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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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Sorcerer's Apprentice
Contrary to popular assumption, the drug war in California will not end, nor will it be impacted much by the initiative. This is because the initiative doesn’t call for full legalization; it proposes to legalize possession of only up to one ounce.

WRONG! You can CARRY AN OUNCE IN PUBLIC! You can keep as much as you can grow in a 25 sq ft space in your home. Pounds and pounds and pounds and pounds and POUNDS, homie.

And in California, there is no “drug war” being fought against possession of up to one ounce, because marijuana is already decriminalized.

The penalty for carrying an ounce is a mere citation and maximum $100 fine.[4] Moreover, possession of one ounce is on its way to being downgraded from a misdemeanor to an infraction, because the state Senate voted in June to reclassify its status. [5] No one goes to jail for having an ounce or less in California, and no one gets arrested, because it is not an arrestable offense.
WRONG: Possession of an ounce in PUBLIC will be legal under this bill. Possession of 20 lbs (or more) will be legal in your own home.

This statistic refers only to possession of more than one ounce, possession by minors and possession on school grounds*—offenses which the initiative will not legalize. It does not refer to nor does it include marijuana arrests for possession of one ounce or less, because this is not an arrestable offense. Therefore, the initiative would have no impact on reducing these arrests rates.
Sure it would. Street dealers won't need to carry around more than an ounce because everybody else can carry an ounce of the stuff they grow at home. Why would you go pay a guy $300-400 for something you can grow in your own home for a couple of bucks? As far as people getting arrested for trying to sell it in schools... they should.

Statistically, the demographic that accounts for nearly one-quarter of total arrests for marijuana possession in California happens to be those in the 18-20 age group. But because the initiative explicitly makes it illegal for even adults age 18-20 to possess marijuana, these arrests will not decrease, and the drug war against young adults will rage on.
Yeah. For those 18 year olds, it'll "rage on" for another 3 years. For the 20 year olds, for another year. I think they'll manage to cope. 18 year olds manage to cope with the "war on alcohol" which makes it illegal for 18-20 year old ADULTS to drink or purchase alcohol or go to establishments that serve it.

(I've even heard of people younger than 21 drinking and getting away with it as long as they aren't too stupid about it.)

Furthermore, since the initiative would keep possession of amounts greater than one ounce illegal and likewise maintain the illegality of private sales of any amount, the overall impact that the initiative would have on ending the drug war, reducing arrest rates and saving on prison costs would be negligible, at best.
WRONG! You can keep as much as you can grow in your 25 sq feet. For any of us with even a rudimentary understanding of growing herb, we know that this means we will never have to buy from a street dealer again (or anyone else) because we can grow much more than enough for personal in our MINIMUM of 25 sq feet. Your local community has the right under this bill to RAISE that limit to whatever they like... they are only prevented from LOWERING it.

As an example of how highly misunderstood this initiative and its potential impact on the drug war is
....we wrote this article and filled it with non-facts!
The state does, however, incarcerate people for selling small amounts of marijuana. And since this initiative keeps private marijuana sales illegal, no matter the quantity, there will be no decrease in the number of African Americans—or anyone else—arrested for selling a joint.
So don't sell it? Why do we need street dealers if we can buy it at a legal facility in broad daylight? Why would we need street dealers if we can grow more than enough at our own residence?
Contrary to the belief that it will keep people out of jail for marijuana, this initiative actually creates new demographics of people to incarcerate. (See Fact #2 and Fact #3) It is difficult to see how the government would save on court and imprisonment costs if the initiative merely shifts arrests from one demographic to another.
Because the demographic you're talking about (street dealers) will be largely a thing of the past once this gets into full swing. They might survive on the fringes of the blackmarket... but if you want to slang, you have to be willing to hang. (Isn't that how it is now?)

Myth #2: The initiative will keep young adults out of jail for using marijuana.
Fact: This initiative would put more young people in jail for pot. If it becomes law, any adult 21 or over who passes a joint to another adult aged 18-20 would face six months in jail and a $1,000 fine. [8] (NORML's Web site reports that the current penalty for a gift of marijuana of 1 oz. or less is a $100 fine.[9])
Go into a bar and get them to serve a 20 year old. Bring a video camera, film the whole thing, and then take it to the police. How long do you think it will take for that bar to lose their liquor license?

