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i weigh 260 lbs and should weigh


Active member
i am gonna start with these exsersizes and just start walking for leisure up and down the hill i have 5AM and perhaps at 10pm.


Just checking in. Looking good by the sound of things fred. Really is inspirational. I went down to the basement and got my bike out for the first time in a loong time after the first time I visited this thread. Then I got stoned and lost in the woods :D but it was a good time. Trying to get the bikeriding going on a regular basis now.

Keep it up man!


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
unclefishstick,i can already look back to 18 days ago and be glad thats over with..it was rough as hell gettin started..one mistake i made was to walk for 5 days in a row...too much too soon..buut,it has made me stronger and i've learned to get enough rest between outings....did you ride that bike 2day?

yup,rode for about 4 hours today,but i gave up my car years ago so i dont have a choice if there is stuff to do,two trips to the hardware store,two trips to the post office,and a side trip...was really hating the last hill before home by the end of it:)
Just checking in. Looking good by the sound of things fred. Really is inspirational. I went down to the basement and got my bike out for the first time in a loong time after the first time I visited this thread. Then I got stoned and lost in the woods :D but it was a good time. Trying to get the bikeriding going on a regular basis now.

Keep it up man!
with me everything is habit..if i do somethin today i'll probably do it 2mor..you fellers talkin about bikes makes me want one..my lady friend said santa claus might bring me one so i'd better be good!
yup,rode for about 4 hours today,but i gave up my car years ago so i dont have a choice if there is stuff to do,two trips to the hardware store,two trips to the post office,and a side trip...was really hating the last hill before home by the end of it:)
4 hours?....how long does it take yer body to recover from that?


Active member
usually it depends,how well you refule,and how you eat the day before. just stop thinking of foods as somthing to please the palate and as refuling at the gas station.
you eat for the energey you need for the next day,the day of performance light meals/snack,because at the peak of performance you body will draw away the blood used for digestion and divert it to muscles that needs it and by that i mean youll puke it all out. after the activity sports drinks like gatorade ect.... i usually stick to some type of soup to eat and wheat products.
theres usuall a 1/2 -1 hr window to refule and prevent freeradicle damage,freeradicles is the burrning sensation you get in your muscles that make you wanna stop they do damage if not taken care of.
it's 1 oclock in the mornin and i'm headin out ...only had 24 hrs rest but think i'll be ok..71 degrees...got baseball early 2mor and football 2mor night so might take off a day if i get tired THIS A.M......i usually listen to sports on my little radio but last night found a station that was playin 70"s rock and roll stuff..i'm an old guitar picker so enjoyed hearin songs i hadnt heard in years...LETS GO INTO THAT DARK NIGHT!!!


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
4 hours?....how long does it take yer body to recover from that?
after eating and taking a shower and getting high i was fine,legs dont hurt this morning,only have a few errands to run today,prob less than a half hour of riding

keep in mind i have been without a car and walking or riding for over 5 years now.

keep on truckin bro,it seems like it takes 6 weeks or so for your body to adapt,you're almost there!!:)
after eating and taking a shower and getting high i was fine,legs dont hurt this morning,only have a few errands to run today,prob less than a half hour of riding

keep in mind i have been without a car and walking or riding for over 5 years now.

keep on truckin bro,it seems like it takes 6 weeks or so for your body to adapt,you're almost there!!:)
were you out of shape before you gave up car?


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
were you out of shape before you gave up car?
yes,im on the other end of the journey you have just started,just different numbers,iwas more like 280 and am down somewhere under 200 at 6 foot 6,plus i had a bad back and poorly healed broken bones in my foot so it was pretty agonizing at times to have to walk,but i can tell you its worth the effort,its great to be inhabiting a body that does what i want again!

the first six weeks are the hardest! keep going bro!:dance013:

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
GJ fred

This is probably one of the most important things you'll do in your entire life... and most people don't seem to understand that.

You're doing a service to yourself and loved ones. Mostly cause you get to be around them longer :D <3

My suggestions for losing weight, in a healthy amount of time:

Cut down on your meat intake. I personally haven't eaten red meat in about 7 years and don't eat meat more then 3 or 4 times a week (honestly its all we need).

Cut down on dairy, its all around bad for you. The older we get, the more lactose intolerant we become. It creates a lot of mucus, it causes gas and has a lot of cholesterol in it.

Cut down on the sugar, its empty calories that can cause diabetes.

I'm a killjoy, right? Well its not so bad, its hard at first. But the greatest thing about us being humans, is we adapt really well to change; the way we do that is we become used to something and think of it as normal. Soon enough you'll see healthy eating and exercise as normal. I see a hamburger and feel ill, 7 years ago I'd have been salivating.

The coolest thing about good diet and exercise is the amount of energy you start to get and how it motivates you to do things you never would have done before. So much more rewarding then the taste of a ice cream cone.
thanks fellers..83 minutes this mornin..it had rained earlier and humidity was high so my old lungs slowed me down but i got in 83 minutes..now i can watch football 2mor without feelin guilty...


First off Fred, congrats!
Half the battle is taking action.
Can I suggest that you look for HILLS, I've found a good long uphill stretch really improves my heart rate.
Another really important thing not to overlook is weights. You don't have to join a gym or spend money, find some 2-5 liter/quart/gallon jugs and fill with sand. Do as many reps as possible. The thing I hate are situps but you have to. Just do em correctly not to put pressure on your back or neck. Crunches, till you cry but music helps!
First off Fred, congrats!
Half the battle is taking action.
Can I suggest that you look for HILLS, I've found a good long uphill stretch really improves my heart rate.
Another really important thing not to overlook is weights. You don't have to join a gym or spend money, find some 2-5 liter/quart/gallon jugs and fill with sand. Do as many reps as possible. The thing I hate are situps but you have to. Just do em correctly not to put pressure on your back or neck. Crunches, till you cry but music helps!
where i walk at least 25% of it is hills and theyre not lttle ones..very long ones,i have to go really slow but i like the challenge..i've ..hehe...right now my primary concern is gettin in walkin shape..
yesterday made 3 weeks that i've been hikin..will be about 56 when i go out 2night so might have to get out some clothes..around here when it gets in the 50's winter aint far away..


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
you burn more calories when its cold out staying warm,wont be long till your body finishes adapting,keep it up!
got in my 80 minutes early this a:m..first time i;"ve wore a shirt all summer... always watch the extended forecast and it's gonna be down in the high 40"s and low 50's in the next week or so..turned ac off for 1st time today..