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i think i got an email from president obama


larry badiner

its either from him or one of his staff members.

From: The White House <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, May 25, 2012 at 11:30 AM
Subject: Response to Your Message

Dear Friend:

Thank you for writing. As President, it is my privilege to hear from Americans like you who take time to offer their perspective on the serious issues facing our Nation. I appreciate your message and value your input.

From putting Americans back to work to expanding access to medical care, my Administration continues to take bold action to do what is right for our Nation. We have enacted the most comprehensive financial reforms in decades, rescued and helped retool our auto industry, expanded student aid to millions of young people, helped level the playing field for working women, and made the largest investment in clean energy in our history. Because of the courageous acts of our service members, we have been able to end the war in Iraq and take down Osama bin Laden. We have also made historic commitments to provide for our troops as they return home. Securing our country’s future will take time, but I will not stop working to rebuild the kind of America where everyone gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same rules.

I am always eager to hear ideas that will help our country adapt to changing times and lead us toward a brighter day. The enduring American spirit is revealed in the letters I receive, and I remain dedicated to ensuring it is reflected in our efforts to improve the lives of all Americans.

Thank you, again, for sharing your views. I encourage you to explore www.WhiteHouse.gov to learn more about the ways we are moving America forward.


Barack Obama

i emailed him about a couple of things, didnt think he'd reply heh

that prooves someone reads these emails, so goto those contact forms on those government websites and talk to those politicians! maybe we can legalize marijuana the way we want


You dont think that is a their standard boilerplate form letter auto response?

If anything i find that very discouraging. I fear the only person(s) that read your email are Secret Service agents.


They basically already answered that this year with those 'We the People' petitions

What We Have to Say About Marijuana and Hemp Production

By Gil Kerlikowske, Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy

America’s farmers deserve our Nation’s help and support to ensure rural America’s prosperity and vitality. Federal law prohibits human consumption, distribution, and possession of Schedule I controlled substances. Hemp and marijuana are part of the same species of cannabis plant. While most of the THC in cannabis plants is concentrated in the marijuana, all parts of the plant, including hemp, can contain THC, a Schedule I controlled substance. The Administration will continue looking for innovative ways to support farmers across the country while balancing the need to protect public health and safety.

For more about what we have to say about marijuana, please see the President's National Drug Control Strategy, as well as this earlier petition response below:

What We Have to Say About Legalizing Marijuana

When the President took office, he directed all of his policymakers to develop policies based on science and research, not ideology or politics. So our concern about marijuana is based on what the science tells us about the drug's effects.

According to scientists at the National Institutes of Health- the world's largest source of drug abuse research - marijuana use is associated with addiction, respiratory disease, and cognitive impairment. We know from an array of treatment admission information and Federal data that marijuana use is a significant source for voluntary drug treatment admissions and visits to emergency rooms. Studies also reveal that marijuana potency has almost tripled over the past 20 years, raising serious concerns about what this means for public health – especially among young people who use the drug because research shows their brains continue to develop well into their 20's. Simply put, it is not a benign drug.

Like many, we are interested in the potential marijuana may have in providing relief to individuals diagnosed with certain serious illnesses. That is why we ardently support ongoing research into determining what components of the marijuana plant can be used as medicine. To date, however, neither the FDA nor the Institute of Medicine have found smoked marijuana to meet the modern standard for safe or effective medicine for any condition.

As a former police chief, I recognize we are not going to arrest our way out of the problem. We also recognize that legalizing marijuana would not provide the answer to any of the health, social, youth education, criminal justice, and community quality of life challenges associated with drug use.

That is why the President's National Drug Control Strategy is balanced and comprehensive, emphasizing prevention and treatment while at the same time supporting innovative law enforcement efforts that protect public safety and disrupt the supply of drugs entering our communities. Preventing drug use is the most cost-effective way to reduce drug use and its consequences in America. And, as we've seen in our work through community coalitions across the country, this approach works in making communities healthier and safer. We're also focused on expanding access to drug treatment for addicts. Treatment works. In fact, millions of Americans are in successful recovery for drug and alcoholism today. And through our work with innovative drug courts across the Nation, we are improving our criminal justice system to divert non-violent offenders into treatment.

