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I wanna start a new grow


So I made my own cabinet last time and it didn't work so great, I'm sure it was my ventilation, which had 5 42watt CFLs.

So *I was thinking about trying to start a tent this time and getting a good fan and light. I am growing for two and was wondering If you think 2-4 plants would be enough? I am also wondering if anyone could recommend a good size tent and light I should try, basically a decent setup. I had a micro grow last time and wanna try growing a few plants really nice.*

I have spent the last while traveling around the globe and picked up seeds from china and a few Asian countries and Nepal and Europe. In Europe I *traded some with a euro friend, got about fifty of his seeds from various countries like south Africa and Spain and a few other places around Europe. So they might be shit or they might be good, but I wanna give them a good shot.*

I grew micro last time and wanna try it different. Any recommendations at all?

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
well, I'd say it depends on a few things

1. do you want to grow multiple strains at once?

since you have so many, I'd say start 10 of 4 different strains, then if you get 5 females for each strain, that will be 20 females you can flower out and see which strains and phenos you like. That would be doable in 1 gallon pots under a 1kw light very nicely.

2. What is your electrical capacity?

If you can dedicate one whole circuit to your grow, you could easily do a 600w plus fans and other stuff. If you can dedicate 2 circuits, run a 1kw with one and accessories with the other.

So it really depends on what you goals are and what your residence is capable of handling concerning its electrical capacity.

I have a preference towards 1kw lights, but have ran cfls and 400w light in the past. The 1kw light produces the largest buds and also the best quality deep into the canopy. There is hardly any "larf" (half leaf half bud) with the 1kw.


Well I wanna try and a do this for around $500. I would love to do lots of plants but I just don't think I have the money at the moment to get a big tent and lights. Um I assume a circuit mean a set of wall plugs? If so I have at least one to work with, maybe two.*

Also can anyone recommend any grow sites in Canada? I read a thread walker saying that*plantlightinghydroponics.com is a good shop but I don't know if they ship to Canada and if so if my package will have to be picked up at customs (never really ordered anything of the net).

Also thanks for the reply. I'm gonna lurk a whole bunch of threads for info. Also I think a tent cause I don't seem so handy.
buy a bigger tent than you think you need right now... trust me I have a couple small ones, hahah

buy a digital ballast BIGGER than you want to use right now and dial it down, that way when the growing bug bites, which it will, you're ready.

if you have a grow shop in your town just buy there... if you give samples you get samples hahaha...

How much do you smoke? break it down into 3 month supply... like I need a half pound every 2-3 months just for me.... so I need at least a 400w just for me. you said there are two of you? that should tell you how big of light... how much you need.

I'd say get a 400w digi and dial it to 250, buy a 60x60cm tent or 100x100cm tent if running all 400.

if you out grow the 60x60cm tent you can always use it for veg next run.

I grew a QP in a 60cmx60cm under 250w easily every 2 months with a small veg cab running as well for moms and clones. you gotta have moms mang! think about a veg cab too.

you can get a half pound under a 400 in a 3x3 tent, or closet... what does your place have for closets?

I think you need $1000 minimum but you will easily pay it off quickly with the value of doop you will be growing. fuck let Visa handle the costs... your bank account will thank you if you are currently buying weed like you always have.

dont worry about money, grow more weed... money grows on trees.


Um well I just got back from over a year of traveling so I am super broke. I do have a closet though. I will check out the local grow shop I am just slightly paranoid. Also I would like to grow a half pound every three months if that's not to challanging.

Um also have brought over 500 seeds from the weed I bought around the places I went. Um some of the weed was grown poorly and wasn't so good, but I kept every seeds, so I *do I hope these strains aren't a waste of time.*


Invertebrata Inebriata
Read the CFL Club thread. Maybe try a smaller size CFL bulb, and use more bulbs. Those 42 watters can get hot. Good luck.


I do have 6 42 watt bulbs. Shit I am just gonna germ like twenty seeds and see what happens. Really would like to grow a good amount of weed so I don't have to buy any again. Prices are high here.
well if you want weed you need lights, they cost money... just figure out the cash now, it will be worth it... borrow, beg, whatever mang

if you want a half pound you are going to need a 400w, plain and simple.

you could do some crazy ass cfl grow but trust me dont bother, i must have spent just as much money on cfl crap as hps lights... but the time it took me to realize was priceless.... wasted months for sure.

