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I think my phone is tapped.... FUCK


Active member
I have a friend who is having the same problems with her blackberry, and she heard it was a problem with BBM (black berry messanger service or something)

She would attempt to text person A, but in reality it would send the text to the last person who texted her randomly. It would also forward messages she received to random people on her contact list (usually the last person who called or texted her) This person is also about as good of a person as I know, they don't drink or have anything to do with any drugs, and they are in graduate school. Look more into problems with blackberry possibly?


dont use phones to discuss details.

So true.

A majority of folks don't know but you don't even have to get one of these so called spyphone programs to eavesdrop. Go to Radio Shack or some other electronic store and get a scanner that will pick up at 800mhz. I'll sit outside your houses with the scanner and listen to everything that you say on your cell, wireless landline or baby monitor because they ALL transmit on that frequency range. DUH!!! Don't people research before getting involved or moving forward in a project? It doesn't seem so

Now here's what we used to do back in the day (1970's), RADIOS!!! We started with CB's but stopped after the craze when EVERYONE started to get them because of increased ears being able to listen in. From there we went with regular BS walkie talkie's and short wave radios. I know barbaric but none of us ever got busted because of talking to much.

Speaking of talking use common sense. CODES!!!!
My buddy sister had a Avon biz back in the day. And he used her biz to sell his weight.
example: a oz would be a bottle of lotion
a 1/4# would be a bottle of shampoo
and so on and so on.
Phone rings...."I need 3 bottles of lotion and 2 bottle of shampoo" The legit Avon products would be bagged up with the weed and delivered. As far as anyone knew in the neighborhood she sold Avon which explained why girls where always walking out of there with bags full of products.
Just make sure you have a code name to ID a weed customer from a legit customer from the legit part of the biz so you don't deliver the wrong products to the wrong people.
And if you do use codes switch them up regularly. Ever since the inception of DHS they have programmed their computers to pick up on certain words being used within a certain time frame or together. It's mainly used to capture terrorists, but only a matter of time before local LEO start programing computers to listen in to those in their areas. May seem impossible? Nope believe me the Feds have computers systems that most folks would never even imagine.
This all might seem paranoid to you yungins, but an ounce of prevention can keep you from modeling state issued jewelry. Uncle Sam is getting more and more sophisticated in technology against the wars they are fighting and we need to stay one step ahead. And sometimes keeping one step ahead means taking some steps backwards and do things they have long forgotten about or would not expect you to know about or use.


Active member
First - if your phone is tapped you wouldn't even think it was tapped, they're federal agents they know where they're doing. They use the shit to steal information from other countries you think a mear pothead can detect it? HA See so much bullshit about how to detect a phone tap online...guess what it's all GSM networks it goes through a federally regulated satellites they don't gotta tap shit...they just gotta pull you up on the screen. THE only thing that can be detected is a tap on a land line (no voip). PERIOD.

Second - NEVER EVER fucking use a smart phone to take pictures of your shit, get a 50 dollar camera at walmart. Pictures leave triangulated coordinates on newer smart phones and personal data included too yourself.

Third- If a cop had your phone you woulda been busted already. That whole building a case thing doesn't really make any sense when if it was a cop you just handed them your ass on a silver platter they coulda used your phone as a warrant with the dumbass data you left on it.

Fourth - Maybe the most dangerous aspect...someone knows everything about you now even what your girl looks like naked. They got blackmail on you.

You fucked up bad, leaving incriminating evidence on something that is so easily scanned through a bluetooth hacker or stolen...I hope nothing bad comes of this i hope it's someone who has no idea who you are or anything, but shit...if i lost my phone and had all that data on it and someone was sending people i knew includig family messages i'd move.


Fourth - Maybe the most dangerous aspect...someone knows everything about you now even what your girl looks like naked. They got blackmail on you.

I can see it now. Homeboy makes a killing, gets out the game. Gets married a couple years later, has a nice legit biz bringing in bank, some kids, well respected in the community and BAM!!! This crap comes flying out the closet.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Ditch your Blackberry and opt for one of these - cheap and no way to trace your conversations, texts or photos.



ok, the thing about the photos - who's to say i wasn't standing at my buddies grow snapping pictures of HIS shit? who's to say that girl i was fucking in that video wasn't some random whore?

i really hope to god that this is just a random bunch of shit happening internally with the phone.

this really is an eye opener for me. I swear I was ALWAYS that guy who would blatently talk about shit on the phone... i ALWAYS thought "why the hell would they want ME??" "i am just a small fish, so they can track me all they want, they will be bummed when they actually find me..." ...

what really concerns me is that someone who i am pretty close with was arrested for some serious bullshit involving some fraud and some pharm BS.... controlled substances...and i am pretty sure i had been talking to him days before his arrest...

this shit is really bugging me out... i even told the old lady about it, and that was the worst mistake, cuz now she is a fucking looney tune... "you don't protect us!!",wahhhhh cryyyy "i cant fucking believe you would do this to us and get us in this situation!!" :cry:

you know how that makes me feel?!?!?! to lead the woman in your life to believe that her security is comprimised???

all over what? me picking up an ounce here and there and sharing it with some friends?????????????


i really hope everything is OK...

i picked up a burner phone,

and i keep the blackberry near me but i went ahead and turned on all of the options like "firewall" and "data encryption".... its odd that all of this shit wasn't already turned on..

and at times when i start to get super noided out i can find myself pulling the battery out of my phone...

then i get even more noided after my batt has been out too long and i put it back in because i think that if their actually IS someone watching me, i dont want them to come raid me just yet because im not trying to go to jail right now... so maybe if i keep the battery in, i can keep them entertained...

ive told most of the people who i get shit for about whats up, but apparently they are idiots because a couple of them keep tetxting the old number... MOTHER FUCKERS!

WELP, ill keep filling you guys in as much as i can... if i get arrested, ill be sure to come back and let you guys know so this shit can be documented for you all to learn from


Ever heard of The Wire? 5 seasons that all pretty much center around police wire tapping a drug gang in Baltimore. Great show.


Ever heard of The Wire? 5 seasons that all pretty much center around police wire tapping a drug gang in Baltimore. Great show.
To bad they couldn't have that show back in the day when Peanut King ran B-more


One last thing then I'm going to bounce from this;
Homeboy above said if a cop had your phone you'd be busted by now.
If they see from your phone that you were a runner (buying weight for friends) they could be buying time to see if they can see who your contact is. You could be very well under surveillance. I would chill out for quite a while just in case.
Remember...It takes time time to build a case. It's one thing to be caught with a joint or slinging on a street corner where bam they got YOU!!! From what I have concluded from your ramblings you were just helping friends but a small fish (you a runner) are used to catch the bigger fish (your supplier).


shut the fuck up Donny
man this thread is hilarious.

if your phone is bugged, then the fact that the camera doesn't work might mean they are using it watch you.

No. As cool as it sounds, LEO can't hack into the camera on your phone and have it be on 24/7 and watch the insides of your pant pockets.

There has been programming available for 10 years that with a single PC you can monitor 10,000 lines at once by key word. As soon as a key word or words come up within a certain amount of time of each other your shit is flagged and recorded for life. I'm sure its the same with computers, and with spyphones I mean smartphones.

Top level line based keyword tracking is for the most intense anti terrorist monitoring. Literally the last thing the NSA cares about is hearing some dude selling a pound of weed in America.

here's some facts:
In 2009, there were 2,379 criminal wiretaps authorized. The majority were for mobile phones in drug cases. Each authorized wiretap captured communications of an average of 133 individuals. Each tap lasted an average of 42 days. Information gathered from the wiretaps led to 4,537 arrests and 678 convictions. These statistics do not include terrorism-related wiretaps or wiretaps conducted through the National Security Agency's warrantless wiretapping program.

Your saying that 2,379 is a big number? Shit, there are 2,379 dealers within 5 miles of me. If anything that number would make me feel more secure.

stop smoking crack. smoke some kush


Speaking of talking use common sense. CODES!!!!
My buddy sister had a Avon biz back in the day. And he used her biz to sell his weight.
example: a oz would be a bottle of lotion
a 1/4# would be a bottle of shampoo
and so on and so on.
Phone rings...."I need 3 bottles of lotion and 2 bottle of shampoo"

Yaaaa, cops figured that shit out 10 years ago bro.

