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ICMag women...what do you find sexiest?

  • Thread starter ka0tik_kreati0n
  • Start date


In a man -

personally I like arms/hands.. I dont like too much muscle but I like them defined. I think IW has the best arms! and nice hands....
also tattoos is a plus....and eyes. lol I could go on and on...

so what about you?


The Hopeful Protagonist
From a Man's perspective.....

Sexy can be just as much about a quality as a feature, intrinsic almost inherent....It could be how one carries themselves or personality.

Don't get me wrong, I know what I like when I see it and there HAS to be some visual attraction.....

But, I have been with some of the sexiest women whom others might not find that attractive....you know the rippin' the clothes of each other kinda sexy.....


I may need help with this.....because the cure just brings more sickness :nanana:

That's awesome that you find your man sexy KK..... :joint:


I am all about the eyes, too. Once I get past the chase, I like how a guy smells, too. Nom.


Dreamy eyes, nice voice, yummy smell. I'm all set.



Hands down.... their brain. If they can't talk to me, I'm done. I have gone out with super pretty boys and guys that are not very attractive physically at all. But... you know what, when it comes right down to it, I don't care what they look like. They have to be able to make me laugh and cheer me up when I want to cry. They have to put up with all my political rants and be able to hold their own in a debate....over just about anything. They have to have some idea about what is going on around them and be able to teach me new things. The only way that it will ever really work out is if that man is smarter than I am. There is always an attractive physical feature about everyone.

I was once asked why I was with the person that I was with and told that I could do sooooo much better. They told him that he was a very lucky man and that he should hold on to me. That person didn't know either one of us and based his evaluation of if we should be together by our looks alone. I told the stranger that I was the lucky one and gave my boyfriend big kiss and pressed my super hot body against his. My boyfriend just smiled and we walk on.... Why did I stay with him for eight years? Because he made me laugh, knew more about music and politics than I did, and I could just be me......and he turned out to be a phenomenal lover. Why? Because he could get inside my head. Yep, hands down their brain!


The Hopeful Protagonist
Hands down.... their brain. If they can't talk to me, I'm done. I have gone out with super pretty boys and guys that are not very attractive physically at all. But... you know what, when it comes right down to it, I don't care what they look like. They have to be able to make me laugh and cheer me up when I want to cry. They have to put up with all my political rants and be able to hold their own in a debate....over just about anything. They have to have some idea about what is going on around them and be able to teach me new things. The only way that it will ever really work out is if that man is smarter than I am. There is always an attractive physical feature about everyone.

I was once asked why I was with the person that I was with and told that I could do sooooo much better. They told him that he was a very lucky man and that he should hold on to me. That person didn't know either one of us and based his evaluation of if we should be together by our looks alone. I told the stranger that I was the lucky one and gave my boyfriend big kiss and pressed my super hot body against his. My boyfriend just smiled and we walk on.... Why did I stay with him for eight years? Because he made me laugh, knew more about music and politics than I did, and I could just be me......and he turned out to be a phenomenal lover. Why? Because he could get inside my head. Yep, hands down their brain!



Gro :joint:


Hands down.... their brain. If they can't talk to me, I'm done. I have gone out with super pretty boys and guys that are not very attractive physically at all. But... you know what, when it comes right down to it, I don't care what they look like. They have to be able to make me laugh and cheer me up when I want to cry. They have to put up with all my political rants and be able to hold their own in a debate....over just about anything. They have to have some idea about what is going on around them and be able to teach me new things. The only way that it will ever really work out is if that man is smarter than I am. There is always an attractive physical feature about everyone.

I was once asked why I was with the person that I was with and told that I could do sooooo much better. They told him that he was a very lucky man and that he should hold on to me. That person didn't know either one of us and based his evaluation of if we should be together by our looks alone. I told the stranger that I was the lucky one and gave my boyfriend big kiss and pressed my super hot body against his. My boyfriend just smiled and we walk on.... Why did I stay with him for eight years? Because he made me laugh, knew more about music and politics than I did, and I could just be me......and he turned out to be a phenomenal lover. Why? Because he could get inside my head. Yep, hands down their brain!

I agree, Ive gone out with various types of men, and the ones that stimulated my mind were the types I thought were sexiest(but of course IW is very intelligent, another big turn on)


Active member

I agree, Ive gone out with various types of men, and the ones that stimulated my mind were the types I thought were sexiest(but of course IW is very intelligent, another big turn on)

proof that juggalos arent stupid like all people say :yeahthats

what do icmag woman find sexiest? lordbudly!