400w in a closet. save money on tent

grow shops are for growers, dont be paranoid, grow some balls :)

start germing under the cfls, go to shop, buy some shit, grow weed. simple.

growing weed saves you money but you have to grow enough of it.... unless a eight cost 100 bucks then.... but you in Canada like me where its cheap so think about it.

you spend 1000 and do it right = half pound or $1600 street value every 2-3 months.

spend 200-500 = 1-2 ounces or $400 value to you.

i just seen you said prices are high... well that should justify your half pound goal even more.


Ok well I am definitely gonna start my veg under a few CFLs and gonna try and get some money scrounged up.how many plants could I realistically grow under a 400w? I will measure my closet here in a day or two. Right now I am trying to figure out a good setup and what to buy. Thanks for everyone's help so far.


Well-known member
depends on how long you veg them. the longer you veg, the less plants you need. you can veg a while and grow 1 plant or you can save electricity and time and put 4 smaller plants using your linear space to its fullest and conserving power...
i put anywhere between 6-15

depends on pot size... i did 15 one gallon pots... and 8 two gallon pots... i like 8 bigger plants, but if you want to get the show on the road more plant = less veg time

hopefully your closet is 3 feet long at least, and 2 deep... i think that would be minimum for a 400w

wish I could just let you borrow my 400 thats sitting in a box till you got cash bro.

I literally just went thru 3 years of growing, from cfls to a 250 to a 400 to a 600 to 2 600 so Ive been in your boat... 3 years later i look back and think i could have been where i am now a lot quicker if i just manned up and admitted WTF I wanted to do... if you dont want to buy weed anymore but are a chronic like myself then you gots to step it up, hahah.

good luck


Ok so I will measure it out, just gotta go out of town for next few days. I am thinking about a tent also because it Might be easier if I gotta move to a new hous but I will check the closet but it might be to tight. Also if you were starting from scratch would you get a 400w or a600w? I just don't want to have to go back and spend more money in half a year because I was to cheap at the beginning. Wan to set up a decent setup that will last awhile and hopefully never have to buy weed again.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
by circuit, I'm refering to each breaker in your breaker box. there are many outlets per breaker, but the breaker regulates how much power all those outlets can use.


Hey sam the caveman sorry to be noobish but is there a way to figure out where a circuit connects to? Just flip a switch on the breaker and see where goes dead?

Also anyone else pick up seeds from random places and try to grow them? Just curious what the chances are that they will turn out decent or if there's a chance they will be shit. Cause I was doing a trek in china and came along an old woman selling weed. It wasnt very good ad full of seeds but I asked her what else she had an she had like twenty different bags of different weed found around the hills and valleys. All looking different, so I picked like 50 seeds from each and brought them home.


Active member
Hey sam the caveman sorry to be noobish but is there a way to figure out where a circuit connects to? Just flip a switch on the breaker and see where goes dead?

organize yourself and map the whole breaker. it might save you a headache later on.

this is how I do it.

on a sheet of paper write a list of the breakers.

in the box, label them if they are not already. names, numbers or some kind of simple code.

with a flashlight in hand if it's dark already and also something you can quickly plug in to test outlets (such as a nightlight), flip the breakers to off and than proceed to turn them on individually, walking around the house and testing outlets, marking down your list. it won't take long.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
A 1kw hps in a 1.2m x 1.2m tent

Everything is ran on 120v, I have the light running on a circuit from one bedroom and the a/c and fans running on the circuit of another room the tent is in. I just run an extension cord from one room to the other.

However, I'm slowly buying the stuff for another 4 lights in that room, then I'll have to run a dedicated 240v circuit to that room for the lights and the a/c.
...Also if you were starting from scratch would you get a 400w or a600w? I just don't want to have to go back and spend more money in half a year because I was to cheap at the beginning. Wan to set up a decent setup that will last awhile and hopefully never have to buy weed again.

I hear ya mang, Im just at the point I can say I dont have to buy weed. took a while.

if you wanna run a 400w right now, then yes, buy the 600 and dial to 400.

I love the 600w compared to a 400.

but the 400 is amazing for small spaces, so best of both worlds with a digi 600 ballast.

new laws maybe in canada soon so plan accordingly.... 6 plants = 6 months in jail. mandatory.


Yeah fuck the conservatives in power. I was looking what the fines were for growing and didnt find much, do you know any rules regarding growing now? And I hope that bill doesn't make it.

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