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i recently acquired root aphids


Buy some Preditor aphids .... if you got them bad wait a week and the preditor aphids should have killed all them. Then hit your room or house with bug bombs to kill the preditor aphids.... this is for extream messures and should only doo if your room is sealed!!

I stay so high that even the clouds are jelous and the gods admire my courage....
There is nothing else to say other they that ^^ all you need to know about killing aphids is that its less then 20 bucks you need to treat ALL you plants with it... i didnt know floramite kills root aphids... neem is pretty pointless... good luck bro

No offense to anyone else but you dont need to do anything but water with some bayer complete insect control... Do not water any plants that will be harvested within like 50 days though... any veg plants will be fine. Dont need to use bleach or spray the whole room...

This is systemic and will last in the plant 3-5 days... however it will stay in y our medium so if you dont flush it out then itll last a lot longer... if they are just mothers then np but watch veg plants that are about to go into flower.

btw if you have root aphids what is spraying the tops of your plants going to do for you? its all in your medium you dont need to do anything outside of it or on the foliar... If you want you wipe down with a bayer application but i found it not necessary.

Poppy, in another thread you said botaingaurd was the best. Which is it botaingaurd or bayer advanced?


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Poppy, in another thread you said botaingaurd was the best. Which is it botaingaurd or bayer advanced?

I used bayer but i didnt like the wait time for harvest and try not to treat my girls with harsh chemicals....

I have only used this... However in my research i found that the bonigaurd is made for these bastards and is recommended for used on MJ plants. Also it can be applied UP TO DAY OF HARVEST with no bad or ill effects on the weed or end product.

I however have bought but never used the bonigaurd on them because i have yet to see them come back from the bayer treatment... But with my extensive reading Im convinced that the bonigard will be a safer treatment that works, however its 90$$ for a quart....

i bought the bonigaurd and am waiting to use it lol...


I used Bontanigard WP in my waterings with flowering plants. I tried so many things, Azatrol first, DE in the beds and on top of plants, nematodes, ending up with drenches of Sucrashield which either through using it on dry soil or the product itself ended up with burned tips on all that were treated ... anyway in the end, in Smartpots, I never got the kind of population explosions I had in veg. Never got rid of them either. It does look like I have gotten rid of them in veg where I had a reinfection by using Tanglefoot to find out who has them, keep them from spreading, then taking cuttings from those afflicted, and tossing the infected ones. I was treating initially in the reinfected with drenches of Dr. Bronners, which gave me about a 60% success rate with a one time treatment.

I am so sold on Tanglefoot. Keep them out in the first place, if they come in with the medium, you have them contained right off the bat and they don't spread.


New member
I'm not sure if I have this problem or not, been having what I thought was mg deficiency for months but as no treatment is working am now not sure. am growing in soil and found some mushrooms in it which makes me think its more likely to be these little bastards. but as I can't see any of them having real difficulty identifying if it is the problem. do you recommend just pulling a plant out of the soil and looking for white fungus in the roots? or flushing a pot to the top and seeing what comes out?

got some girls that are 3 weeks into bloom so if I can identify them do you think there is still time to use imid (they have quite a long flowering period) and if not what do you recommend instead? not that I have got any yet, you guys all seem to be from the states I'm hoping I can get this stuff in Britain too. I also have some in veg in another chamber so at least can use the imid on that - guessing you are recommending the bayer make

have been considering going back to hydro for future crops as am sick of soil - got some cuttings downstairs that will be ready to go in a couple of weeks - is hydro worse or better than soil? and will a layer of perlite round the top of the soil help?

thread starter hope things are working out for you
only thing that helped me was buying some real pouch tobacco at a cigar shop & soaking 1 16oz cup of tobacco (maybe an oz of actual tobacco fit in the cup) & a gallon of water. first thing i did was water the plant just until a little came out from drain holes. let it sit for a few mins to get the soil moist & not have the mixture just flow through dry soil. i then drenched the pot with the mixture & continued to do that 1x a week for 2 weeks & no more issues with root aphids. nicotinic acid kills em nicely & didn't harm the plant at all yield wise, imo. can;t say that factually though b/c i have no other comparison for yield, it was a single plant. the best thing for fungus gnats is a layer of DE(diatomaceous earth) on top of the soil.
i did a second dunk with imid a weed ago, to find out the next day there were dead aphids floating so im going to do a followup controll dunk of acephate, at the recommend strength, i read a few studys on acephate it is very nasty stuff, but it has a shorter half life, then imid


I wiped them all out by filling a five gallon bucket with 10ml per gallon bayer fruit and veggie....I submerged each hugo block by lolipopping the plants...holding the stalk and pumping them in the solution untill bubbles stopped.. then I let each sit for ten minutes and put them back in the flood table. Haven't seen a fliar or aphid since.

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