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High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Yep, the classic veg and flowering times under lights. It's been known for 1000's of years that changes in the seasonal light regime causes vegetation to grow and flowers to flower.

But who came up with the 18/6, 12/12 thing and why?


I heard it was when wernard and his mate started growing under glass in his dads rose gardens and sam had a short sk#1 this dudes wife said that they could forceflower them like marrigolds 10/14 so I guess its this woman.. her husband reinvented soil mixes for growers of dope with ammended N.P.K ratios this was like early 80's

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
I heard it was when wernard and his mate started growing under glass in his dads rose gardens and sam had a short sk#1 this dudes wife said that they could forceflower them like marrigolds 10/14 so I guess its this woman.. her husband reinvented soil mixes for growers of dope with ammended N.P.K ratios this was like early 80's

Are you for real, who is wernard? This cracks me up.


Active member

wernard learned everything from old ed and started the first growshop and coffeeshop n the mellow yellow and the positronics

those soil mixes are still used today where i live

I don't know if it was wernard or old ed cuz i don't know if old eddy grew indoors in the 70's , but they started the whole thing

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll

wernard learned everything from old ed and started the first growshop and coffeeshop n the mellow yellow and the positronics

those soil mixes are still used today where i live

I don't know if it was wernard or old ed cuz i don't know if old eddy grew indoors in the 70's , but they started the whole thing

Fascinating, I didn't know that. Were these blokes growing under HID. I'm interested in everyone's light regime.


Active member
Trial and error...economy...lots of people independently figured it out, I'm sure.

The 12/12 is fairly common...I take issue with 18/6 though, many people go 24 hours or 20/4. But bottom line, I'd say economics...18/6 is probably close to the most efficient power usage wise for the greatest plant growth.

I've heard of tests but they were already hundreds of pages long and didn't seem conclusive from what I got from the few posts I've read. I've personally tried different light schemes at different times, I don't see much difference (that I casually noticed) between them.

18/6 12/12 is also elegant and easy to remember... simply take away an even 6 hours of light. Just change the on or off time by 6, half the 12. Just remember 12 and the change is half that.

That's my, pulled from my ass, thoughts on the matter. I doubt some dude "invented" it and passed "the word" like Jesus. The first guy to grow indoors must have waited...and waited...unless he already knew about flowering times...in that case 18/6 12/12 (or something close) was "invented" a long long time ago...during the first SUCCESSFUL indoor grow.


Active member
I doubt some dude "invented" it and passed "the word" like Jesus

what? didn't you knew old ed could walk on water and and create fish and bread out o thin air?

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Trial and error...economy...lots of people independently figured it out, I'm sure.

The 12/12 is fairly common...I take issue with 18/6 though, many people go 24 hours or 20/4. But bottom line, I'd say economics...18/6 is probably close to the most efficient power usage wise for the greatest plant growth.

I've heard of tests but they were already hundreds of pages long and didn't seem conclusive from what I got from the few posts I've read. I've personally tried different light schemes at different times, I don't see much difference (that I casually noticed) between them.

18/6 12/12 is also elegant and easy to remember... simply take away an even 6 hours of light. Just change the on or off time by 6, half the 12. Just remember 12 and the change is half that.

That's my, pulled from my ass, thoughts on the matter. I doubt some dude "invented" it and passed "the word" like Jesus. The first guy to grow indoors must have waited...and waited...unless he already knew about flowering times...in that case 18/6 12/12 (or something close) was "invented" a long long time ago...during the first SUCCESSFUL indoor grow.

Good input, one must think about power usage and I have always thought plants need a dark cycle to rest and recover for the next day of cell building.

I just wonder what the cut off line is between veg and flower.

Probably strain dependent.

good drown

Trial and error...economy...lots of people independently figured it out, I'm sure.

The 12/12 is fairly common...I take issue with 18/6 though, many people go 24 hours or 20/4. But bottom line, I'd say economics...18/6 is probably close to the most efficient power usage wise for the greatest plant growth.

I've heard of tests but they were already hundreds of pages long and didn't seem conclusive from what I got from the few posts I've read. I've personally tried different light schemes at different times, I don't see much difference (that I casually noticed) between them.

18/6 12/12 is also elegant and easy to remember... simply take away an even 6 hours of light. Just change the on or off time by 6, half the 12. Just remember 12 and the change is half that.

That's my, pulled from my ass, thoughts on the matter. I doubt some dude "invented" it and passed "the word" like Jesus. The first guy to grow indoors must have waited...and waited...unless he already knew about flowering times...in that case 18/6 12/12 (or something close) was "invented" a long long time ago...during the first SUCCESSFUL indoor grow.

if it was any one person, it was Trial A. Error
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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

your plants when in natural settings trigger into flowering when the light schedule becomes 14/10, perhaps even sooner as that's when I notice that flowering has started.

plants only grow when in the photosynthesis period (daylight) and so going 12/12 robs them of an hours growth when a 13/11 schedule will make them flower just as well adding an hour every day. 7 weeks flowering = 49 extra hours for bud growth; 11 weeks = 77 extra hours.

that extra hour each day of flowering WILL amount to a bigger harvest than if you decided to just add 2 or 3 days extra flowering time before harvest.
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Perpetual Nooch

Active member

your plants when in natural settings trigger into flowering when the light schedule becomes 14/10, perhaps even sooner as that's when I notice that flowering has started.

plants only grow when in the photosynthesis period (daylight) and so going 12/12 robs them of an hours growth when a 13/11 schedule will make them flower just as well adding an hour every day. 7 weeks flowering = 49 extra hours for bud growth; 11 weeks = 77 extra hours.

Will this work for all strains, indica and sativa? I'm interested in giving this a go with Jack Herer.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll

your plants when in natural settings trigger into flowering when the light schedule becomes 14/10, perhaps even sooner as that's when I notice that flowering has started.

plants only grow when in the photosynthesis period (daylight) and so going 12/12 robs them of an hours growth when a 13/11 schedule will make them flower just as well adding an hour every day. 7 weeks flowering = 49 extra hours for bud growth; 11 weeks = 77 extra hours.

that extra hour each day of flowering WILL amount to a bigger harvest than if you decided to just add 2 or 3 days extra flowering time before harvest.

I might just have to do a little light regime experiment on my next SOG run. Interesting concept.


Schmendrick the Awful, while guarding his ganja patch with a spear, stuck the spear in the ground and found out it could be used it for a sun-dial. The rest is history although he was unable to write down his discovery...partially because Schmendrick was shortly thereafter devoured by a wild boar, unable to get to his spear fast enough, and partially because writing (and Icmag) hadn't yet been invented. Luckily, for us, Gustav the Dunce had been figuring out how to steal the patch from Schmendrick and discovered the time periods which he was able to pass on to all of his 57 children.


^u mean bert and ernie lol

but im sure ppl knew about this from other plants

kinda off topic but can anyone help me find the one thread on here that went pretty in depth with light schedules talking about maximizing yield and such. i tried searching for it but i couldnt find it


I remember reading in M. Frank and E. Rosenthal's Indoor Marijuana Growing guide, that photoperiod should be decreased slowly (something like an hour/week, maybe more or less) in order to find the trigger daylength of the particular strain/plant. Which, as Stoner4Life said, allows for more photosynthesis during flowering time, without reverting back to veg.