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I think my phone is tapped.... FUCK


headiez, i had the same attitude as you......

until this happened to me...

so you should probably be a bit more humble sir


in this day in age, in the USA.....we are not truly free....

if you want freedom, go to some chunk of land that is disconnected from most people...

the people who are truly "free" are the people down in brazil and deeper into the jungle who have no connections to the outside world at all... those are the people who are free...

to all of you people out there who think your calls are private, bOY ARE YOU KIDDING YOURSELF


Active member
I know someone who lost their phone, and they were also worried about possible incriminating evidence being on it. This person was so worried they made a thread about it.


Well lots of people said it was no big deal and not to worry so much. Guess what happened next...


Read both of these threads, because right now you are exactly where Jedimike was.

Learn from this man's mistakes. Never have anything incriminating on your phone. You have to work smarter than that. Someone should have given him the advice I'm about to give you...

Break down everything right now!

Maybe nothing will come of it, but for God's sake it is not worth the risk right now trust me. The fact that other people are receiving texts sent to you is not the main problem that I see. The big problem here is the obvious one. You have in effect just given your entire operation away. People talk. Do you think whoever found that phone is going to just erase what is on there? Probably not. That means you have a big big big problem on your hands just waiting to happen.

Break it down man don't fuck around with this.

Just my opinion.

Good luck!


shut the fuck up Donny
Dude read the post. Those #'s were given to show that cops can tap a cell unlike the guy who said they can't. It's to prove a point.

Right and my words were to prove a point as well. If 2k people are tapped in the entire united states each year, I'd say you don't have much to worry about.

As for the codes....Ah we were talking 1970's. Long before you were probably born. Again its to prove a point and show the youngsters that this is not a game, although it maybe for Cali folks who have the luxury of selling to a dispensary or collective. Some of us don't have that luxury and may have to rely on the black market with real thugs to buy their product and not some dude standing behind a counter.
And please don't come at me with the then move to a med state crap. Not all of us like Disneyland and their fantasy living. The way some of you operate from what I read on this board I would love to see you come out here to DC and try doing what you do out there. The boys in Anancostia control the weight around here and doubt most of you 'med growers' out west would not have the balls/heart to deal with them. They would eat you guys alive.

If you want me to give you props for not living in Cali and being in the "hard game" your going to have to go somewhere else. I moved here recently, was on the east coast for years so the whole "they would eat you alive" bullshit doesn't really phase me.

I also love when people say "oh well if your in DC, the Anacostia control the weight out here" lol please. I know someone that brings 50 pounds a week into DC and it all gets spread in the rich neighborhoods, promise your "boys" aren't controlling it. The world is a big place, and people meet these "thugs" and think they really do control everything when that isn't even close to the case.

Dude I just checked your grow, impressive but from what I can deduct your a poser. You like to put others down because you get such praise, (I checked your profile) and show off your BIG grows. Dude you ain't all that. The BIG boys and soldiers don't go posting things on the net for all to see. So take your ego somewhere else because I'm not the one. I've been here before not some newbie like my join date shows. And those that know me know that if rubbed the wrong way I'll open you up, read you like the cheap dime store novel you are in front of everyone to see, and toss you out like a peice of trash when I'm done.

Sorry bro but considering you joined last month and have 60 posts, you aren't really in a place to call anyone a poser, don't care if you changed your name or not. And yes, the BIG boys do post shit on the net, I am not a big guy. 9k is nothin. Head over to the growers forum and check out the 420 light grow. No ego, its called experience and opinions, something that apparently is pissing you off. Those that know ME know that I don't listen to pussy threats on the internet. Takes a lot of balls to sit behind a computer screen, get angry at someone, and threaten to open me up and toss me out. lol. Go smoke some kush buddy.

headiez, i had the same attitude as you......

until this happened to me...

so you should probably be a bit more humble sir

We haven't confirmed that your phone is tapped. All we have confirmed is that you had a smart phone with bad pics on it that you LOST, and now your paranoid about your current phone being tapped because it's acting weird. MY security is just fine, don't gotta worry about that bro lol.


Hey Headiez
So your dudes are bringing 50 a week into DC huh. Well lets see. In the heart of the city you have either mexi brick which is brought in by the Adams Morgan boys and green crack which is being grown in NOVA where they face up to 30 yrs for 1 plant. ALL Cali weed is sold outside the beltway in the suburbs of Maryland and Virginia. I know because jerks are paying 700 an oz for trainwreck.(stupid fools) There is some elite stuff going around but not in quantity like BubbaKush that the Rasta boys have and La Blanca is around as well in small small quantities.
EDIT: Just wanted to say in public that I have contacted Headiez and apologized and we have buried the hatchet. Now can't we all just get along?


Hey Headiez
So your dudes are bringing 50 a week into DC huh. Well lets see. In the heart of the city you have either mexi brick which is brought in by the Adams Morgan boys and green crack which is being grown in NOVA where they face up to 30 yrs for 1 plant. ALL Cali weed is sold outside the beltway in the suburbs of Maryland and Virginia. I know because jerks are paying 700 an oz for trainwreck.(stupid fools) There is some elite stuff going around but not in quantity like BubbaKush that the Rasta boys have and La Blanca is around as well in small small quantities.
EDIT: Just wanted to say in public that I have contacted Headiez and apologized and we have buried the hatchet. Now can't we all just get along?