Just don't smoke with 20 year olds and you'll be fine. Better yet, if you just HAVE to smoke with 20 year olds... do it in a private place with the windows closed.

Myth #3: You'll be able to light up freely in the privacy of your home.
Fact: That depends. Under the initiative, even adults consuming marijuana in the privacy of their homes could face arrest if there are minors present (not something one would expect from an initiative that claims to treat marijuana like alcohol and tobacco)[10].
So go out to the garage?

Current marijuana law contains no such restrictions. Thanks to Prop. 215, which legalized marijuana for medicinal use, cannabis consumers have been legally free to smoke in the privacy of their homes since 1997. This initiative seeks to undermine that freedom, making it absolutely illegal to smoke marijuana if there are minors present.
The bill also explicitly states that current medical laws will OVERRIDE anything in this bill. So medical users will not be affected.

Myth #4: Under the initiative, anyone 21 or over will be allowed to grow marijuana in a 5’x5’ space.
Fact: Not quite. This allotment is per property, not per person. If you share a residence with other people, you’ll be sharing a 5’x5’ grow space, as well. Even if you own multiple acres that many people live on, if it is considered one parcel, the space restriction of 5’x5’ (3-6 plants) will still apply.
How many people are living in a single family home that has multiple acres? I bet these people who can afford such a magnificent home will be able to afford to buy the stuff legally at their local cannabis store.

If you live in an APARTMENT right next to mine, you can grow 5x5 and I can grow 5x5.

Myth #5: Adults 21 and over will be able to possess up to one ounce of marijuana without penalty.
Fact: Perhaps the most ironic piece of the puzzle is that the initiative to legalize marijuana actually makes it illegal to possess marijuana if it was purchased anywhere other than the very few licensed dispensaries in the state.[12] So if this initiative passes, better not get caught carrying marijuana you bought off your neighbor, your current dealer, or at a party; you could get arrested. And if you do buy from a licensed dispensary, better keep your receipts, because the burden of proof will be on you. Not only is this inconvenient, but it sets the industry up to be monopolized.
WRONG! The burden of proof is NEVER on you. This is America. They have to prove you bought it. You could simply say "I grow this in my home." Unless they see you buying it from an unregistered street dealer, you're in the clear. BTW, why would you WANT to buy it from an unregistered street dealer when you can grow it your own or go down to Wally's Pot Emporium and have your pick of strains?

What’s more, if your city decides not to tax cannabis, then buying and selling marijuana in the city limits would remain illegal. You would be permitted to possess and consume marijuana, but you would be required to travel to another city that taxes cannabis to buy it.[13]
Myth #6: The initiative will free up cops to focus on bigger crimes.
Fact: Decriminalization has already achieved this. The California Police Chiefs Association publicly admits that they do not waste their time on cases involving an ounce or less.[14] Moreover, many cities have already passed measures that require law enforcement to make marijuana possession their lowest priority.
RETARDED! Marijuana is NOT decriminalized. I don't know who told you that it was... but they're wrong. And if the police chiefs aren't bothering to waste their time on cases involving an ounce or less NOW... passing this law would mean that they're even LESS LIKELY to go after people for possession or growing once it passes. You might not be able to make a massive profit marking your product up 1000 percent... but hey, that's the danger of deciding to become a street dealer instead of learning some kind of legitimate marketable skill. Time to go to trade school!

What the initiative would do is create new prohibitions and felonies where there were none before, obligating police officers to spend valuable time enforcing them. The cases cops presently de-prioritize are minor offenses, like simple possession. But the initiative takes minor offenses and reclassifies them as more serious crimes (e.g., passing a joint to an adult 18-20). Law enforcement’s time is freed up by the elimination of prohibition, not by exchanging old prohibitions for new ones.
Only morons think that cops are going to be patrolling the streets checking groups of young adults for IDs and doing breath checks to see if people have been smoking.

Many have suggested that growers could open marijuana-tasting venues, similar to wine-tasting at vineyards. A grower might have a chance of opening such a place, but only if he gave his product away for free, because selling it would be illegal unless he successfully navigated the notoriously difficult and prohibitively expensive process of obtaining licensure.
How can you say that the process which does not exist of procuring a license to sell recreational marijuana is notoriously difficult and prohibitively expensive? It doesn't exist yet! These notoriously difficult processes are for each community to decide.

