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I think my phone is tapped.... FUCK


For the person who pointed to the other I lost my Iphone and got busted thread, if I am not mistaken involved 100 plants? or a large number if I remember correctly. And that guy's story seems unlikely. Posting after a DEA bust, who came in peacefully? In plain clothes? That would be an anomaly for raids/busts.


It was a lot of plants but they did not know that until they came in. Wasn't burning a lot of watts. Seems unlikely? lol. You seemed bright until you said that. It was real buddy trust me.

If they are going to try and prosecute you based on pics on a phone yes you're correct that won't hold up, but when they go and get your electric bill which is larger than it should be and read your text messages if you talk about 'hanging out' again and again with the same people, they aren't stupid. That's enough to get a warrant and then they prosecute you with the evidence from the grow op at your house. He never said he stopped growing.

That being said I doubt that's the case. If they wanted to bust you they would've done so. They're not gonna be still building a case a year later lol.


Let's look at this logically. You, small time guy, who some time grabs for friends, are worried that the Federal Government has tapped your phone. The Federal government is going to spend the money required for that under taking? Absolutely not. The feds engage in about 120 raids per day in the US, and you are worried about them tapping your phone. Even on the high side of 150 a day thats 54000 a year, out of a population of 300 million plus, and the Feds tapped unimortant you? Using those numbers the Feds would raid 0.018 percent of the American population each year. And they are worrying about you?

One, a warrant would be required. And unless the cops have a Nazi judge on hand, convincing him/her to provide a warrant to tap your phone for a few vague texts? Not likely. "Yeah, your honor we want a warrant, for this guy, he picks up for his buddies sometimes. No he isn't growing. No he's non violent, no priors. Trafficking? Well he buys for a friend or 2 sometimes, but yeah, we want a warrant, so we can federally prosecute a small time smoker, based upon little to no evidence, in which the case has a high chance of being thrown out." Fuck, I can have pictures of illegal weapons on my phone, or a stolen mailbox, a joint, hell of me smoking "what appears to be a joint", an illegal home distillery. If none of those things are mine, I do not have them, or belong to me, nor do they find them nor other evidence of you having them when busting you, what will they prosecute you with? Unless your texts read "Hello [Name] I would like to purchase [amount] of the schedule 1 narcotic Marijuana, from you who sells it' and even that isn't evidence.

And the Federal government would not "tap" your cell phone. They would get a warrant forcing your cell provider to provide a history of your text messages. They in no way need to actually get a hold of your phone. So any messages you sent, that your carrier still has on file, the cops can request.

You also have to look at the incentive for the Feds. They have to invest time and money to build enough evidence to get a warrant/to presecute. You, not being a dealer/grower, will have, little if nothing as far as asset seizure, and if you aren't a grower/dealer, they are more likely to lean on your for information regarding people you know any how.

And besides, unless those pictures can distinctly identify a location or have you in them, they aren't yours. It was a plant you saw somewhere hiking, it was a picture of a grow op up in a mag, you downloaded it whatever. If they busted you, and you don't have a grow up or aren't dealing and find little/no evidence, its a flimsy case at best. If I had a picture of a joint on my phone and the police came to arrest me and found no evidence, what am I guilty of?. So if you don't grow, or deal, what evidence will they be able to provide to incriminate you?

For the person who pointed to the other I lost my Iphone and got busted thread, if I am not mistaken involved 100 plants? or a large number if I remember correctly. And that guy's story seems unlikely. Posting after a DEA bust, who came in peacefully? In plain clothes? That would be an anomaly for raids/busts.

Having your phone tapped does not make you guilty, its if they can produce evidence, that makes you guilty.

Get rid of the phone, buy something that isn't flashy. Go pay as you go. And don't be an idiot. Seems like a big case of paranoia. Don't drive, walk, take public transit. Be low key. Don't wear pot related clothing.

The federal government isn't interested in hunting down small time possessors, usually it is tacked onto some additional charges, like cultivation, intent to traffic, weapons, other drugs, impaired driving etc. You are more likely to be busted by the locals or state for simple possession.

sorry but although you make some very good points, a lot of what you are saying is based on the one faulty premise which knocks down your whole point. although they do like to prosecute stuff that pays off as much as possible and makes them all famous that's not what they are doing 99% of the time. the people that get busted are the ones that happen to cross the cops paths in one way or another, informants and coincidence are the biggest factors. basically if they get wind in one way or another that someone is potentially committing a felony they are duty bound to investigate. so if they find any evidence pointing to someone supplying friends with weed they will investigate further. now if you really are totally innocent and have nothing but a few buds their investigation will not go anywhere, but most likely they will find a larger amount of bud, bags, scales and bingo you are charged with intent to sell. even if you don't have that much. the cops often don't know in advance what they are gonna find in terms of worth while or not. it's just another day at work for them no matter if you are nice or not if they can fuck you they will fuck you.

all this is based on being in a place where growing smoking and selling is illegal.