They must not have mail in DC, huh? Every single fucking state in the continental US is getting packs of cali, oregon, colorado, and washington nugs mailed for dirt cheap prices. Just because you don't know people getting it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

50 #'s in a big city is nothing, that gets gobbled up so fucking fast.

If you think you are tapped, ditch your phones and contact an attorney. You should be talking to an attorney if there is anything you have done that you are worried is coming back to haunt you. And no you don't have to be under arrest / charged to talk to an attorney, they can help you when you are under investigation.


This thread got big quick! I have some catching up to do, please bear with me,

Pictures leave triangulated coordinates on newer smart phones
Geolocation can be turned on and off. Still should not use your phone to take pictures though.

who's to say i wasn't standing at my buddies grow snapping pictures of HIS shit?
This is wishful thinking. This often happens when you have made a mistake and are trying to trick yourself into thinking it isn't as bad as you know it is.

ive told most of the people who i get shit for about whats up, but apparently they are idiots because a couple of them keep tetxting the old number
Either kill the old number or call your carrier to have texting turned off. If they already have a warrant for your phone records, past and ongoing, I don't know how effective it will be at keeping those texts out of LEO hands. Even without LEO cellphone carriers save SMS text messages for a long time; one unverified figure I heard was 2 years. You deleting them on your phone has no effect on this. The best thing for you to do is physically go to the people who are texting you and remove your old number from their contacts and wipe the recent calls list. I have 2 numbers and people continue to text me at the wrong number no matter how many times I tell them. The difference is that the texts I receive don't have anything to do with anything illegal.

man this thread is hilarious.
Yes it is.

No. As cool as it sounds, LEO can't hack into the camera on your phone and have it be on 24/7 and watch the insides of your pant pockets.
Modern smartphones are more like computers than telephones. Webcam hacking is very possible, on a very script-kiddie level I was doing it in the early 2000s. If it's possible to do on a PC I wouldn't rest assured that it couldn't be done on a smartphone. That said, you go on to say that these types of advanced techniques are reserved for national security and not used on low level pot dealers/growers and I agree. As far as the camera-hacking issue goes, that is a security hole, and should it be made public (like in the discovery phase of a trial) it would soon after be patched. Such a security hole would be very valuable to the government, exposing it just to bust somebody for drugs would be foolish. For more information on just how advanced the government can get in hacking stuff, read about the stuxnet worm.

you cant just get the guy to text or say something on the phone..you gotta have photo evidence it was actually him.
This is just false. I think deep in your heart you know this since you go on to contradict yourself in the very next post:
how are they gonna prove it was even YOU who sent the message.

the only way is if they record your voice conversation because its hard to beat voice recognition software.
Also, if I remember The Wire correctly the issue was that it was a payphone, which many people used. If you think you can convince a Judge or jury that random people conducted drug transactions on your cellphone then good luck with that, although even if you did you would probably just be opening yourself up to prosecution for being an accessory to trafficking.

until then its all circumstantial evidence but it could be used to find something solid against you, then just throw out the text messages in court because they already have the evidence they want.
Circumstantial evidence is admissible in court and you absolutely can be convicted on it alone. I cannot stress this enough, and it relates not only to this quote, but to so many other posts in this thread. And the idea that they will voluntarily choose not to use perfectly good evidence against you... I don't even know where that came from.


damn george bush i just read that second link (first one didnt work) and I am pretty scared now...

i wonder how long it was before they got him after his phone was turned in.... ??

mother fucker....

i really feel like I am doomed...

i think the only thing slowing them down is that the phone is not in my name, and the name it is in has a different address that is an hour from where I stay...

I really am not getting good vibes from this situation....

I am having a hard time deciding whether or not I should ditch the grow or not...

it was probably a year ago when i lost the phone.... you would think that they would just chalk it off as an expired lead.... what are the chances that the grow is still going on...

I NEVER reference about growing in any texts, and I NEVER tell ANYONE about growing..

i have spoken to OTHERS tho who grow... these other growers ask me questions because they know I ONCE grew... hopefully them texts get the heat off me... and if they are watching my texts, if they are seeing me text grow questions to somone, then maybe that could confuse them a bit..

people i know may have their thoughts that I may grow, but they have no solid evidence that I do grow... the only one who knows i grow is my fiancee...

this fucking blows...

and to top it off, I have been popping pain pills like crazy lately, and if i get thrown in jail, and get cut off from the opiates, then i will be one sick sick sick person...

that is my biggest fear...

I have been weening down, and trying to locate suboxin and methadone to help me get off completely but i have been having no luck...

this fucking blows...

and if they DO find me, and they DO come into my house, they better not shoot my dogs...

i will seriously become an assassin if they hurt my dogs...

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck



Active member
I believe the bust for Jedimike happened exactly a week after the phone was lost.

