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I quit. Black phlegm question.

Hi forums. I quit smoking cannabis.

My time with cannabis was about 2 years give or take a couple months. I started off smoking a couple joints, then I used a bong primarily. For the first entire year I smoked on average 4-5 times a week. Usually Friday and Saturday night sort of thing.

After the first year, I was making a very good sum of money. I decided to spoil myself and pretty much got hooked to kush vs all other strains. I only smoked other strains after a small personal harvest. Kush was always something I purchased from a friend of mine. While smoking all this kush, I was also investing in some really nice glassware, and in the end I bought a volcano.

In the last few months of my smoking career, I was young and had a lot of money. I was laid off so I decided to take a little vacation which got out of hand. For nearly four months I didn't work, mainly because I just really didn't need to. During those four months I smoked out of a 3ft bong. I basically was high all my conscious hours. I loved it. The last 3 weeks of my smoking career I was using a volcano, the very rare time my bong.

Due to work, I quit cold turkey for 30 days straight, and I went for a drug test. Unfortunately I failed. I was quite surprised that 30 days clean still didn't pass. When the doctor told me that it can take up to 90 days to pass a urine test, I was even more shocked. Oh well, my fault.

It's been 60+ days since I've quit cold turkey. I don't really care to smoke. I don't really drink, I guess I just kinda grew out of smoking. I like growing still, though. Anyway, my question is : How long does it take until a very heavy smoker stops coughing black phlegm?

I ask because black phlegm can be a serious problem if it's not from tar. I don't want to go see my doctor and use up his time to be told, oh it's from cannabis, it will stop soon.

TL;DR How long does it take after smoking very heavily, for a black phlegm cough to stop? Thanks IC.

Edit: This only happened after I stopped smoking. For those who smoke cigarettes ( I don't ) they know that when they stop cold turkey, they have coughing fits and some experience black phlegm.


Active member
I have been smoking a lot longer, and I would guess a lot more than you, and I never cough up black phlegm. It would be wise to wait for a few more replies, but I would say you should probably go to the doctor. Your lungs are too important.


Black lugee cough two months after quitting?
What else are you smoking?
WTF, see a doctor!

(I've smoked quite a few pounds in my life but never had black phlegm, just dark brown when I've had a cold.)


ICMag Donor
Smoking much longer and prolly much more...NO vaporizer and NO black loogies here!
Yea..see a Doctor...doesnt sound normal brah.
I have been smoking a lot longer, and I would guess a lot more than you, and I never cough up black phlegm. It would be wise to wait for a few more replies, but I would say you should probably go to the doctor. Your lungs are too important.
Thanks for the reply. I was concerned as well, but after reading a lot of other real peoples' comments, a lot of them experienced what I am now. Although they all seem to say something along the lines of what you did.

I probably will see the doctor, but I will see if others have my problem first. Thanks for your advice.

Black lugee cough two months after quitting?
What else are you smoking?
WTF, see a doctor!
I doubt you'll last here very long.. :)

Smoking much longer and prolly much more...NO vaporizer and NO black loogies here!
Yea..see a Doctor...doesnt sound normal brah.
I never experienced any black phlegm when I was smoking. Just after I quit, which is what I would expect 100%. My body is just getting rid of the tar you ingested over the time I was smoking. Did you ever have any black phlegm after you quit? Or have you ever quit? Thanks for the reply.
Wow chunk Ihave smoked both cigs and weed for over 20 years and have coughed up alot of different colored nastyness, but never black.


I also have to take pre-access drug and alcohol tests in my line of work, so I "binge" quite frequently and have to "quit" before I get a new job. The only time I cough up dark phlegm is when I've got a cold. Yeah I've smoked a lot of grass and no phlegm problem like you describe, sorry I can't offer any advice. I hate going to the hospital, I feel like the doctors just want to pump me full of chemicals. Don't let that stop you from at least going to see what's up, I'd hate to be the reason someone got hurt (or worse) because I said I disliked hospitals. Stay safe!


Now in technicolor
I have a friend who recently had dark brown/maroon/red phlegm but he smokes a pack of cigs a day AND rolled tobacco and has been doing so for years.

I have been smoking for the past 6 years and the past 2 years I've been high almost all day everyday. The past month I've been on a dry spell smoking 20+ cigs a day laced with JWH. Quite a shitty habit, especially as my JWH tolerance is soaring through the roof.

