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I think I'm addicted to ice water


Active member
i'm serious about this...i think im an ''aquaholic''.

it may not be as bad as i think, i have done some research, but i drink a hell of alot of water, and alot of other beverages.

i know your supposed to drink alot of water, but im just wondering if i actually do drink too much, and if it's bad.

i have 3 of these bubba kegs (they are 72oz ((.56gal)) each).


i keep them rotated w/ 1 in the freezer w/ a cpl inches of water frozen in the bottom so i dont have to add ice....and jugs of water in the fridge so it's always really cold.

on a regular day i drink 2 of these during the night

1 full 1 in the morning before work and 1 big glass of apple juice

at least 1 at work before noon w/ just 1 pop, and usually a 32 oz powerade

at least 1 more by 3pm and also another 32 oz powerade...

at least 2 more by bedtime w/ a few shots

...so total about 7 or 8 a day....not counting other beverages.

does that seem excessive?

i do have to urinate about twice an hour and a few times a night...so im def. not retaining all this water.

any thoughts?

h^2 O

nothing wrong with water. Make sure you're not drinking so much your belly looks pregnant - you could die. But yeah, I've had days where i drank a couple 2-liters worth of water. Drink up! It's only water!


I cough up honey oil
That seems like a shit load to me. I don't know if it's enough to be bad for you though. I have heard of a case were a person has died. I think he/she was a runner and loading up on water for like a week or two. She collapsed during the race and paramedics thought she was suffering from dehydration and gave her more water. but I'm sure that was an extreme case. Thats a lot of PISS though!


Active member
That seems like a shit load to me. I don't know if it's enough to be bad for you though. I have heard of a case were a person has died. I think he/she was a runner and loading up on water for like a week or two. She collapsed during the race and paramedics thought she was suffering from dehydration and gave her more water. but I'm sure that was an extreme case. Thats a lot of PISS though!

you'd have to drink like 5 gallons w/out pissin to die from overdose...thats not gonna happen here.

and im not some crazy athlete loadin up on water...im just drinking it like a maniac because it tastes good


I cough up honey oil
Tastes good? You sound like my dad. He LOVES water!!! I think it tastes like nothing. LOL My girlfriend says I'm gonna die cause I live on red bull. I hardly ever drink water! So I'm sure your way healthier than me!
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Active member
I thought I was the only person on the planet that enjoyed "high quality H20" (me and the water boy that is) I drink almost as much as you do everyday. I am a carpenter so I burn up a lot of water working everyday also. I know you would have to drink a crap load of water in order to kill yourself. First you would have to drink so much that you would flush your body of all it's nutrients. Then in order to die, you would have to go out and run 5 miles where your body would need the nutrients all at once. With that combo you could die. There would be signs of nutrient deficiency before you die, such as joint pain. I would say don't worry about it and drink up. Like resin lung said, it could be worse, you could be drinking red bull all day long.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
you are fine.. For sure you are flushed out and clean.. As long as your addin electrolyte in with it you will be ok and it seems you are by adding the powerades.. water intoxication moslty will happen to babies and or athletes... Remember the kidneys of a healthy adult can only process about 15 litres of h20 a day! As long as you drink h20 over time as instead of all at once. most adults men/women need some where around 3 quarts of fluids daily and alot of that comes from our food. So, 8/12 eight ounce glasses a day is whats recommended. you can drink more depending on if its dry or warm hot etc.. Or if yer hittin the gym or taking meds. so all in all yes you can drink to much water. but unless yer an extreme athlete runner and or an infant h20 intoxication is not to common.. so yukon just dont chug the whole keg at once and you will be fine.. I hope this helps brother.. peace..



The Hopeful Protagonist
Man, you better be careful.... :noway:

Water's a gateway beverage.....:nanana:

NOKUY late one night, in a dark alley.....somewhere

"Come on bro.....can I get a vial of that rain-water on the eye mang?"



Active member
The problem is that Nokuy lives in a place that water is scarce. He has had to resort to doing tricks to support his habit.

yeah thats why he grows , he needs it to support that destructive habbit.Problem is , it is a vicious circle , the more he smokes the more water he needs , the less he can sell to buy water leading to an ultimate death of drying out

(@ yukon , just kidding no harm intened ;)


I drink a gallon and a half a day when I weight train... works for me! Just remember, don't hold your piss, that is REALLY bad.


ICMag Donor
To be honest, your body should not want that much water, whether it tastes good to you or not. And I really don't know how in hell your body can process that much.....

Have you ever had your thyroid checked? An overacting thyroid is the only thing I could think of that would let your body process that much water....


Active member
lol...you guys are funny!

i dont mind the humor...i know if it was real bad someone would say something.



The Hopeful Protagonist
In all seriousness now....

Water intoxication is a medical condition (also known as hyperhydration) in which an individual's intake of water is excessive. A person with two healthy kidneys can rid themselves of about 1.5 litres of water per hour at maximum filtration.

The main consequences of overconsumption are hyponatremia (decreased plasma sodium, due to dilution) and suppression of the production of antidiuretic hormone. Extreme hyponatremia (with plasma sodium levels less than 100 mmol/L) frequently leads to cerebral edema, seizures, coma, and death.

First, the body's sodium levels drop, due to the loss of electrolytes when sweating (sodium is an electrolyte). Next, the excess water is absorbed into the bloodstream and eventually the lungs, and the victim will suffer from dyspnea and nausea. If allowed to progress without treatment, the victim will develop pulmonary adema, or filling of the lungs with a bodily fluid, and will face more serious complications.

You should have some tests run bro :joint:
Some chick died on a radio show a few years back from drinking too much. hyponatremia- check it out.

I'd also agree that that may be a bit much and you should consult a doctor. I work out in the Florida sun all day in the summers and in 140 degree attics. I don't drink half that much and still have to urinate frequently, while sweating out three quarters of it.

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