First - if your phone is tapped you wouldn't even think it was tapped, they're federal agents they know where they're doing. They use the shit to steal information from other countries you think a mear pothead can detect it? HA



From Headiez247 "Your saying that 2,379 is a big number? Shit, there are 2,379 dealers within 5 miles of me. If anything that number would make me feel more secure."

Dude read the post. Those #'s were given to show that cops can tap a cell unlike the guy who said they can't. It's to prove a point.

As for the codes....Ah we were talking 1970's. Long before you were probably born. Again its to prove a point and show the youngsters that this is not a game, although it maybe for Cali folks who have the luxury of selling to a dispensary or collective. Some of us don't have that luxury and may have to rely on the black market with real thugs to buy their product and not some dude standing behind a counter.
And please don't come at me with the then move to a med state crap. Not all of us like Disneyland and their fantasy living. The way some of you operate from what I read on this board I would love to see you come out here to DC and try doing what you do out there. The boys in Anancostia control the weight around here and doubt most of you 'med growers' out west would not have the balls/heart to deal with them. They would eat you guys alive.
Good day
Oh by the way. watch the videos on the net from various news agencies. They can with the right phone and software hack into your camera aspect and watch your moves. But it's obvious from your above post that you you know everything and I'm stupid, so those videos on the net actually showing it done is a figment of my and others imagination huh? Hope you have money saved up to be put into your commissary account. With your attitude your just increasing the odds of being busted, but thats your problem not mine.
EDIT: Dude I just checked your grow, impressive but from what I can deduct your a poser. You like to put others down because you get such praise, (I checked your profile) and show off your BIG grows. Dude you ain't all that. The BIG boys and soldiers don't go posting things on the net for all to see. So take your ego somewhere else because I'm not the one. I've been here before not some newbie like my join date shows. And those that know me know that if rubbed the wrong way I'll open you up, read you like the cheap dime store novel you are in front of everyone to see, and toss you out like a peice of trash when I'm done.
Ever heard of The Wire? 5 seasons that all pretty much center around police wire tapping a drug gang in Baltimore. Great show.

in the wire they showed what a pain in the ass tapping is.

you cant just get the guy to text or say something on the phone..you gotta have photo evidence it was actually him.

because a simple text message might not hold in court. "my friend borrowed my phone to send that text"..so in order for it to hold up in court they need a picture of you texting on said phone at 11:54AM that matches with the "hey i got 5 lbs of purple" being sent at 11:54am. until then its all circumstantial evidence but it could be used to find something solid against you, then just throw out the text messages in court because they already have the evidence they want.

also. use phones as pagers. send your customers a text like "check your messages" then both of you communicate through instant message or through a fake email.
also using code isnt to "throw them off". of course any cop hearing would be able to decipher code, but again, would it stand up in court?

a text message "hey i got three girls ready" for a cop might indicate a drug transaction.

but in court how are they gonna prove to the jury that the three girls were really three lbs, unless they performed traffic stop and found the three lbs, but then they wouldnt need the text message because they have you with bud.

how are they gonna prove it was even YOU who sent the message.

the only way is if they record your voice conversation because its hard to beat voice recognition software. talk in a weird accent if you must...


Stop relying on Hollywood to get your 'info'. You all get caught up in those freaking police reality shows and think your one step ahead of them. The SHOW WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO SEE in those shows.
Dude they can activate your phones camera remotely. It takes @30 seconds tops to install the software unto someone's phone. Go to the net and watch the vids of this being done. All they do is open up your web browser, punch in a code, close it and that's it.
I know turn the camera off.....the can operate your camera remotely and you won't know it. Jeez are people really this freaking ignorant around here now? Makes me wonder why the hell I came back and shows me why our prison system is overcrowded.

One of the vids: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnurqOnCQ-o


Active member
Ditch your Blackberry and opt for one of these - cheap and no way to trace your conversations, texts or photos.

this is what i use and i dont even be saying nothing illegal. i been using this model of phone for years, b. i been using this since kindergarden, b.
and it has served me well.

i use to call the 1-900 sex lines with it in the 90's.
i be on one can
the broad be on the other can talking mad shit!
she be like
''oh me so horny/me love you long time''........


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