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I think my Blackberry smartphone is BUGGED!

Abu Syawali

New member
Its called a "SpyPhone", you install custom firmware on the phone, get 2 phone numbers on it, and when you call one number, the phone doesnt ring or light the LED up, it simply turns on the speaker phone/webcam and allows a hacker to watch and listen wherever the phone may be.

Spyphones are getting better and better. Dont buy a phone from anyone you cant trust

..and I am happened to have had experience using "Sony CMD-J70". I used to use it's (modded) "JamesBond Mode" exactly like what stealth2k mentioned above.

(always pretends leave my J70 under the table in a meeting room just before an important meeting begin)


St. Elsewhere
Not to fan the flames of paranoia, but if I were to make a phone-tapping program (for LEO or datamining, datamining is a huge business these days and what with downloading a free-product, this is at worst an instance of datamining) I would make the phone record and store the soundbytes locally, so that recording is not interrupted when service to the cell-phone is interrupted. Then, with a simple backdoor, one could download the files at their leisure. (The fact that he found the files on his phone is no reason not to be concerned, really, though I would have expected them to be less visible. Still seems amateurish.)


Now in technicolor
I don't know what's up with your phone but heed this advice:

1) Never download shady software, and be careful when allowing permissions to software which you think are suspicious. For example when you run an app for the first time it will ask you "XXX app wants access to your phone # and location, allow?" for some apps this is obviously useful but READ what you're allowing first.

2) ALWAYS keep a password on your phone. Blackberry's will format everything on the drive if the password is mistyped 10 times in a row, so watch out.

You can still place calls when you have a password on, just can't see text messages/emails or browse any files.

In fact EVERYONE should put a pass on their phone.


Wow, and I am a motherfucker, so let's start there. I have been in (not currently, as of a few months ago), but been in the biz for a while. Since BB first launched actually.

While I have no way of knowing if big brother is trying to fuck you, I can honestly say there are alot of people here making alot of claims, and saying alot of shit that they really have no idea of what they are talking about, obviously.

As for your issue, I have personally seen that happen, more than once. IMO, it is not anything to worry about, aside from the performance/use aspect of the device. While I completely understand why you were concerned, and honestly lots of people would be, IMO don't worry about it. Fix that fucking phone though lol, sounds like you may have isolated it. 3rd party apps can do weird shit, and have really random dumb impact on other functions in phones. Hell, the rim software is far from flawless, I remember when the tour first launched, w/in weeks it became known that there were software glitches, i.e., the ringer would default to silent, no matter what, some other ringer issue, and possibly something else as well although I don't remember everything w/ every phone, but nonetheless, rim brought an update out pretty quick.

It's been my experience, the vast majority of users do not use the desktop software that is included w/ their rim devices to backup, and update as they should. Until something crazy happens anyway, and even then most of the time the users will just go into the corp retail store and doing a WARRANTY EXCHANGE, which is different than INSURANCE CLAIM, btw, as is the source of the replacement etc...for the poster earlier telling everyone how they "do it". (Not picking on you, just poking..please don't take offense.)

That being said, it's never a bad thing to be careful, and if anything, this should remind everyone to be careful. I think the most likely risk w/ any type of device, is that you use it to browse, email, contact info, the actual data that is on it, and that data being discovered and used against you. Via someone stealing, or finding a lost device. FAr far far more likely.
But I guess anything is possible.
If it were LEO, they would record the files on their own server and wouldn't leave a copy on your phone. Guessing it was a combination of bad software and accidentally hitting some combination of buttons.

Hope all is well!


Active member
If they want you, they got you...peroid end of story. a good lawyer after the fact is your only hope.....thats why anyone who things egalization is bad is a fucking clown. This country and its laws and crack downs will get worse. we want to be free from this, trust me....