You lost your phone a YEAR ago? Well, that's a different story then IMO. I thought this had just happened. As far as busts go, these kind of things tend to happen pretty quickly and they will act as soon as they have what they feel is a solid case. I've heard of investigations going on for a month or 2 but I doubt they're still investigating a small time grower after a year. If you were some kinda kingpin it might be a different story.

So I think your risk is significantly lower now that so much time has passed. I think you really lucked out on this one and should definitely tighten up your security from now on. Nothing on the phone. Ever.
man thats scary how they can listen to your convos. makes me scared to talk about anything!

is it a crime to simply talk about moving weight? is that conspiracy? like if my friend said "hey you should sell me 5 lbs" over the phone, is that a crime? even if i DONT sell him anything?


Active member
The title for the first link was:

Possible consequences of a lost iphone?

Search it if you want.

This is when it first happened so you can see the wonderful advice he got. Someone should have told him to drop everything and lay low. Prob wouldn't be in jail now or whatever the consequence is he's facing.
get a pre paid phone tonight you'll avoid all that nonesense but then again pre paids cant compare to the higher end phones. Its up to you, you can sacrifice security for technology but choose wisely my friend chose wisely.


Active member
man thats scary how they can listen to your convos. makes me scared to talk about anything!

is it a crime to simply talk about moving weight? is that conspiracy? like if my friend said "hey you should sell me 5 lbs" over the phone, is that a crime? even if i DONT sell him anything?

It's certainly not a crime. I'd call it paranoia. But in this business I'd rather be overly paranoid than not. I don't talk about anything at all over the phone. Probably nothing would happen, but why take the risk?


well im still kickin it... just thought id fill ya guys in... as the days go by, the more and more these msgs u guys left make sense....

the one thats ringin my bell the most now is the msg someone wrote about the feds and if they were to tap my phone i would never even know about it cuz they are that good and wouldn;t give me the ability to find out


Let's look at this logically. You, small time guy, who some time grabs for friends, are worried that the Federal Government has tapped your phone. The Federal government is going to spend the money required for that under taking? Absolutely not. The feds engage in about 120 raids per day in the US, and you are worried about them tapping your phone. Even on the high side of 150 a day thats 54000 a year, out of a population of 300 million plus, and the Feds tapped unimortant you? Using those numbers the Feds would raid 0.018 percent of the American population each year. And they are worrying about you?

One, a warrant would be required. And unless the cops have a Nazi judge on hand, convincing him/her to provide a warrant to tap your phone for a few vague texts? Not likely. "Yeah, your honor we want a warrant, for this guy, he picks up for his buddies sometimes. No he isn't growing. No he's non violent, no priors. Trafficking? Well he buys for a friend or 2 sometimes, but yeah, we want a warrant, so we can federally prosecute a small time smoker, based upon little to no evidence, in which the case has a high chance of being thrown out." Fuck, I can have pictures of illegal weapons on my phone, or a stolen mailbox, a joint, hell of me smoking "what appears to be a joint", an illegal home distillery. If none of those things are mine, I do not have them, or belong to me, nor do they find them nor other evidence of you having them when busting you, what will they prosecute you with? Unless your texts read "Hello [Name] I would like to purchase [amount] of the schedule 1 narcotic Marijuana, from you who sells it' and even that isn't evidence.

And the Federal government would not "tap" your cell phone. They would get a warrant forcing your cell provider to provide a history of your text messages. They in no way need to actually get a hold of your phone. So any messages you sent, that your carrier still has on file, the cops can request.

You also have to look at the incentive for the Feds. They have to invest time and money to build enough evidence to get a warrant/to presecute. You, not being a dealer/grower, will have, little if nothing as far as asset seizure, and if you aren't a grower/dealer, they are more likely to lean on your for information regarding people you know any how.

And besides, unless those pictures can distinctly identify a location or have you in them, they aren't yours. It was a plant you saw somewhere hiking, it was a picture of a grow op up in a mag, you downloaded it whatever. If they busted you, and you don't have a grow up or aren't dealing and find little/no evidence, its a flimsy case at best. If I had a picture of a joint on my phone and the police came to arrest me and found no evidence, what am I guilty of?. So if you don't grow, or deal, what evidence will they be able to provide to incriminate you?

For the person who pointed to the other I lost my Iphone and got busted thread, if I am not mistaken involved 100 plants? or a large number if I remember correctly. And that guy's story seems unlikely. Posting after a DEA bust, who came in peacefully? In plain clothes? That would be an anomaly for raids/busts.

Having your phone tapped does not make you guilty, its if they can produce evidence, that makes you guilty.

Get rid of the phone, buy something that isn't flashy. Go pay as you go. And don't be an idiot. Seems like a big case of paranoia. Don't drive, walk, take public transit. Be low key. Don't wear pot related clothing.

The federal government isn't interested in hunting down small time possessors, usually it is tacked onto some additional charges, like cultivation, intent to traffic, weapons, other drugs, impaired driving etc. You are more likely to be busted by the locals or state for simple possession.


Active member

keep using the same phone, mr anderson.
learn not to pull your hand away from fire.
learn not to follow your animal instinct to run away from danger.
lie back

agent smith