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i need some love


im getting ever more tired of society labling me a loser because i smoke weed.

i dont even do anything else. i cant drink, i hate tobacco, and i know how dangerous Rx pills are. so while the rest of the world is TOTALLY ok with doctors shelling out lethal drugs and everyone else ruining their livers to have some relaxation, IM THE IDIOT because i smoke weed.

every time i have a brain fart or forget where i left my car keys i get labeled a pothead. the jokes are fine, when my friends do it i can take the hits... but its when the rest of society is so quick to bring me down while they hold a beer or a pill in their hand is when i start to lose my faith (in people). i can never point out someone else's stupidity, because when i do its just because "they were having a bad day, they have kids to worry about, their car wouldnt start, the alarm clock didnt go off or they woke up and saw the sun rising". im sick of the hypocrisy.

now i am keen on current world events, and i know marijuana is not the most important issue... but i think it quantifies much of the problems in the entire world. its about people making decisions for perfectly capable and intelligent other people. it shouldnt happen unless those people want it to be like that (we all listen to our doctors, mechanics and mothers for good reason).

but whatever. this bong i just hit is kicking in and in a few minutes ill just reside in obscurity once again. peace


I cough up honey oil
I learned a long long time ago that there is very little to be gained by telling or letting anybody know that I smoke weed. Those that know, know for a reason. Those that don't, don't need to. I don't know how to change peoples minds, other than with my actions, although I wish I could. It's better to just keep your weed smoking to yourself. It does suck and is totally hypocritical but thats the world we live in. Its pushed on society like everything else. T.V. sells beer and pills for every occasion. They sell it by showing completely normal healthy members of society using those products. You KNOW how they paint weed smokers! I do wish it were different.


i cant just act like something im not though. it would go against everything i have held as morals to myself. i already hide in a semi-side life with the clothes i wear and the way i talk (preppy, because it wins in the social world). but i am what i am, and on the bottom of everything that i do, i smoke weed. you are so right when you say its better to just keep your mouth shut, but i live the opposite life. i cant help it, i want people to know it. the one part i didnt mention was the amount of people, who wrote me off but later, after months of showing them i can do the job of life just as good they start changing their tune with the argument "well, not you, but most potheads are blah blah blah..". those are the true good moments.


I too go through this alot from people i kno who don't smoke it used to make me real depressed to kno that so much people in the world are ignorant to the truth and just follow what ever other people say

I've met people that loved me from the 1st day they met me, i've had people tell me how kind n how caring of a person i am

People tellng me i'm going to do great things in my life, and i have the strive n mind to do anything how intelligent i was etc. and all this was told me while i was 'high' having conversations with people who didn't kno i was 'high'

Once they found out i smoked most of the people wer less fond of me and would try n make me change my ways n others would just not associate themselves with me afterwards

What i've learn from experience is that if your a good person sum people won't have a problem with what you do with your life and the people who do they don't deserve to b a friend in your life anyways (why would you want jugdemental ignorant people around u)

Sry for rambling on bt i do feel your pain it does feel like the whole worlds blind n jugdemental but all we can do is b the few people that aren't

Take it easy n remember thers still good people out ther n your one of them



budbo- you hit a point that is much like i practice. another reason i like being honest about my habits is that i can then only befriend the people who are mature enough to handle it. i forgot about all the people who i 'thought' were cool until i dumped the weed-bomb on them. there has been many situations where me knowing that someone has a problem with weed allows me to just stay away from those people.. totally side-stepping a bad experience altogether.

i actually feel a little better now that i know im probably just looking at the bad side of this... when in reality there are many good things about it. thank you.


I really think you guys are so lucky that you can even tell anybody at all!

Where I am there is constant FEAR of jail that YOU TELL NO ONE!

Moldy Dreads

Active member
I learned a long long time ago that there is very little to be gained by telling or letting anybody know that I smoke weed.

I disagree, a good example is California, people become activists, voice the injustice. It's up to us unfortunately, to re-educate society that this herb is a powerful cure for many ailments. Peopl need to be educated that this lame stereotype is fruit of ignorance and prejudice. You have to realize that hiding and being scared will only propagate anxiety and injustice. Activists don't usually have it easy, but if they are serious, usually help out in the big picture. In California it took organization and voting, gotta stand up for your rights and cut out people from your circle if they ridicule you after educating them....like I said, it's up to us to educate society, so DEA thugs and others can't run around persecuting us and belittling us for using a herb for a better way of life.

