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I think I need glasses


Active member
Just came to the realization today.

A while ago I was trying to get out a splinter, and the more I tried to focus in closely on it, the less clearly I could see it.
I didn't think much about it at the time, but today I noticed that when I bring normal size text(like in a paperback book) any closer then about 10 inches from my eyes, it starts to blur, and I can't read it:frown:

I assume I used to be able to read it that close, I guess I don't really know when this started, but I do know that as of today there is no kidding myself about it, my vision is not what it used to be.
I guess I will go in to one of those eye exam places where they do exams and make your glasses in the same spot, anyone have any suggestions?

I wonder if exposure to HPS lights may have caused/accelerated this, or if it's just part of getting older for me, and would have happened anyway.

Now I want to get tested asap, and find out what the deal is, and if I need glasses.

Anyone else want to share their experience with failing vision, and how and when they first noticed?


No it starts about 40 and gets worse. Reading the label on cans at the Supermarket is out of the question. I am on No. 2´s now.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
blind as fuck since a little kid......

had 20/300 vision before my lazik eye surgery.....

i now rock a 20/15 vision, 4 years after my surgery.....

fuck glasses, they suck major balls, get the surgery, save yourself years of mysery......


Active member
No it starts about 40 and gets worse. Reading the label on cans at the Supermarket is out of the question. I am on No. 2´s now.
Yep, I have to hold the damn things at nearly arms length to be able to focus clearly on them.
This sucks, this is the first day I really became aware of it, and tried any home tests.


Active member
blind as fuck since a little kid......

had 20/300 vision before my lazik eye surgery.....

i now rock a 20/15 vision, 4 years after my surgery.....

fuck glasses, they suck major balls, get the surgery, save yourself years of mysery......
Lazik, I never even thought of that, I guess because I've never given any thought to my vision before, as it has always been fine.

I guess the first step is getting my eyes checked by a professional, and going from there.


The Eye doctor here in Germany that gave me my Eye test for my DL was laughing. He said I am on the border to glasses full time.....of course he sells glasses also.

Ya reading labels made me realize I needed glasses. Try and read the dark black print in a Dictionaries. That is worse than labels.
Why get them checked by a professional?
YOU know your eyes are wack, you dont need somebody with a pro status to tell you that..
anyway those lasik guys are pro.
contacts and glasses work fine for me but my bros girl is extremely happy with her lasik


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Lazik, I never even thought of that, I guess because I've never given any thought to my vision before, as it has always been fine.

I guess the first step is getting my eyes checked by a professional, and going from there.

cant recommend it enough! surgery took literally 3 minutes per eye, i was high as shit during the procedure. one of the best things i have EVER done for myself.....


I think I need glasses

if you have really good night vision like myself, i would avoid lasik. it makes your eyes more sensitive to light at night, so at night, oncoming headlights can be very very bright


Active member
Why get them checked by a professional?
YOU know your eyes are wack, you dont need somebody with a pro status to tell you that..
Well, I strongly suspect that my eyes are "wack", but I don't know that for sure, so that's why I would like to get a proper exam, and hear what they have to say.
Based on the outcome of the exam I will then consider my options.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
just saying bro, glasses suck!

imagine trying to fuck, not being able to see! and your chick is not going to let you bounce on her with glasses on!

rain - fucked.....
swimming - fucked....
workout - fucked....
pretty much anything physical - fucked....
ever had your glasses break on ya - fucked....
ever try to wear a helmet with glasses - fucked....


It REALLY sux when you've had perfect vision/eagle eyes all your life.

I need to get checked myself.

Where the fuck are the flying cars and replacement parts we were promised on Saturday mornings?

Bastids :cuss:


ddrew.... As I was reading the first post, I knew immediately where you were going and the "pits" that go along with accepting it. I think that vonforne hit a bingo. I'm the youngest and I watched my father and all my siblings get at least reading glasses at or very near 40. Of course, my turn had to come as well.

I have always appreciated my great vision and hearing. I've always tried not to take them for granted, so now that I'm in the "midlife crisis" years, I try to do the same. With the right frame of mind, my failing vision, hearing loss and never ending ringing (tinnitus) aren't so bad. :D

krunchbubble, It's good to see testimonials like yours. When you see enough of them, it helps to feel it's an option for you too.

I at least need some flip shades glasses for my indoor gardening needs. One or the other, glasses or shades, isn't cutting it. :D

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