Well-known member
The bottom line is some people can deal with the day to day stress of sitting on a grow without paranoia but most people cant


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
get a pre paid phone tonight you'll avoid all that nonesense but then again pre paids cant compare to the higher end phones. Its up to you, you can sacrifice security for technology but choose wisely my friend chose wisely.

no way man, they got prepaid droids now:dance013:

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
Tracking your global position, and listening in on your calls.... There is an app for that:)

Don't know if they're bogus or legal or not, but there are plenty of online sites selling phone tracking/cloning programs for smart phones.. Either way is scared me enough to hold off on buying into smart phones.


Oh get over yourself.

lol, in what way? what are you trying to say? do you disagree with my post or some point or points in it? please elaborate. i think you'll find that my info is based on RL. getting busted statistics change dramatically as soon as you are in any way on the radar.

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
If you listen to anything in this thread it should be this...

METHADONE IS NOT THE ANSWER.. More people feel/deal with the long drawn out ills of that drug then get clean.. At the end of weening down on that shit you face a worse detox then it would of been if you went cold turkey off the pills. I know to many people who are doing life at the clinic. People who cleaned up there life, and still cant get off the shit. They wear their nice dress suits to the clinic before work, and wait in line...
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Bump....... fast forward to September 2013....the summer of Edward Snowden and the NSA Leaks. Pretty interesting to read some of these comments with regards to all of the recent leaks in the past few months....

p.s. im clean ! no more pills!

that smell

Congatulations on being clean of pills...thats a HUGE deal! Stick with natures bounties.Peace


Active member
good luck. phones are cheap get a new one.i have a few. they are cheap why risk it. burner phones rule. I toss em away like beer cans


Active member
good luck. phones are cheap get a new one.i have a few. they are cheap why risk it. burner phones rule. I toss em away like beer cans
Have you heard, they now have a DEA program that tracks when you change disposable phones! Really! I'm guessing the phone companies can track the change by locating the last known use of a disposed phone, and seeing whether a new phone got activated at the same time in the same location. That's all it takes apparently.

So don't think throwaway phones are foolproof. Big Brother is watch everything he can...

I'm guessing the way to avoid that is to activate your new phone after you've thrown away the old one, in another location.

For more info just search for DEA and Hemisphere. Apparently they do more spying than the NSA.


Go make friends with arabs at the arab cell stores. They will put phones in whatever name and address u want. ;)Activate the phone at the cell store think of what kinda circles they are being ran in .Thus if what skip says is true


Active member
Ya great idea.. Im sure no one is looking at the arab guys who sell disposable sell phones..
Just kidding tho...most busts happen in my area thru ci's.. Buy/bust.
Im not in a major metro area..

headband 707

Plant whisperer
A word to the wise here ALL PHONES ARE TAPPED!! even landlines lol smart ppl don't talk about anything over the phones ... Your emails are read as well stay frosty always headband 707


Active member
Have you heard, they now have a DEA program that tracks when you change disposable phones! Really! I'm guessing the phone companies can track the change by locating the last known use of a disposed phone, and seeing whether a new phone got activated at the same time in the same location. That's all it takes apparently.

So don't think throwaway phones are foolproof. Big Brother is watch everything he can...

I'm guessing the way to avoid that is to activate your new phone after you've thrown away the old one, in another location.

For more info just search for DEA and Hemisphere. Apparently they do more spying than the NSA.
I change location for phone. went from 619 to 559 this time. with trac fone you can register anywhere. I don't care if people have to call long distance to reach me. with an anon email your set with tracfone. me wontell is my fav anon name lol. I aint that big a fish tho. and with free wifi everywhere it make tracking hard. I aint a cartel member just a paranoid stoner. thanks for the heads up. but I assume everything is monitored nowadays. its just how bad they want ya.


Go get a walmart cheap $39 clam shell phone and $45 unlimited phone card. Put your main contacts on it, then pull the battery out of your BB and put it away somewhere safe. Call all your contacts on the new phone and give them the new number. Watch your back and don't let that phone out of your sight or let anyone use it. After 90 days, do it again if you feel you need to. Don't access that account on the net - only with another burner phone... or just keep doing what you are doing and write us from prison...

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