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I think my cell phone is being tapped.


clicks when? randomly while you are talking or when you or someone you are calling picks up? how frequent is the clicking?


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Wouldn't that be a huge waste of resources to tap your asshole BBB? I mean even for a country as rich and powerful as Mexico......and as high profile as you are with the Mexican Secret Service and all.....even still....I think it's grossly negligent of them to consider wasting the Mexican taxpayer's money.

All I can say now without fear of repercussions from their newly appointed task force code name: "Los hombres con pantalones de gigante"...that you should watch out for this man:


He is surveilling you. I've seen him at the corner burrito stand.....watching....waiting...even when it appears he is just having a siesta.....I'd keep a close eye out for this mofo.​


Hide the cell in your sphincter; it's a documented fact that the anal canal provides shielding that prevents surreptitious surveillance.



Mine was doing that on long distance calls. Click..(couples seconds)..click....click....click.


Wouldn't that be a huge waste of resources to tap your asshole BBB? I mean even for a country as rich and powerful as Mexico......and as high profile as you are with the Mexican Secret Service and all.....even still....I think it's grossly negligent of them to consider wasting the Mexican taxpayer's money.

All I can say now without fear of repercussions from their newly appointed task force code name: "Los hombres con pantalones de gigante"...that you should watch out for this man:


He is surveilling you. I've seen him at the corner burrito stand.....watching....waiting...even when it appears he is just having a siesta.....I'd keep a close eye out for this mofo.​

I got a cheese connection. do you?


hahaha this is funny. I like the Mexican Govt for this one. They are in cahoots with the Feds.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
brah you gotta use throw away cell phones and don't keep em for more than a month.
I mean I throw mine away every 48 hours, thank you Traffic. Good thing I have a contact a Nextel that can get me his newest cell phones in only 12 hours.
Sure I spend about 30k a year on phones, but it lets me sleep at night.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
An easy solution is you could start scrambbling/encrypting your cell, that hardware would only cost hundreds of dollars, maybe more.
It is very costly to tap cells. The hardware isn't cheap, and anyone with the technology who isn't gov't or pissed at you, wouldn't tap you unless you have something of great value. Great value. If you have to equipment and brains to tap cells, you make a lot more in corporate security/espionage.

An even easier solution. Don't say shit you shouldn't on your cell phone.


to the op, you're just plain silly..cells arent like the old POTS analog phone of yore..im guarantee if your cell was being tapped you would have no idea, and there aren't gonna be any tell tale clicks or super secret beeps to tell you about..I would guess it'd be easier for them to just tell your cell provider to record all of your calls for later screening..none of that junk with guys in a whgite van 1 block down the road outside your house

LOL and ROFL ..haha


An easy solution is you could start scrambbling/encrypting your cell, that hardware would only cost hundreds of dollars, maybe more.
It is very costly to tap cells. The hardware isn't cheap, and anyone with the technology who isn't gov't or pissed at you, wouldn't tap you unless you have something of great value. Great value. If you have to equipment and brains to tap cells, you make a lot more in corporate security/espionage.

An even easier solution. Don't say shit you shouldn't on your cell phone.

i would like to see your references on that..where you say "it is very costly to ttap cells" how do you know this and can you provide proof?!

cause i would venture to say each provider has a standard price list just like they have when the federal govt buys all of your emails for the past 8 years for a mere 45 bucks..i HIGHLY doubt that it's COSTLY to tap cells..

especially when about 10 years ago, anybody with 100 bucks and a neighboorhood radio shack to buy a scanner could "tap" cells..I hardly consider the price of a scanner..costly..

and in that context..go get an old ICOM wideband reciever for about 1k and tap anything up to about 3ghz on the airwaves!!

costly!! pshaawww..I love uninformed fact staters