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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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Smoke Buddy

For the record: Ive gone from No to Yes.

In the end: I don't want to stand in the way of this kind of progress.
I have some objections but doesn't everyone?

Main thing is making growing and smoking a legal act for everyone. Then theres the national and global implications... Many have spoken to that at length but none better than Sam and Gypsy. On top of all that, Im starting to see how 19 could actually be a much better gig than we currently have from a small business, freedom and cannatourism point of view.

Welcome to California!



Yeah I really would like to see them tax medical patients cultivating their own medicine...fuck you granny gimme that fucking ssi... Hahaha damn anti-19 people will say ANYTHING to scare people...

I meant folks growing for others. Any transfer could be taxed if what I am reading , I am reading right.

So if I grow and take my meds to the club I owe taxes on the value or something like that.

I'm not sure what is happening but some arguments are being made that the wording of Prop 19 isn't as tight as would be best.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Jack where are you reading this, I would like to read what they are saying and also the source of there info.


I'll vote no on prop 19 because I feel prop 215 should be fixed first. I have the balls to screw you to anybody who says I am anti on prop 19 as a scare tactic or to keep black market/street prices high etc...
For the people who say that voting no on prop 19 is standing in the way of progress and / or might be the last time or last chance to legal marijuana, that if prop 19 passes it will start an international legalization are smoking way too much weed. I feel you people are willing to give up way to much just to get high. Sorry I'm voting no for the medical reason stated above and because people currently demostrate a real lack of personal responsibility that to me is only getting worse not better. So legalizing pot right now is not the time, medical first in my opinion. Also while I do understand the point of view that if pot was legalized then their would be fewer leo interactions or arrests for what is currently illegal ( pot ). Money spent on people in the administration dept., cops, courts, cps, equipement etc. of marijuana crimes would be saved and spent on more progressive type social programs or used to pay down the deficit. I say you people think if prop 19 is passed it will be a semi-free for all on how you act with pot. The cops will not stop enforcing pot laws, they will just enforce them according to the new laws whatever they maybe if prop 19 is passed, so no money there for Pork Belly Propressives social programs. The sad part is that this is being looked at for tax dollars and how to spend them. It a typical cash grab. Tell the voting public what they want to hear, well actually in this case use someone in the pot movement to us what we want to hear so it looks like a grass roots movement but inthe end the politicans are the winners. In my opinion I see more of the tax money being waste then spent in a wise and proper manner, which is why I will vote no on prop 19. If It is passed then there should be total 100% transparency on how the tax revenue from prop 19 will be used. Whether you vote yes or no we the people can no longer let our politicians misuse money when we allow them to TAX us. Remember give and take? No closed door deals. If Wikileaks feels they can say the secrets of the U.S. Military are fair game then it is time for our government to stop doing business behind closed doors. We are all adults and we have a right to know everything that is going on when it comes to making of laws or taxes or anything piece of legislation that affects our lives.

Your minds are ripe for the picking for the November Harvest of '10


I'll vote no on prop 19 because I feel prop 215 should be fixed first. I have the balls to screw you to anybody who says I am anti on prop 19 as a scare tactic or to keep black market/street prices high etc...
For the people who say that voting no on prop 19 is standing in the way of progress and / or might be the last time or last chance to legal marijuana, that if prop 19 passes it will start an international legalization are smoking way too much weed. I feel you people are willing to give up way to much just to get high. Sorry I'm voting no for the medical reason stated above and because people currently demostrate a real lack of personal responsibility that to me is only getting worse not better. So legalizing pot right now is not the time, medical first in my opinion. Also while I do understand the point of view that if pot was legalized then their would be fewer leo interactions or arrests for what is currently illegal ( pot ). Money spent on people in the administration dept., cops, courts, cps, equipement etc. of marijuana crimes would be saved and spent on more progressive type social programs or used to pay down the deficit. I say you people think if prop 19 is passed it will be a semi-free for all on how you act with pot. The cops will not stop enforcing pot laws, they will just enforce them according to the new laws whatever they maybe if prop 19 is passed, so no money there for Pork Belly Propressives social programs. The sad part is that this is being looked at for tax dollars and how to spend them. It a typical cash grab. Tell the voting public what they want to hear, well actually in this case use someone in the pot movement to us what we want to hear so it looks like a grass roots movement but inthe end the politicans are the winners. In my opinion I see more of the tax money being waste then spent in a wise and proper manner, which is why I will vote no on prop 19. If It is passed then there should be total 100% transparency on how the tax revenue from prop 19 will be used. Whether you vote yes or no we the people can no longer let our politicians misuse money when we allow them to TAX us. Remember give and take? No closed door deals. If Wikileaks feels they can say the secrets of the U.S. Military are fair game then it is time for our government to stop doing business behind closed doors. We are all adults and we have a right to know everything that is going on when it comes to making of laws or taxes or anything piece of legislation that affects our lives.