I harvested a week ago and have been high as a kite on actual bud all week, literally chain smoking a few joints an hour non-stop. I'm up to 3g a day but normally try to remain at the 1g/day mark. (In contrast, a pack a day smoker smokes 20g a day of tobacco)

Sometimes I have a dry cough and on occasion I get mucus build up in my throat but I don't know if the latter is really due to smoking completely. Also shortness of breath if I do cardio, which I attribute to my tobacco habit. I recently cut down cigs from 10-20g a day to 3g/day max.

Black or any discolored phlegm is a cause for concern. I'd sell off the glassware and stick to using a vape or baking. A brownie high is probably my favorite and gets me higher than smoking/vaping can. It also lasts quite awhile. I alterante between using the vape exclusively or vaping + smoking joints. I do plan on sticking strictly to the vape indoors in the coming weeks.

I find a tabletop vape constantly turned on (either on a timer or something meant to remain on like Purple Days) and ready to use makes picking up a vape habit easy. In my experience and in scientific studies, vaporizing really does cut out most of the negatives of smoking. No waking up with a dry/sore throat, no smoker's cough, etc.

Smoking is "cool" no doubt, but COPD and other problems are very serious. If you're a daily smoker I suggest investing in a good vape. Volcano is good but I prefer a quicker/easier to use whip style vape myself.
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OK this is what I was looking for. I'll be visiting the doctor asap. Thanks very much IC.

On another note, I don't even care about my own health at the moment as Japan has insane Tsunamis killing and destroying everything. Live on stream. I'm very upset from that.

I'm agnostic but my prayers go out for Japan.
I experience dark chunks in my mucus, been smoking daily for 2-3 years. Its not an everyday thing though, mostly when I'm sick coughing up lung butter with dark chunks in it.


Well-known member
I smoke heavy-out of crushed ice filled glass 3-5 grams a day is not uncommon and it seems like once a year or so, it becomes a chronic cough-black phlegm mostly due to allergies coupled with bad dietary choices and lack of exercise
it disappears after a few days-your still getting it 30+ days after going cold turkey?
something else at work here brah-get a check up before it turns to neumonia like shit and does over the counter expextorant syrups help?
herb is an expectorant as well-no good for you i know
There is no carte-blanche, across-the-board answer to your question. You will only get personal anecdote. Suffice to say that smoking anything is indeed very, very harmful to your body. This much we know for certain. You have done damage to your lungs, but your situation seems rare in it's severity.

If your doctor provides you with an answer you view as dismissive and subsequently substandard, find a new doctor. Please consult medical professionals instead of random stoners. We have no meaningful insight on this whatsoever.


May your race always be in your favor
You know you've been smoking to much when the phelgm you cough up tastes like bong water!! I smoke heavily all day with out problems, some strains will make me phelgm up,nose run, but no black goo. I been smoking since 1969.:smoweed::smoweed:


Active member
I take a couple bong hits, several times a day.
Usually about 10-15 mins after smoking I can hack up a little tiny bit of grey phlegm, and it's like it has been pushed up to the top of my lungs/throat, as I can feel it when I breathe and that's how I know it's time to hack it up.
To me it feels like my lungs instantly begin cleaning out the impurities, and move them to the top to be spit out.


Active member
Sounds to me like your cilia have grown back, and all the mucus and tar in your lungs is being broken up... I wouldn't be too concerned. It happened to me before when I quit smoking and went strictly to vaporizing. You actually have to quit smoking long enough for it to happen, so I think that's whyy most people don't have any experience with it.


Well-known member
the crushed ice will trap the crap-trust i-just look at the ice after a few rips
ice=no phlegm imo
but this guys been "clean" for over a month-its time to go to the doc imo-anything from bronchitis to worse

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
I used to smoke a lot of bongs for a few years. probably 2 grams a day. never tobacco

I would cough up grey or black/brown speckled disgusting balls of phlegm. took about 2 months of no smoking (only vaping) for it to totally go away

yes go to the doctor.

Ganja D

I've been smoking cannabis for over 15 years and smoked tobacco for over 11 years before quiting. Tobacco used to really fuck me up but if you've only been smoking weed for 2 years and are having these types of issues something ain't right.
Sounds like that Kush you've been blazing wasn't grown safely for smoking.

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