Do you think the Nor-Cal communities are going to shoot themselves in the foot by making 65% or more of their citizens outlaws?

You know what? There's still a page or more of this bullshit to refute. I'm done. You're retarded if you let your freedom slip away because of these horrible non-arguments.

If you're a street dealer who can't do anything else with your pathetic life... vote NO.

If you've got at least one functioning brain cell in your head, vote YES.


I love how everyone acts like if 19 passes prices will drop to like 20/oz for indoor kush. Did that happend when 215 passed? Hell if anything it RAISED prices...

Even if supply tenfolds with the pass of this, the amount of tourism that will now be able to access marijuana legally will skyrocket the demand. California already has a huge tourism market, can you imagine if we legalized marijuana? The tourism would easily double maybe triple those numbers. Summer would no longer be the tourism time in california. We would see people coming out for all sorts of harvest parties, cannabis cups and the likes that are to be found from late summer to early winter. Cannabis CAN be grown cheaply and in mass production, but who wants to smoke trash weed? Sure it may be a few bucks cheaper, but for the most part people want quality cannabis and it takes alot of time and effort to produce high grade marijuana. It is time to get rid of the black market and start legitimizing all the growers and sellers.

Its 2010, let the legalization begin!!!!:jump:

The prices were higher for Lbs before 215, everyone knows that.

Where were you in the early 70's when high quality Thai came in by the TON? Of course commercial mass produced weed can be great,
Maybe not quite as good as the very best today, but it was a Sativa!, but anyway wait until they have a bit of practice under their belts growing legal recreational under the sun...
I know tons of very high quality product can be produced outdoors, just because it is not now, or you have not seen it, means little.
I have, repeatedly.

Reading 40+ pages of this thread 3 times over basically in my mind amounts to this:

Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Hysteria Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat More hysteria Repeat Repeat Legit concern altho pretty negligble Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Angry rantings Repeat Repeat Repeat interesting point Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat hysteria,legit concerns,angry rantings and interesting points repeated x10 Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat jumping to conclusions Repeat Repeat Repeat more concern but fixable Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat...

ok take all that and multiply it by maybe 20-30 times.

I'm sorry to all for something so ridiculous but this is draining just to keep up with. Please read the thread before just jumping in and ranting and arguing with the folks who've had the same discussion before 5-10 plus times. It's all the same the yes side has been defending with fervor and growing frustration. Half of the no side doesn't even get it and keep flaming/insulting with needless hostility and the other half keep getting drowned out by all of the madness and hysteria of false claims and paranoias.

I'd hate to keep up any repitition but IMHO the bill is ok, the direction is ok, saying no can only worsen the circumstance and finally it can be changed at a later date. I'm not saying this to all no voters so don't be mistaken; for you whiners and hysterics who can't get over minor details in the bill and can't bring up a legitimate point to the discussion I have this to say: Suck it the fuck up and quit spreading bullshit.

Again I apologize to everyone I'm a bit sleep deprived and I've been sober 2 months now so my blood pressures continually rising.


BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
The prices were higher for Lbs before 215, everyone knows that.

Where were you in the early 70's when high quality Thai came in by the TON? Of course commercial mass produced weed can be great,
Maybe not quite as good as the very best today, but it was a Sativa!, but anyway wait until they have a bit of practice under their belts growing legal recreational under the sun...
I know tons of very high quality product can be produced outdoors, just because it is not now, or you have not seen it, means little.
I have, repeatedly.


It's not like I'm making shit up here sam... before 215 you could get amazing indoor on the streets for 250-300 oz. Dispensaries come in and everything is 50-60 / 8th...

Are you really comparing shit flown in by the ton compared to indoor kush??? Did I read that right?

Price might lower, but not nearly to numbers quoted by others. Hell just look at Amsterdam. They still get 8-18 euro a gram for that trash weed they sell...

I mean I COULD get bricks of mexi sativa for 150 / lb. But who the fuck wants to smoke that bushweed??

PS I would looooove to see some mass produced OD that can compete with my top shelf indoor. Greenhouse is about the closest you'll get and it's still not in the same ballpark. I welcome comm growers. They will produce shit so cheap it won't even be worth smoking.

