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I wanna start a new grow

now i think its 1-199 same ballpark... 200 and above diff.... i could be completely wrong though

but its always judges ruling, no mandatory... so essentially you could walk or just do some house arrest for a small grow... look to see what people have gotten for small shows... betcha you cant even find many small grow busts.

fuck it just grow, but be smart.... i have a couple friends who are pretty fucking dumb and they manage a couple plants.

my friend once said it the best, " If you get caught with 7 weed plants you're a fucking retard."


Active member
600 digital way to go.if you want to do cheap,go vertical .you dont need a light hood.buy a tent,carbon filter and fan, small fan for blowing heat up,and a 600 watt ballast and bulb and bulb socket.look in vertical section for weed donuts.6 to 8 plants set up in a circle around 1 600 bulb.all those seeds you have are fine to grow but you dont have any idea about what you are growing,i.e. how many weeks flowering,satavia or indica,how much they will stretch.you should be able to get all i said for 500 or 600.do not go cheap on carbon filter.no smell = no bust!

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