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Is it weird that I find my husband's arm pits sexy??? I know.... I know.... But they are! I do have to agree with iGro4Me, you could have the sexiest of sexy men and without a brain, forget it!


Queer Dyke checking in:

When I first came out as a lesbian many years ago I was enchanted by the spell that women cast and how they move and sit and smell. I was attracted to equality and true friendship that I was never able to foster with men. Many years later I find that my attraction has become to sincere people whether they are feminine guys or masculine girls or whatever combination of gender expression the people have chosen. I've become attracted to people who are just being themselves.

Is it weird that I find my husband's arm pits sexy??? I know.... I know.... But they are! I do have to agree with iGro4Me, you could have the sexiest of sexy men and without a brain, forget it!

Also armpits <3 There is nothing weird about liking armpits or brains.


Intelligence, first and foremost. (keep in mind I'm a lesbian) Followed by straight white teeth, especially if they are slightly bucky (think Phoebe Cates). Light coloured eyes wearing dark framed glasses, thick dark hair, ripped gym quality body with ice skater or dancer's legs and ass. Torn jeans, wife beater t-shirt, and flip flops:)

As for men, same criteria basically minus the bucky teeth and the glasses, those only looks good on girls. Ripped steroid body, short dark hair, light eyes, possibly mute:) Oh, and they only have to be smart enough to work on my house! Hahahahahaha:) I may be gay, but I'm not stupid. I know a hot guy when I see one:)

-Ps. two in a row eh? hahahahaha, what are the chances of that?;)


The Hopeful Protagonist
Queer Dyke checking in:

When I first came out as a lesbian many years ago I was enchanted by the spell that women cast and how they move and sit and smell. I was attracted to equality and true friendship that I was never able to foster with men. Many years later I find that my attraction has become to sincere people whether they are feminine guys or masculine girls or whatever combination of gender expression the people have chosen. I've become attracted to people who are just being themselves.

Also armpits <3 There is nothing weird about liking armpits or brains.

Intelligence, first and foremost. (keep in mind I'm a lesbian) Followed by straight white teeth, especially if they are slightly bucky (think Phoebe Cates). Light coloured eyes wearing dark framed glasses, thick dark hair, ripped gym quality body with ice skater or dancer's legs and ass. Torn jeans, wife beater t-shirt, and flip flops:)

As for men, same criteria basically minus the bucky teeth and the glasses, those only looks good on girls. Ripped steroid body, short dark hair, light eyes, possibly mute:) Oh, and they only have to be smart enough to work on my house! Hahahahahaha:) I may be gay, but I'm not stupid. I know a hot guy when I see one:)

-Ps. two in a row eh? hahahahaha, what are the chances of that?;)

I'm aroused.....and work cheap :D



I'm aroused.....and work cheap :D


I've never understood that. I know guys think it's really hot and all that, but why exactly? Is it the threesome fantasy? Or simply a voyeuristic fantasy? I don't know any women that think two men together is hot, although there are some really gorgeous gay guys (some are too gorgeous for their own good), but I don't want to see them together by any means (not that there's anything wrong with that LOL:)) I've spent considerable time in lesbian bars, and even I don't want to see 98% of them naked, let alone with someone else. Anyone that has been to a lesbian bar immediately realizes that those porn cliches are so far from the truth it's almost comical. It usually looks more like a bunch of guys with a few cute girls thrown in!


The Hopeful Protagonist
I've never understood that. I know guys think it's really hot and all that, but why exactly? Is it the threesome fantasy? Or simply a voyeuristic fantasy? I don't know any women that think two men together is hot, although there are some really gorgeous gay guys (some are too gorgeous for their own good), but I don't want to see them together by any means (not that there's anything wrong with that LOL:)) I've spent considerable time in lesbian bars, and even I don't want to see 98% of them naked, let alone with someone else. Anyone that has been to a lesbian bar immediately realizes that those porn cliches are so far from the truth it's almost comical. It usually looks more like a bunch of guys with a few cute girls thrown in!

Yeah, it's a guy fantasy thing.....I was just joshin' with ya' really because I saw your "always getting hit on" comment in the other thread :nanana:

I'm pretty sure it's not gender/orientation specific to think it's much more desirable to think it's sexier to see two women together as opposed to two men....I guess :1help:


My girlfriend always says that eyes are something that attracts her. My eyes are blue with a weird yellow/gold colour in there somewhere, and it's one thing people comment on. I've been talking to both guys and girls, and in mid conversation they've stopped talking and started checking out my eyeballs.:biglaugh: