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I was at wal-mart and...


h^2 O

Ok so yeah, go ahead and eliminate yourself H20, seeing as how LESS THAN 1% of societal gene pool is "unflawed" I mean you're talking about some Nazi ass genocide shit, you douche.

Because its horrible that someone with retardation's, sounds like you may have some, lives a happy and content life right, right?

I don't think anyone was talking baout genocide

PS you smell like poo

h^2 O

Humans are not cannabis, as simple as you made it sound. They are not hermies to be culled out of your grow... There's a thing called right to life, and just because someone has handicaps doesn't mean they don't deserve to live. Unlike others, I do not respect this view at all. The biggest threat to humans is human nature itself, not dominant or recessive genes. On top of that, I think it'd be nearly impossible to work mental/physical handicaps into the entire gene pool. But yeah, like others have said, reproduction usually isn't in the picture for them to begin with.

That sounds like something Hitler would have done... You sound like someone I'd like to burn with... Ha.

"human nanner patrol"......the htought is horrifying


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
I know H20's comments were taken one particular way. Here's the reality; people are becoming increasingly more scrutinized at a genetic level due to increased availability of genetic testing.

That means if somehow, someway in the near or distant future someone knows you've got the genes for "DIABETES", "CANCER", "HEART DISEASE", etc....YOU WILL HAVE LIMITED OR NO INSURANCE COVERAGE.

That's pretty simple mathetmatics. Under those circumstances, only those that can afford treatment will have access to it. Try to afford treatment for cancer without insurance....if you can survive the bills, you've still got cancer to contend with.

So, it doesn't really matter what anyone believes is right or correct. Unless you've got purse strings to support that belief, it's moot.

I've already seen physical evidence of things heading in this direction.

Physical/mental impairments = $. People (Insurance companies) with $ usually don't want to part with $. They find ways to not pay for things by justifying their actions as I stated above. In the end the people that feel the brunt of this economic tug of war are those that are infirmed or handicapped. The era of government sponsored disability is coming to a halt.

If you don't believe me....if you happen to know someone that has had ANY physical or mental impairment.....and they happen to have lost their insurance for whatever reason......see what happens when they try to get additional coverage. Watch how many doors slam down and lock tight. I know it's happening....I see it every day.

Anyway, that in no way diminishes the immense accomplishment of individuals that are out there doing what they can....with these types of disabilities...still blows me away.
The future holds less and less of these miracle people however. H20 just stated something an a way that people find objectionable....because it seems like Logan's run, and it's reminicsent of what the Nazi party suggested. In their case it was merely a smokescreen to commit genocide. However, their thought process about increasing the health and durability and productivity of a civilization was not flawed. That's why it was appealing to so many Germanic people at the time. It was in fact the premise they used to kick off everything.
There's nothing wrong with attempting to elevate the health and well-being of society. How that is done is of course a matter of serious debate. Nonetheless, I know that $ has more impact than anything, anywhere....and it will be $ that determines the course of evolution here just as much as anything else.


Freedom Fighter
Attention Grab ... and y'all got sucked IN ... this is BullShit ... all of it ... If people paid More attention to what's WRONG with them and not what Might be wrong with someone else the world would be a Much Better place. Feeling sorry for a person with what you perceive to be a Handicap is a complete and utter waste of time and emotions. It's a distraction method used to feel better about your own worthless-in the big picture existence ... The thread starter would have you believe that they are some kind of a Living Compassion Machine walking around helping (yeah when They are actually the one needing help) in the Most Decrepit places on the Planet when in reality they are just real happy they aren't afflicted in such an obvious fashion ...

I don't think he was so much feeling sorry for them, as he was looking at them, and what they must endure to do the things we frequently whine about doing--
It is a good thing, when you are feeling down, or like you have it rough...to see exactly what "Rough" is-- But handicapped ppl don't see it that way...it is just "Life" to them...and they are enjoying the shit out of it...
Actually, I think he was looking "Up" to them...not with Pity--:2cents:

h^2 O

I know H20's comments were taken one particular way. Here's the reality; people are becoming increasingly more scrutinized at a genetic level due to increased availability of genetic testing.

That means if somehow, someway in the near or distant future someone knows you've got the genes for "DIABETES", "CANCER", "HEART DISEASE", etc....YOU WILL HAVE LIMITED OR NO INSURANCE COVERAGE.

That's pretty simple mathetmatics. Under those circumstances, only those that can afford treatment will have access to it. Try to afford treatment for cancer without insurance....if you can survive the bills, you've still got cancer to contend with.

So, it doesn't really matter what anyone believes is right or correct. Unless you've got purse strings to support that belief, it's moot.

I've already seen physical evidence of things heading in this direction.

Physical/mental impairments = $. People (Insurance companies) with $ usually don't want to part with $. They find ways to not pay for things by justifying their actions as I stated above. In the end the people that feel the brunt of this economic tug of war are those that are infirmed or handicapped. The era of government sponsored disability is coming to a halt.

If you don't believe me....if you happen to know someone that has had ANY physical or mental impairment.....and they happen to have lost their insurance for whatever reason......see what happens when they try to get additional coverage. Watch how many doors slam down and lock tight. I know it's happening....I see it every day.

Anyway, that in no way diminishes the immense accomplishment of individuals that are out there doing what they can....with these types of disabilities...still blows me away.
The future holds less and less of these miracle people however. H20 just stated something an a way that people find objectionable....because it seems like Logan's run, and it's reminicsent of what the Nazi party suggested. In their case it was merely a smokescreen to commit genocide. However, their thought process about increasing the health and durability and productivity of a civilization was not flawed. That's why it was appealing to so many Germanic people at the time. It was in fact the premise they used to kick off everything.
There's nothing wrong with attempting to elevate the health and well-being of society. How that is done is of course a matter of serious debate. Nonetheless, I know that $ has more impact than anything, anywhere....and it will be $ that determines the course of evolution here just as much as anything else.
:yes: hey alright someone who got the point and isn't quick on the trigger.Couldn't have said it better. In fact that's what I think I should have said, now some poor kid from Oshgosh is crying into his kashi


I didn't hear you say anything about the fact that the guy who was having a hard time walking is actually walking to assist you with something....I'd say that's a pretty positive thing....
Instead of seeing this person's handicap...I think it would be a better thing to look past it and see how impressive it is for someone to overcome this limitation. Years ago, they'd be relegated to institutions....now they're helping you at Wal-mart....I think that deserves at least a small K+.

you are not looking past something when you take it for the positive instead of looking at the negative

to look past something is to take it out of the equation entirely

your view of sympathy and empathy is just as bad as someone's view of genetic degradation ...

in short ... "aww that poor handicapped person" is no better than "haha look at that retard"

some things are just better off left unsaid. just my .02 though


Looks like we're going to need to start a new sub-forum in the Toker's Den....The Hitler Fan Club...

Seriously, a bunch of folks here need to go take a college course on Ethics.

This is embarrassing.

h^2 O

There in plenty of information and anthropological studies that suggest that the species of homo sapiens that evolved were those that took care of the sick, elderly and others that needed it. A classic study compare Cro-Magnum with Neanderthal.

there's evidence for that in Mustarian culture as well, which is Neanderthals. Although it is human-like quality to care for others, humans are not the only ones in the animals planet that care for one another - birds, monkeys, bugs


There in plenty of information and anthropological studies that suggest that the species of homo sapiens that evolved were those that took care of the sick, elderly and others that needed it. A classic study compare Cro-Magnum with Neanderthal.

this may be true ... but some societies today that are still very "tribal" in nature do the exact opposite and simply won't settle for anything less than an offspring that will benefit the community ... someone that can hunt/gather and defend as opposed to someone who you have to hunt and gather for ... and defend for


Looks like we're going to need to start a new sub-forum in the Toker's Den....The Hitler Fan Club...

Seriously, a bunch of folks here need to go take a college course on Ethics.

This is embarrassing.

even hitler you have to give a little respect to

most influential leader of the 20th century imo

although i don't agree with his methods and tactics ... you have to admit he was a motivator


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
jwop: is that really what you got outta that post? That I felt sorry for them?
Nope. Just impressed that someone who has physical and mental challenges can do something that I'm not sure I could do myself given the same circumstances.
I think you somehow got the vibe I'm thinking these people are pathetic. I don't offer pity to those that don't ask or need it. That's clearly the framework of what I was attempting to say. Of course there's always semantics, interprepretation and personal filtering to take into consideration. Looks like you only took away what you wanted to with that post.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Looks like we're going to need to start a new sub-forum in the Toker's Den....The Hitler Fan Club...

Seriously, a bunch of folks here need to go take a college course on Ethics.

This is embarrassing.

Nature has no ethics! You play ball or you die! Simple as that..

What's ethical about doing stupid shit untill there is nothing else left but to resort to Hitler type tactics ? And why Hitler ? Why not Darwin ? Why not every fucking biologist who sees this shit for what it really is ? Science does not have to be comfortable..it is what it is..


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
even hitler you have to give a little respect to

most influential leader of the 20th century imo

although i don't agree with his methods and tactics ... you have to admit he was a motivator

I find it funny that people blame Hitler for the horrific things that OTHER people did ? How many people did Hitler kill personally ? Shit i would not be surprised if he never killed a person in his life...It's the dumb drones that are the problem..as always..


If i asked you to kill a million jews..and you did it. Who's fault is it ?


edit: (my response from 1st post in thread)

Everyone faces unique challenges and have their own triumphs everyday.

Dis "satisfaction" is tricky, sometimes it maybe something more deep, like possible guilt that things are really okay for us, despite what we have done and despite what is going on in the world around us.

i should prob earse that? but what the hey.......

try one day to say hello to as many people as you can.

then the next day say nothing to no one, silent the whole day.

and ponder that.
Last edited:


jwop: is that really what you got outta that post? That I felt sorry for them?
Nope. Just impressed that someone who has physical and mental challenges can do something that I'm not sure I could do myself given the same circumstances.
I think you somehow got the vibe I'm thinking these people are pathetic. I don't offer pity to those that don't ask or need it. That's clearly the framework of what I was attempting to say. Of course there's always semantics, interprepretation and personal filtering to take into consideration. Looks like you only took away what you wanted to with that post.

no im sorry i definatly didn't think that you meant pathetic ... looking back at my own post and reading it in a different mind i could see how strong it may have sounded. my only comment directed to you was the "looking past" bit, the rest is merely a rant of what i see on a day to day basis working in the construction field. pathetic people, they are not.

Cookie monster

Looks like we're going to need to start a new sub-forum in the Toker's Den....The Hitler Fan Club...

Seriously, a bunch of folks here need to go take a college course on Ethics.

This is embarrassing.

Is it really unethical tho??

What i mean is we already practise selective breeding in our crops and animals to create a healthier better population which is fine.
Yet if we suggested to do the same to the human race the opposition to such an idea would be huge.

What makes us so different? why do most of us feel selective breeding in principle would make sense but on the other hand is unethical?


even hitler you have to give a little respect to

most influential leader of the 20th century imo

although i don't agree with his methods and tactics ... you have to admit he was a motivator
he may have been psychotic and extremely cold- hearted, but he was trying to make the world a better place in his own way.


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