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I think I'm addicted to ice water


Active member
Are you constantly thirsty this whole time? or do you just like to drink it?

I guess I mean do you NEED/CRAVE/HOLYSHITIMTHIRSTY guzzle water or is it just something you enjoy doing. Because if it's the first one, you should probably do some blood sugar testing/possible diabetes.

Polydipsia (excessive thirst) and polyuria (frequent urination) are hallmark signs of diabetes.... you might also be experiencing general fatigue.

Sounds like you are about 2+ gallons a day.... ???


dudes...doesnt any of you know that you are SUPPOSED to drink 8 eight ounce glasses
of water each 24 hour day? This was taught in health, biology and science class in
high school daze.
To quote:
With a healthy and balanced diet, regular sleep, a person needs a healthy intake of
water to supplement his/her body fluids. The recommended amount is 8 eight ounce
glasses of water daily.
end quote

as noted, a person (read human being), is comprised of 98 percent water...this is of
course assuming that you are human, right?

edit--of course for all us mathematically challenged peeps out there, this is 64 ozs.

not really sure what would happen when you drink 216 ozs tho....prob all sorts of shit.:watchplant: