leafs start turning brown and drying out, some plants also display similar to cal-mg deficiency


Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
it's hard to see from the pictures, but these mites are quite hairy, they have 2 long ass hairs towards their ass, that look like antenas... they look similar to cyclamen mite picture, however from what I understand these cannot be seen with naked eye. is that correct?

Here is the picture of a cyclamen that i pulled off google.


looks spot on with these from what i can see...

are cyclamens visible with the nake eye tho?

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
I went ahead and sprayed sulfur on everything, nothing has any pistils or visible trichomes yet, so it was the right time to go ahead and pull the trigger. I did the same yesterday in the Veg room and today at my inspection it seems to have quite a few dead bodys around... so maybe that is the way to go, only time will tell tho!


The bugs I had looked really similar to those. I had to use a loupe to see them though, they weren't visible just looking at a leaf.
Looking at the magnification pics they seem a pretty similar size though. Figured maybe you had better vision then me ...lol.
I may have ID'd them incorrectly myself. But still nothing really worked until I shut the area down.

I'm curious what you find out...please share if you do get a verified result.

It seemed telling when you said you did a complete cleaning and multiple attempts and they still stuck around. At that point you can almost just set up a tent in another area start some seeds and get a clean finished product easier and with less stress than trying to save the grow

I'd shut it down and hang the no pest strips for a few weeks/months unfortunately. Try and find a small clean area somewhere to get something going. Be careful going in the area in the future and what you take with you

Sucks, sorry. That kinda problem was the biggest headache I ever had growing.

Sulfur sounds like a good idea...last attempt to save it. Mght work depending on if they come back mid flower or not

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
The bugs I had looked really similar to those. I had to use a loupe to see them though, they weren't visible just looking at a leaf.
Looking at the magnification pics they seem a pretty similar size though. Figured maybe you had better vision then me ...lol.
I may have ID'd them incorrectly myself. But still nothing really worked until I shut the area down.

I'm curious what you find out...please share if you do get a verified result.

It seemed telling when you said you did a complete cleaning and multiple attempts and they still stuck around. At that point you can almost just set up a tent in another area start some seeds and get a clean finished product easier and with less stress than trying to save the grow

I'd shut it down and hang the no pest strips for a few weeks/months unfortunately. Try and find a small clean area somewhere to get something going. Be careful going in the area in the future and what you take with you

Sucks, sorry. That kinda problem was the biggest headache I ever had growing.

Sulfur sounds like a good idea...last attempt to save it. Mght work depending on if they come back mid flower or not

Yeah bro, real fkn stress... I really think they are cyclamen mites at this point, the damage is looking like em, some plants are showing wrinkled and deformed new growth, some of the plants in flowering are showing a weird discoloration like I've seen on some threads...

Oh well, I heard sulfur might be effective against them, so we might see..

I'm about to go scope some of them fuckers are see if the spray was effective or not.

Thanks for the idea of starting a tent somewhere else... but at this point I'm not even stressing myself. I'm just gonna deal with this setup, if I need to clean things up prolly gonna shut down for a few months and re-do the whole attic... fuck it, finish that shit nicely...