My craft beer vs. your natty ice. No competition my friend...

Tom Hill

Active member
Regarding the 18-21 year-olds not being covered under prop19, I did not like to see that there either but.. Some lawyer with strong litigating judo and political foresight probably thought it best to put that in. It (along with many other specifics in there) sets-up and allows for direct comparison of cannabis and alcohol as we move forward. We all know and have seen before (Colorado etc), cannabis always comes out on top of that argument/comparison with flying colors - it's a very strong position to make the argument from.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Regarding the 18-21 year-olds not being covered under prop19, I did not like to see that there either but...

Tom.. I agree with you. I think it's a waste of manpower and resources to prosecute an 18 year old for getting high or having a little on him.

Does everybody here know the history of legal adulthood? It used to be that you weren't legally an adult until your 21st year. Then they ran low on bodies to use for cannon fodder... and they decided that you were adult enough to serve your country (in time of need) at 18. Still weren't really an adult, or they'd have instantly decreed that all 18 year olds everywhere could legally drink.

So... to the NO voters... While you're passing up the opportunity to advance the rights of smokers everywhere because you can't pass a doobie to your 18 year old acquaintance, will you please also boycott all bars, stores and events where alcohol can be purchased and patriotically refuse to go to any more concerts, movies, liquor stores, grocery stores, walmarts, targets, bars, venues, stripclubs, or anywhere else where 21 year olds can legally buy or consume alcohol until they lower the legal drinking age to 18?

If it's not full legalization of alcohol, it should ALL be illegal, right?


New member
So much venom being spewed out. Were even getting into anti-americanisms.

"America is the last best hope for this world". Abe lincoln

While the world distrusts America, they distrust each other far more.

It is good that every angle and what ifs are being explored and it seems that there are those that trust that this will be good for California and those that think this will open the door to bastardization and over taxation.

I personally do not think the prices will fall to the floor. This product is already the number one cash crop of america and although smoking will probably increase some, the product is already out there in full force. We are not going from zero to mass market. I think we are already saturated with weed in Cali and adding licensing fees,taxes,probably some agricultural inspection fees etc. I see the price staying about the same just instead of californians keeping what they worked for it will go into the black hole of the government and Californians will not feel the benefit. Altleast when it goes into the hands of Californians, it gets spent in California and helps the economy.

Someone said the gov wouldn't tax the product so much that would make it too expensive..?? There is no history to back that statement up. The gov will take and take, that is the reality.

Is there anything in the law that will prohibit importing the plant from overseas? Just like everything else that gets highly regulated. It will be to expensive to produce in Cali/America and will be imported from places that are less regulated. This is not utopia kids, this is letting the snake in the hen house.

If this doesn't pass, a version of it will be on every ballot from here on out until something does. We are not going backwards.

JJ. correct me if I'm wrong but I will bet that the traffic on icmag has been exploding over the past couple of years and there are no signs of retreat.

I understand concessions and that no bill will be perfect but there should be some safety features in the bill that will ensure that California ends up getting the jobs from this bill as well.

I would like to see a better bill.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
So much venom being spewed out. Were even getting into anti-americanisms.

"America is the last best hope for this world". Abe lincoln

While the world distrusts America, they distrust each other far more.

It is good that every angle and what ifs are being explored and it seems that there are those that trust that this will be good for California and those that think this will open the door to bastardization and over taxation.

I personally do not think the prices will fall to the floor. This product is already the number one cash crop of america and although smoking will probably increase some, the product is already out there in full force. We are not going from zero to mass market. I think we are already saturated with weed in Cali and adding licensing fees,taxes,probably some agricultural inspection fees etc. I see the price staying about the same just instead of californians keeping what they worked for it will go into the black hole of the government and Californians will not feel the benefit. Altleast when it goes into the hands of Californians, it gets spent in California and helps the economy.

Someone said the gov wouldn't tax the product so much that would make it too expensive..?? There is no history to back that statement up. The gov will take and take, that is the reality.

Is there anything in the law that will prohibit importing the plant from overseas? Just like everything else that gets highly regulated. It will be to expensive to produce in Cali/America and will be imported from places that are less regulated. This is not utopia kids, this is letting the snake in the hen house.