Your minds are ripe for the picking for the November Harvest of '10

1. Are you saying all pot smokers are not responsible? You know all of us? Are are you stereotyping a "Stoner"? And then not only using that as the basis for your logic, but bringing that to a forum where people not only smoke but grow?? You are a bit silly.

2. Your cop example is fear mongering and we are not falling for it. We know what cops do here in Ca, both down south and up north. So do the courts. I would LOVE to have a groundbreaking prop 19 case brought into court by a cowboy cop!

Currently, california has 133 cities that have banned dispensaries and 99 have moratoriums, while nine counties have bans and 15 have moratoriums. Only 38 cities and nine counties allow dispensaries.

If prop 19 allows for counties and cities to choose to implement prop 19, it would be safe to say we know which counties and cities would choose NOT to implement the tax control and regulate. Why would they allow for recreational distribution if they already ban medical?


Active member
reality checker;3794076 it would be safe to say we know which counties and cities would choose NOT to implement the tax control and regulate. Why would they allow for recreational distribution if they already ban medical?[/QUOTE said:
MMJ is not the cash cow that recreational is. My city can't seem to come up with a ordinance for MMJ but the City manager said he could have an ordinance ready in 2 months for recreational if 19 passes. Half our city council is against MMJ but show interest in recreational...it's all about money.


ICMag Donor
Obama will have to make a decision Federally regarding Cannabis if this Bill passes.The timing couldn't be better.

If Obama allows the Feds to step in and bust people it would severely hurt his chances for re-election. Cali has a lot of electoral votes and if Obama goes back on his word to allow States to decide the Cannabis issues themselves, then he loses Cali and possibly the election.

Could be interesting forcing him to make a decision......

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I'll vote no on prop 19 because I feel prop 215 should be fixed first. I have the balls to screw you to anybody who says I am anti on prop 19 as a scare tactic or to keep black market/street prices high etc...
For the people who say that voting no on prop 19 is standing in the way of progress and / or might be the last time or last chance to legal marijuana, that if prop 19 passes it will start an international legalization are smoking way too much weed. I feel you people are willing to give up way to much just to get high. Sorry I'm voting no for the medical reason stated above and because people currently demostrate a real lack of personal responsibility that to me is only getting worse not better. So legalizing pot right now is not the time, medical first in my opinion. Also while I do understand the point of view that if pot was legalized then their would be fewer leo interactions or arrests for what is currently illegal ( pot ). Money spent on people in the administration dept., cops, courts, cps, equipement etc. of marijuana crimes would be saved and spent on more progressive type social programs or used to pay down the deficit. I say you people think if prop 19 is passed it will be a semi-free for all on how you act with pot. The cops will not stop enforcing pot laws, they will just enforce them according to the new laws whatever they maybe if prop 19 is passed, so no money there for Pork Belly Propressives social programs. The sad part is that this is being looked at for tax dollars and how to spend them. It a typical cash grab. Tell the voting public what they want to hear, well actually in this case use someone in the pot movement to us what we want to hear so it looks like a grass roots movement but inthe end the politicans are the winners. In my opinion I see more of the tax money being waste then spent in a wise and proper manner, which is why I will vote no on prop 19. If It is passed then there should be total 100% transparency on how the tax revenue from prop 19 will be used. Whether you vote yes or no we the people can no longer let our politicians misuse money when we allow them to TAX us. Remember give and take? No closed door deals. If Wikileaks feels they can say the secrets of the U.S. Military are fair game then it is time for our government to stop doing business behind closed doors. We are all adults and we have a right to know everything that is going on when it comes to making of laws or taxes or anything piece of legislation that affects our lives.

Your minds are ripe for the picking for the November Harvest of '10

Yeah let's keep locking people up because you don't like the tax law in America. Makes alot of sense....

I can't tell if we got alot of teabaggers in icmag, or if this is just a pathetic attempt to act like they care about others, when really it's just a mask for the ME ME ME growers and dealers who'd rather see people in jail then their untaxed profits diminished...

I'd much rather people pay a minimal tax then have their life destroyed by going to prison for mj.But that's just me...

Teabaggers scream death before taxes, but I like my life and their is a need for taxes, because there's too many people in this world who'd say fuck everyone else as long as it dont effect me and we'd see the streets goto shit, fires not getting put out, crimnals theiving and killing with no regard, it would be chaos.

