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IC Mag fashion thread: what do u wear?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Me and my homies about to score a multiple kilos of hash.



I have an affinity for Polo. IDK why but everything I wear is Polo.

I have a few reasons. One being that the shit lasts for years

THIS! Not everything I wear is Polo, but damn, the only thing left after a nuclear holocaust would be the insects and Polo shirts. Crazy longevity.
The last thing I (and many of my friends) can afford right now is clothing. Vanity can wait, I first need to get a job and pay back all my loan debts to the system. Last clothing item was a "gonna get me a job" suit, and it hasn't worked yet...


Take A Deep Breath
For those in the UK......think Compo from "Last of the Summer Wine".

For those not familiar with that show....think railroad hobo.

Works for me.....my days of trying to chat up young girlies are well behind me. Comfort is the only criterion.


Comfort is the only criterion.

God damn right. Those that matter don't care about you're appearance and those that care don't matter. :smoke:

I usually go with sweat pants and a sweat shirt over a t-shirt with beat to shit broken in nikes or my boots.

And I see too many people wearing plaid these days. Take your plaid shirts, you're starbucks coffee, and your PBR tall boys and GTFO.


A foot without a sock...
God damn right. Those that matter don't care about you're appearance and those that care don't matter. :smoke:

I usually go with sweat pants and a sweat shirt over a t-shirt with beat to shit broken in nikes or my boots.

And I see too many people wearing plaid these days. Take your plaid shirts, you're starbucks coffee, and your PBR tall boys and GTFO.


Go EZ on the PBR's....I was Country when Country wasn't cool :joint:


Tee shirt, pair of shorts and sandals for most of the year. When its cold I'll pull on a pair of sweats or jeans. For work, the only difference is a pair of boots.


Pull my finger
God damn right. Those that matter don't care about you're appearance and those that care don't matter. :smoke:


I must disagree with this. Many a time my friends have come over and forced me to cut my hair and shave. Ones who care still want you to look your best and looking decent I cannot equate with vanity.

You wont see me rocking Gucci sock or Prada shoes. But you get what you pay for.

The same rings true with shoes. You spend a little more and your shoes wont be coming apart at the sole line.

I always said that you spend most of your time in life sleeping and working and this is where your focus should be. Get a really nice bed, and really nice work shoes since this is where most of us spend 66% of our life. I went for the Tempurpedic and Polo boots.

I DO agree with the comfort thing and it just so happens that I am most comfortable in polo. If I wasnt comfortable in it, I would not drop the dough on it.

I cut corners on a lot of things. You wont see me in a flashy car or rocking a bunch of jewelery, but I do dress myself well. That value was instilled in me early in life. I iron my clothes and am most always presentable.

I know that many folks will have widely differing opinions on what is acceptable and what is overboard when it comes to money spent on clothes. But there is a happy medium for all of us.

In the summertime, you wont catch me wearing more than some trunks (Polo of course) and flip flops. So is the way of most coastal Floridians. But when winter comes around, it is time to dress well.

Funny thing is, it seems expensive when you buy it. But I dont have to buy new clothes every year. My shit lasts long enough to take 5 years at least.

We all have different ideas about how to dress. But it comes down to what you are comfortable in, and for this reason I cannot knock anybody for what they wear. If it makes you feel good about yourself, do it.

Which reminds me, I just got this really nice "coverall" realtree thing that I guess usually costs in the hundreds of dollars. One of those things that folks wear when hunting. I found it at a thrift shop and had to get it cuz it fit me. IDK when I will get an chance to wear it but I really like having something that warm just in case.

One other thing, my wife likes to see me in Polo gear and her opinion is really the only one that counts. I let her pick most of my clothes for me since she is the one I look nice for. As long as I get the "damn honey you look nice", that is all that matters.


Sports jerseys 2x too big, jeans 3x too big with a bling bling belt that I refuse to tighten, some really cool Nikes, and a sideways cap!!!
Skate shoes, jeans and a T-Shirt!

Don't need fancy clothes to look fine, but wearing something nice makes me look extra-fine. :D
Looking like a bum is nice now and then but some people should really try and look decent for a change. Just remember people have to look at you as much as you have to look at them.

So long as its comfortable and you think it looks good! People can fashion themselves out for all I care so long as they respect others!

Edit: zip up hoodies are the shit.


Warm stuff in winter, cool stuff in summer. Generally I try to make sure that it doesn't stink. Fresh underwear and socks everyday. When I used to have to look good to get paid, I used to LIVE in Marshalls and Kohls. Nautica and Kenneth cole stuff seemed to fit best. I have prolly 100 designer label $8 ties, lol.