If this doesn't pass, a version of it will be on every ballot from here on out until something does. We are not going backwards.

JJ. correct me if I'm wrong but I will bet that the traffic on icmag has been exploding over the past couple of years and there are no signs of retreat.

I understand concessions and that no bill will be perfect but there should be some safety features in the bill that will ensure that California ends up getting the jobs from this bill as well.

I would like to see a better bill.

So...the prop is bad because it doesn't allow for Import, yet it's bad because it doesn't have language to keep jobs in CA?

Do you NOs even read what you write, or just post anything that randomly pops in your head.

As to more versions every election.... How many more people do you think will cough up 1 million to get a legalization on the ballot if Richard lees fails? Do you really expect big money to get behind and fund some hippies dream of legalization if there is no benefits for them...?

Let's be realistic here.....


New member
Hey B3rb tr3e,

You should have read what I wrote, you posted it and still got it wrong. i hope you didnt read the bill that way

I was asking if there was anything that didn't allow importing because that would hurt california.

It seems a common thing here is that the No's are posting questions to discuss and more Yes's are lashing out.


It's not like I'm making shit up here sam... before 215 you could get amazing indoor on the streets for 250-300 oz. Dispensaries come in and everything is 50-60 / 8th...

Are you really comparing shit flown in by the ton compared to indoor kush??? Did I read that right?

Price might lower, but not nearly to numbers quoted by others. Hell just look at Amsterdam. They still get 8-18 euro a gram for that trash weed they sell...

I mean I COULD get bricks of mexi sativa for 150 / lb. But who the fuck wants to smoke that bushweed??

PS I would looooove to see some mass produced OD that can compete with my top shelf indoor. Greenhouse is about the closest you'll get and it's still not in the same ballpark. I welcome comm growers. They will produce shit so cheap it won't even be worth smoking.

My craft beer vs. your natty ice. No competition my friend...

Sure you could get amazing on the street for $250-300 an Oz, pre 215, but today the price for an Oz is less, on the street. If you buy Oz's from a dispensary then you is loco. Prices for Lbs have fallen as well, the market is flooded, ask anyone in the trade.
And yes I was comparing the best import 70's Thai with any indoor Kush you have, it may have well been better to me I love Sativas and really don't like Indicas that are strong but couchlock. Did you ever see 70's Thai sticks you could throw against a wall and they stuck to the wall because they were so resinous? I did many times both in Cali and Thailand, and in Thailand they had one hell of a lot of seedless Cannabis that was maybe the best until homegrown came on strong...

"Cannabis CAN be grown cheaply and in mass production, but who wants to smoke trash weed? Sure it may be a few bucks cheaper, but for the most part people want quality cannabis and it takes alot of time and effort to produce high grade marijuana. It is time to get rid of the black market and start legitimizing all the growers and sellers"

Remember I introduced the first Kush back in the 70's, I do know what I prefer, even if it is not the most popular with the masses.
Original Haze Hybrids are what I like, but as they take a while, and are not the highest yielders, and are maybe a bit harder to grow under lights, I doubt the market will be flooded with under light grown Haze's. Until they are maybe legally grown outdoors by the millions. Then commercial grown Cannabis will be great, wait and see.


BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Hey B3rb tr3e,

You should have read what I wrote, you posted it and still got it wrong.

I was asking if there was anything that didn't allow importing because that would hurt california.

It seems a common thing here is that the No's are posting questions to discuss and more Yes's are lashing out.

Let's worry what's IN the language rather than what isn't in the language. If importing was going to be legal, it would have been in the prop. It isn't, so thus not valid for debate...

Grass Lands

How many more people do you think will cough up 1 million to get a legalization on the ballot if Richard lees fails? Do you really expect big money to get behind and fund some hippies dream of legalization if there is no benefits for them...?
Let's be realistic here.....

yes there will be, there is to much money to be made from cannabis...

the only reason dick Lee put up the money is because he is attempting to corner the market, other wise it would have been written to allow all to prosper...