This isn't about pork belly programs, or dirty politicans, or misused funds, or Richard Lee.

This is about setting a prescedent that we as a people will no longer accept persecution for enjoying cannabis. We all have the right as responsible adults to consume and enjoy cannabis without fear if persecution.

In short, mj legalization will NOT be the catalyst for tax law reform.


"We must end this War on Drugs-not as a matter of convenience-but now as a matter of survival to stop the money flows to the corporations and politicians driving this madness. We must take to the streets."- Michael C. Ruppert High Times 10/02


You guys better get the Cannabis plant as legal as possible while you still have a chance.
German researchers have already made genetically modified bacteria to produce THC and legalized drugs based on cannabinoids, but the plant and it's products remain illegal.
The need of the Cannabis plant for medicinal purposes will not be a valid argument for very much longer.


Active member
You guys better get the Cannabis plant as legal as possible while you still have a chance.
German researchers have already made genetically modified bacteria to produce THC and legalized drugs based on cannabinoids, but the plant and it's products remain illegal.
The need of the Cannabis plant for medicinal purposes will not be a valid argument for very much longer.

re germany and cannabis:


Medical marijuana will be available in Germany soon, with the centre-right coalition preparing to make groundbreaking changes to drug laws, a government health spokeswoman said this week.

Doctors could write prescriptions for cannabis, and pharmacies would be authorised to sell the plant once the law had been adjusted, a member of the junior coalition party, the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP), said Monday.

Marijuana would also be permitted for use as a pain reliever for the terminally ill in hospices and other care facilities, making it a legal part of their emergency pain-relief stocks.

“With this, the sickest people will always have a pain-relieving substance available,” said Ulrike Flack, the FDP’s health policy spokesperson.

The new law will end a long-running struggle between German officials, doctors and health insurers over use of the proven herbal therapy for treating the pain stemming from diseases such as cancer and multiple sclerosis.

According to the International Association for Cannabinoid Medicines (ACM), only 40 patients in the country are currently allowed a medical marijuana prescription – even though law enforcement generally tolerates small amounts for personal use.

Almost two years ago, the conservative Christian Democrats, the FDP and the centre-left Social Democrats all voted against loosening medical marijuana laws. Opponents had warned of the drug’s alleged potential for addiction and doubted its medical benefits.
DDP/The Local ([email protected])
Stupid or Evil?

Stupid or Evil?

Anybody who says that they want to keep MJ illegal because they are against paying taxes is either stupid or evil.

Isn't 800,000 arrests a year enough of a tax for you ?

How about all the risk premium rolled into the price of a bag of herb?
Do you really think it's worth $500 an oz?

What about the costs of prosecution, and enforcement?

These are all unfair taxes being paid by all of us. Not just the people who smoke.

It's time to put an end to all this stupid, selfish rhetoric.

Just vote yes.


You guys better get the Cannabis plant as legal as possible while you still have a chance.
German researchers have already made genetically modified bacteria to produce THC and legalized drugs based on cannabinoids, but the plant and it's products remain illegal.
The need of the Cannabis plant for medicinal purposes will not be a valid argument for very much longer.

not true..

no one can make the natural plant except the plant.

but yes we all need to work longer than just prop 19


Prof.Dr. Oliver Kayser, a biochemist at University of Dortmund, announced the availability of genetically modified bacteria that produce THC the very same day the German government announced the change in laws dealing with cannabinoid based drugs.
The bacteria are real.
The law in Germany will be adjusted to allow cannabinoid based drugs as pain killers.
It will still remain illegal for everyone to grow plants or even own seeds.
Plant material to produce herb based medicine (medical marijuana, hashish) needs to be imported.
Let's focus on Prop.19 but maybe you guys get a glimpse of what is going on elsewhere and that will help you make a decision regarding Prop.19.


Prof.Dr. Oliver Kayser, a biochemist at University of Dortmund, announced the availability of genetically modified bacteria that produce THC the very same day the German government announced their change in laws dealing with cannabinoid based drugs.
The bacteria are real.
The law in Germany will be adjusted to allow cannabinoid based drugs as pain killers.
It will still remain illegal for everyone to grow plants or even own seeds.
Plant material to produce herb based medicine (medical marijuana, hashish) needs to be imported.
Let's focus on Prop.19 but maybe you guys get a glimpse what is going on elsewhere and that will help you make a decision regarding Prop.19.

I am not doubting that Industry will be able to utilize the chemical nature of Cannabis it's just that they have a long way to go to reproduce the natural substance which is very safe and cost effective medicine.
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