Our commitment to a balanced approach to drug control is real. This last fiscal year alone, the Federal Government spent over $10 billion on drug education and treatment programs compared to just over $9 billion on drug related law enforcement in the U.S.

Thank you for making your voice heard. I encourage you to take a moment to read about the President's approach to drug control to learn more.

Check out this response on We the People.

larry badiner

You dont think that is a their standard boilerplate form letter auto response?

If anything i find that very discouraging. I fear the only person(s) that read your email are Secret Service agents.

oh, that explains it. it was cool getting an email from the white house anyhow
I hate to say it - but that email sounds like the classic "Fuck off and die" reply (polite version). Machined generated, and no more signifies anyone close to Barry saw it than Lindsay Lohan flashing her crotch means there is an underwear shortage.

Sorry - but you aren't a big $$$ campaign contributor or a lobbyist with unlimited expense account and bags full of hookers and coke. No-one there gives a shit about what you think or want. I care, but they don't.

larry badiner

I hate to say it - but that email sounds like the classic "Fuck off and die" reply (polite version). Machined generated, and no more signifies anyone close to Barry saw it than Lindsay Lohan flashing her crotch means there is an underwear shortage.

Sorry - but you aren't a big $$$ campaign contributor or a lobbyist with unlimited expense account and bags full of hookers and coke. No-one there gives a shit about what you think or want. I care, but they don't.

you never know, each letter i think is read and if somethings attention worthy then it might get sent down the right channels

i figure if you're high you might as well email a congressman or a senator with some cool shit so it might get done


New member
Read more than likely by an unpaid intern who just hit reply with the appropriate "form letter" response.


Active member
"Preventing drug use is the most cost-effective"...............

They care.

Alcohol is acceptable, xanax is for when you have anxiety, and adderall is given just because you're hyper. Also vicoden is easily given for pain, just because of the toxicity of only ibuprofen alone.

Oh, they meant the legal ones? Or just all?

My aunt died...she was a nurse. She slipped into it and her skin turned yellow. She kept telling everyone "she knows what she is doing".

Or my uncle that crashed while drunk.

One of my older friends in on crack...

One of my younger ones died from coke.

My cousins kid is fucked up because of fetal alcohol syndrome.

Don't tell them, tell me....right?

You can't fuckin tell them anymore, can you?
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Registered User

Dear chump,

I can't blieve have to deal w u'r shit.

Look how good my shit smells.

Damn u'r shit sucks.

Fuck off and go play w u'rself.

-Barry, I'l smoke all u'r weed tho.

P.s. I really could care less... Never saw u'r letter, never will.


"always eager to hear ideas that will help our country adapt to changing times and lead us toward a brighter day."

politicians and preachers are the only (non) humans that say shit like that. if O ever e-mails me i hope he just says fuck you ....... i could handle that better than the cookie cutter sunshine bullshit


Lammen Gorthaur
Yes, The One stays up far into the night answering queries from the Little People he rules. The hand of the gentle dictator who only tramples on your rights with the understanding that he doesn't have a choice and he only lies to you so that you understand the bigger picture.


May your race always be in your favor
They used to call answers like that as a form letter. now is it called a form email? Sorry to burst your bubble but when it says no reply in the address its a form email. The good thing is you took the time to write, don't stop voice your opinion send emails to everyone your state has elected. Get involved.. Kudos to you for writing. They have an 800 number where you can call and actually voice your opinion to a real live person, they in turn pass it on to the Prez and his minions. Call its a gas to say well I called the White House today.
Form response - text reader spotted certain words/phrases, and computer spit out reply. Real live person never saw it - but your email is now in a list, and will be used and x referenced many times over the next yrs. Prez never sees anything you send him, the email never even got near the White House. Sorry.


It does look like a form letter... but I wonder if this is somewhat of a real response because of the many many MANY times I have emailed the whitehouse I have never received a response.
All I get is spam from emails under the name of all of his aides and never once acknowledging me except to push a new political agenda

larry badiner

It does look like a form letter... but I wonder if this is somewhat of a real response because of the many many MANY times I have emailed the whitehouse I have never received a response.
All I get is spam from emails under the name of all of his aides and never once acknowledging me except to push a new political agenda

theres a checkbox on the contact form to ask for a response, did you check that?