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It came from the swamp!


Active member
ICMag Donor
Hi bro :smoweed: :wave:
nice start threads, I will follow.
I see that the crew is healthy and ready to really start flowering. I got an inch to stop doing


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
lookin good dank ill be tagged up fasheezy bro.nice line ya got goin too fam.peace-T-


Pull my finger
spongegirlz: I took alot of skill and patience to manscape that. BTW I still feel that cookie. I feel like "JACKPOT!" today. Although my back kinda hurts from mixing soil last night.

W.T.: Glad ya found it. I took me a long time to even find the growdiaries forum. Good to see ya.

WASSUP BROTHER BEAR! Glad to see ya chillin homie!

Philthy: You like that huh?? LOL!

Rad: I hope they are as ready as I am. We shall see. Good to see ya.

-T- Wassup mang! Hoping to find some keepers in these newbs.

Mrs. Swamp

Ok, well honey, you about listed them all....I don't think you left anything out, but there may be something. You overwhelmed me with that list!!!! :woohoo:

I love you, and all of our projects!!! I think you left out the part about how most of those babies are my projects you put me in charge of....I know, I know, I have been slacking on my caring for them and you have had to pick up the slack, but I have picked up the slack on the housework from you!!! :moon:

I hope everyone enjoys the show, cuz Swamp does have some shit up his sleeve!!! :jump::jump::jump:


Pull my finger
Ya, she is right. The seedplants are her pet project. Although I sneak in and tend to em too.
By the way, thanks for washing my drawers.

Here is a pic of the Apollo Mist (which is fast becoming my favorite)

And I am trying an expiriment. I ordered those damn rapid rooters a while ago, but I couldnt resist snipping some cuttings. The guy at the shop tossed my an old bag of Aerogarden plugs. They are made of the same material but are alot slimmer. Tell if ya think it will work.

I got my fingers crossed that my expiriment will work. Got some Chem and MVTF cuts in those.:yoinks:

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
i used to take the rapid rooters and split em in 1/2 down the middle.
this way u get 2 clones in each plug.
it's my mother in me, just being cheap :p


Pull my finger
Thats not a bad idea Frank. Pinchin pennies has become habit these days. I hope these work well cuz I got alot more of em. I am going to try splitting the RRs when I get em. Not only are they expensive, it seems there is never enough of em.

I have narrowed the next grow down to mostly Chem and MVTF. I will of course have all of the others too, but the bulk will be these two.

My Sour kush is the fastest rooting plant @ 4 days. Believe that?? I didnt even expect to see any action but I went to hydrate the rooters and shit the bed there were roots everywhere. I really dig this flavor anyway.


Active member
4 days? Nice! Man i wish i had my clones going that quick, maybe i should try those RR's after all..


Pull my finger
Che: I got my first Rapid Rooters and never looked back. Under ideal conditions they root in a week average. I still root cuts with 65-70 temps. They take a little longer but they still work. Wonderful product, just wish they were cheaper.

Here are a coupla Genius ladies. Like day three Bloom.

And then comes Casey Jones! I really like this plant. I got to try a sample of her, and it was off the meter! I cannot wait to see how she turns out in the swamp. I have noticed that this particular pheno doesnt smell much until late in the cycle. I have a smaller one, a sample plant if you will, that only has a mild skunkiness and she is like day 45 bloom. But the good aromas are starting to appear. This is one of the more vigorous plants I have worked with. Nice all around plant.

I was informed that this particular BB cut is the super dupre ultra funk bb candy explosion. An obvious super plant. So, more cuts of it got taken tonight. I also hear the PK is very nice so I will focus alot of effort on bringing them to ya'll to gawk at.

I also wanna let you guys watch these home-made crosses mature. I think there might be something special in a few of em. Most DJ strains and crosses make for kickass eye candy.

Me and Mrs.Swamp just finished trimming a few Bluebonic plants and I got resin in my eye. OUCH! It still hurts. But damn does this shit smell good. I really like the Bluebonic, despite it getting hated on. The Flavor is outstanding.


Swamp,just checkin in. Fooking cold here today! ok 45 lol some of the fam are
going to laugh at that. later brother:D

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
SD, i get resin in my eye at least once a day.
itches like hell and gives you a perma red eye for hours.

KoK, 45 is beach weather.


Me and Mrs.Swamp just finished trimming a few Bluebonic plants and I got resin in my eye...

:chin:Never thought of doing it like that...:chin:

Hey Swampdank and Mrs Swamp! :wave:
Lots of good stuff y'all got goin' on here!




There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Got my fingers crossed on my cuts too homie! I swear by RR as well, never thought about a split in half CF! Would make for much more for the damn price of those things...lol
One of my Chem#4 cuts shit the bed:wallbash: think I had the plug too wet, cause the stem at the base got all yucky......i know, rookie mistake. The other 2 C4 cuts and MVTF look good though...
I have had some of that Ultra stanky candy combo BB swamp....lol. LOVE me some DJ strains...lol
good vibes


Pull my finger
Saweeet dude. Ya, I found that the Chem is a bitch to root. I have some that I am tryin to root and one bit the dust already. I did 13 so I could lose one and have an even dozen, but I dont see it hap'nin like that.

The rest of the cuts look fine though..

KoK: I know right! I cant wait for spring.

Peat: Thanks for stoppin by homie.

Frank: Beach weather my ass! I had to put the big MH back up to keep things happy. I am happy to see it fired up too though.

Time for some more pics huh?? Lemme see what I got.....


Pull my finger
From the trim part last night

From the trim part last night

I really do like the Bluebonic. And it seems that if it is grown properly, it can really shine.

I have some ohter pics of the buds in my gallery, but the quality blows llama so I wont post em.


Pull my finger
Transplant Time

Transplant Time

Here are a coupla shots of the roots. I think they arent doint too shabby in this new super soil.