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Sure you could get amazing on the street for $250-300 an Oz, pre 215, but today the price for an Oz is less, on the street. If you buy Oz's from a dispensary then you is loco. Prices for Lbs have fallen as well, the market is flooded, ask anyone in the trade.
And yes I was comparing the best import 70's Thai with any indoor Kush you have, it may have well been better to me I love Sativas and really don't like Indicas that are strong but couchlock. Did you ever see 70's Thai sticks you could throw against a wall and they stuck to the wall because they were so resinous? I did many times both in Cali and Thailand, and in Thailand they had one hell of a lot of seedless Cannabis that was maybe the best until homegrown came on strong...

"Cannabis CAN be grown cheaply and in mass production, but who wants to smoke trash weed? Sure it may be a few bucks cheaper, but for the most part people want quality cannabis and it takes alot of time and effort to produce high grade marijuana. It is time to get rid of the black market and start legitimizing all the growers and sellers"

Remember I introduced the first Kush back in the 70's, I do know what I prefer, even if it is not the most popular with the masses.
Original Haze Hybrids are what I like, but as they take a while, and are not the highest yielders, and are maybe a bit harder to grow under lights, I doubt the market will be flooded with under light grown Haze's. Until they are maybe legally grown outdoors by the millions. Then commercial grown Cannabis will be great, wait and see.


I'm not worried in the least. Having run and owned dispensaries in CA and CO I'm fairly confident I know what people want. Sure there are lots if sativa lovers, but if I didn't have indoor kush always on the shelf, ID be out Alot of sales.....

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
yes there will be, there is to much money to be made from cannabis...

the only reason dick Lee put up the money is because he is attempting to corner the market, other wise it would have been written to allow all to prosper...

So cost of doing business is cornering the market? That's like saying mcdonald cornered the market because the majority of us can not raise the 1,000,000$ capital to open one....

Don't hate others for their success and wise business ventures....


ICMag Donor
good weed can go for 7500e a key in Amsterdam, an they are dying for good weed over there!!,,,,the weed-market is defo not flooded in Amsterdam imo!!,,,,,,ive never even seen a good kush in an Amsterdam coffeeshop,,,,everyone is gowing yealders with limited taste,,,

some of you guys are havin a 24hour party in comparison to Holland,,id count yourselves lucky,,,the UK are socialy stuck in the dark ages, if we didnt have GWpharma the UK wouldnt have anythin,,

Grass Lands

Did you ever see 70's Thai sticks you could throw against a wall and they stuck to the wall because they were so resinous? I did many times both in Cali and Thailand, and in Thailand they had one hell of a lot of seedless Cannabis that was maybe the best until homegrown came on strong...


Man, you took me back a few years...only had the pleasure of toking it in cali in the late 70's early 80's, never made it across the pond to Thailand for the experience...I did however make it over to Reforger 84' in Germany and I did toke on some fine hash from them parts...

Grass Lands

So cost of doing business is cornering the market? That's like saying mcdonald cornered the market because the majority of us can not raise the 1,000,000$ capital to open one....

Don't hate others for their success and wise business ventures....

Not hating the market...but all should have a chance to prosper not just the wealthy...


New member
So cost of doing business is cornering the market? That's like saying mcdonald cornered the market because the majority of us can not raise the 1,000,000$ capital to open one....

Don't hate others for their success and wise business ventures....

I don't hate on good business choices. Good for you and I am being sincere.

You will benefit financially from this passing and are bashing honest questions regarding it. That I do not think is helpful in this discussion because it is apparent what is motivating you.$$

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I don't hate on good business choices. Good for you and I am being sincere.

You will benefit financially from this passing and are bashing honest questions regarding it. That I do not think is helpful in this discussion because it is apparent what is motivating you.$$

But see you guys are no longer posting valid questions but rather speculating on what isn't even in the language of 19. I welcome any dissent for 19 as there may be an view I have yet to interpret. However, saying things like 19 will cause more arrests, send jobs overseas, bowling ball the price and create more problems than solutions is simply fear mongering, and I will have none of it. 19 is not the end all be all for cannabis legalization, it is just another step to ensure our foothold at a political level...


ICMag Donor
I don't hate on good business choices. Good for you and I am being sincere.

You will benefit financially from this passing and are bashing honest questions regarding it. That I do not think is helpful in this discussion because it is apparent what is motivating you.$$

He's the ONLY dispensory owner that I have seen wanting this to pass.

If everyone starts growing their own, and the price drops, how is that going to help him? If you'd have read the thread you'd see almost all 215 peeps are against this....
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