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Ice-tube cloner from WallyWorld


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Question how are you getting the clones out once rooted? Do you have an certain way? Thanks. Peace and puffs


Budley Doright

Active member
For the old style I use a penny..... remove the blue bottom caps and put a penny at the bottom of the tube and push the clone thru with a pencil or something.....

With the popcicle cloner i put the penny in the bottom then fill with vermiculite......

Then use the drain hole to push the penny..

You should also be able to turn them over and tap them out ......if using the larger popcicle mold....

Once the clone dislodges from the cloner.... just lay it sideways and use the stem.....


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
For the old style I use a penny..... remove the blue bottom caps and put a penny at the bottom of the tube and push the clone thru with a pencil or something.....

With the popcicle cloner i put the penny in the bottom then fill with vermiculite......

Then use the drain hole to push the penny..

You should also be able to turn them over and tap them out ......if using the larger popcicle mold....

Once the clone dislodges from the cloner.... just lay it sideways and use the stem.....

Ah hah. Good idea :biggrin: thanks for sharing I made 5 small holes in the bottom. Now I'll make a hole the size of a pencil. 6 clones all rooted in 7 days cheap and quick, I like that. Can't wait to see your new cloner at work. Peace and puffs.

Budley Doright

Active member
I must admit....I really didnt get the whole thing until recently......

In the past I often simply snipped the cut ..... dunk in clonex and good enough.....

It worked quite well....

But since I have added religiously the scrapes on opposite sides...to expose cambium green tissue then clonex.. this thing has been awesome.....

I cant convey that enough........ thanks for the help....

I have been really busy with a new room...but promise to get my winter version out....

I absolulely love it....I did some small mods to the one I did last year........ good stuff....

I will be needing it soon.....so I will get some pics of how to build it soon......

It uses and adjustable aquarium heater to keep your temps proper.....


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
BudleyDO Ah I see clonex now has a solution, or did they always? I used clonex before in my homemade aero strain specific 11-14 days some strains 10 days. I personally think the scrape and dip set and go with filtered water works fine. Now the Popsicle cloner is just as quick I had signs of roots in 6 days can't be any happier and I'm using a rooting powder from lowes. In the aero pump makes a big difference, it seems aero roots tend to be stout bushier roots and the vermiculite roots seem to be thinner and longer. Imo its all about preference. All these trio packs etc make me think it's the placebo effect. I'm going to do a little aero vs vermiculite experiment. Aero I'll use filtered water ph around 6.0 and scraped. Vermiculite will just sit in veg room temps 78-80 degrees. I need a thermometer with humidity mine is a cheapy.

Budley Doright

Active member
I also used this thing for hydro.....

I would just take them as soon as I saw rooting.....

the vermiculite rinses off cleanly at that stage.....

This is one reason I hate this being in soil forum......

Because it works perfectly for hydro.....

In hydro the plant makes water roots.... those fat guys you are talking about....

in vermiculite it makes air roots.....

Thats why I would take them as soon as they root and then put them into my hydroton set up.....


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
BudleyDO you can't also post this thread in hydro? I've seen some post two of the same thread in different forums before. Hmmm. You should ask the powers that be

Budley Doright

Active member
Well let me tell you a story......

I contacted payaso about 2 things.....

I asked him to make my air layering thread a sticky...... he did that......

I also said IMO this place needs a propagation forum..... because its impossible to find all your options.....

I said IMO the reason there is not one....is because of the seed biz.....

As you can see....one of those 2 things were in fact done ..... the new forum.... apparently not a good enough idea......

Thats the short version.....

But I do recommend reading the air layering thread...... Its a paradigm shift but it has huge potential....of saving some weeks of veg time..... The link is in my signature.....

I have the same beef with the air layering thread....sure its a sticky in the soil forum......but the technique can be done with any medium....

The solution is a propagation forum.....imo

Budley Doright

Active member
I got my cloner at walmart....and its seasonal.....

however if its not in season you can get them thru ebay.....

There are usa as well as foreign sources.....

For about 4.50 you can have it in the states this week....

a couple bucks less from china or hong kong....... in either case shipping included....

ebay 8 Freezer Ice Pop Maker Mold Popsicle

Above is your google search term......

Here is a direct link to a source in ohio....


Budley Doright

Active member
I wanted to post a couple things so I took a bunch of pics....

first off my summer cloning set up....

This is my reservoir...... a walmart ice cube bin.....

My original cloner....with working clones....This one is slighly smaller than the original.... the original has 27 clones this one 21..

The ice bin the cloner inside my dome..... A manards plastic bag...

I loosely close the bag when the clones are first taken for 2 or 3 days.....

From then on i just open the top of the bag....

80 to 82 degrees

Budley Doright

Active member

As an alternative I also use the popsicle mold in the front of the pic....

Only 8 slots but you can see the roots thru the plastic.....

I prefer the 8 slot mold and its available on line or at walmart during the warm season....

Budley Doright

Active member
winter cloner setup


2 gallon bucket and lid....

Small adjustable heater... thermometer.... and popsicle mold...

and the manards bag Over the top this time as the dome...

80 to 82 degrees

Budley Doright

Active member
Well..... winter is coming up....and with winter comes more cloning failures due to colder temps in the grow room..... especially during dark cycles......

There are few more painful things than a batch of clones not rooting.....


AI Glitch
Out of votes...good on you man :tiphat: think I need to build one, got some frigid rooters over here and I think that setup costs about as much as a heat mat so - 2 birds, one airstone :good:

Budley Doright

Active member
For just a few bucks this system works like a charm.....

I hardly lost a clone since last winter....

But anyone can clone during the summer.....

I have made two very important additions to my method since this thread started some years ago.....

1. the menards bag..... the extra humidity does keep them happier and so far no mold issues....

2. I now scrape the stems for all clones....religiously.... on smaller clones I scrap about an inch...one side.. from the end cut..... for larger clones....opposite sides....

Im using clonex and vermiculite ..... the cloner this summer was off the charts good.....

I had gotten away from the scraping.... scarification to expose the cambium layer....

they worked well enough just snip and go but the added step to expose the cambium put this method over the top.....

Last winter I had a batch of clones take waaaayyyy too long because of low temps..... It cost me some money so my response was the setup you see here......

I like it....


AI Glitch
I need to get back to doing that...been making 2 45 degree cuts for a V shape for some reason, way better results just scraping the stem. Usually had roots within a week.

Pretty heartbreaking losing choice cuts I know...lost my GorillaBubble F1 tester-keepers this past summer when I took 3 cuts of each and trashed the mothers due to whitefly epidemic. Never rooted :(

Thanks for sharing brother :tiphat: I'll post pics when I get it runnin..might be a few cuz uhh^^ lost my keepers lol :(

Budley Doright

Active member

Here is a large clone..... it has been scraped on opposite side.....and thats where the rooting occured......

One other bit of speculation.....

That also exposing cambium away from the cut is beneficial.....
in the case of any stem rot around the bottom cut.....

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