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i think i got an email from president obama


Trust me when I say you'll get,and deserve,exactly what you wish for.

Hopefully near the end of your life,when you'll appreciate your grandeur the most.

A world free of misogyny, racism and greed?

I'm even willing to sacrifice some grandeur if we can have it sooner tho....

lost in a sea

i just think its pretty ironic, or sick, that a "black" man will be seen in history as running probably the worlds most murderous regime of this age,,,, when you think about how much african peoples have had out of being in america and all,, what an insult Barry is to history,,

then again the next generations will think abraham lincoln was a vampire hunter lol
A world free of misogyny, racism and greed?

I'm even willing to sacrifice some grandeur if we can have it sooner tho....

You poor,simple mind...hopefully your words will echo in your eternity.

Then again, who are we kidding...it won't happen in your lifetime anyway.
Hopefully it will still remain 'best man' for the job,unless mandated otherwise.Got to feel good about those circumstances,right?


More like 36%, but who's counting, right....?

I'm not american, i just follow what happens in other countries because it is illuminating and interesting. The mafia of political correctness is the same in every western country. And it's more like 100% of the population, it isn't as if our women aren't damaged by constantly lying to them, about "rape culture" and "date rape" for example.