Don't be a sheep.peace!


Green Mujaheed
Here's a clever reply, from Nietzsche, for those thinking of you as a looser twojoints !
"The higher we rise up, the smaller we appear to those who are unable to fly" !

non-flyers usually just shut it up when told that one eheh...

Irie !


I cough up honey oil
Moldy-I'm in cali. born and raised. I've smoked weed for like 24 yrs. sold it for like 22 and have grown it for over 20. during that time I've seen friends and family thrown in jail. I've seen them robbed. I've seen them taken advantage of. I've seen them expelled from school. I've seen them loose jobs. I'm not saying that you shouldn't gather with others who have the same views and mount an "organized" protest! Thats hardly sticking your own neck out. If you think that that your gonna change the world one person at a time while those in power are using mass communication.... well be my guest! the world needs more mother Theresa's. And I'm far from scared. Just smart! Some people are WAAAY too involved in other aspects of this culture to take that kind of chance. some of us would get the fk'n book thrown at them.




Active member
budbo- you hit a point that is much like i practice. another reason i like being honest about my habits is that i can then only befriend the people who are mature enough to handle it.

remember this :

-> marijuana possession is CRIMINAL

I know you and me, and a lot of others don't believe it's wrong, but there's still a lot of people that have bad views about the herb.

do you blame them ? me no
so remember that one

there's a lot of hassle and stigma attached with marijuana..
we all suffer from it

being paranoid etc

so if you want to out yourself, then be prepared to be thrown rocks :)

Moldy Dreads

Active member
I've seen friends and family thrown in jail. I've seen them robbed. I've seen them taken advantage of. I've seen them expelled from school. I've seen them loose jobs. I'm not saying that you shouldn't gather with others who have the same views and mount an "organized" protest! Thats hardly sticking your own neck out. If you think that that your gonna change the world one person at a time while those in power are using mass communication.... well be my guest! the world needs more mother Theresa's. And I'm far from scared. Just smart! Some people are WAAAY too involved in other aspects of this culture to take that kind of chance. some of us would get the fk'n book thrown at them.
Anyone can use mass communication and yes, everyone involved needs to do their part. How do you think women and black skinned people got their rights and changed the status quo? How do you think California legalized MMJ? By voting, outing ourselves in the public eye, suffering sometimes and rejoicing in double when barriers fall.

Don't let something like weed cost you employment or relationship.
I completely disagree with you, respectfully of course, cause you're a cool dude.
To you it may be a simple unwinder, like a beer, but to many, the herb has given a new life, be it a new drug-free life, ailment relief, or any other benefit that Cannabis may have brought someone and made thier life all of a sudden worth living. If you want to use herb and hide, it's ok, but don't expect the situation to get any better.
I've seen herb get decriminalized where I live and I love it, because more people are dropping this ridiculous notion that herb is a dangerous drug, and because of in-your-face activism (which doesn't mean only picketing, it means actually doing things such as taking rogue law enforcement or local a-hole politicians to court over abuses). Society is ignorant, and follows lame tv ads and politicians like sheep. If we hide and act all shady about Cannabis, we only propagate ignorance. Some people are comfy and don't care, well I can't stand people who ridicule me or anyone who smokes, so I cut them right the fuck out of my circle if they choose to continue acting ignorant and prejudice towards me for using an herb once I educate them on why I use it and it's benefits as well as these BS lies the anti-MJ lobbyists invent..Be it my family, be it some hypocrite employer, be it whomever, if you choose to be prejudiced against me for MJ, then I have no reason to try to continue wasting my breath about who I am and what I believe in.. You see Randude, it's not sticking up for a simple "unwinder" it's sticking up for what you believe in.


budbo and twojoints we have almost the same kinda lives . .i dont really like drinking and i dont do pills unless they make me get better when im sick and other than that i smoke weed and talk to people and i gotta say people like me better high eventhough they dont know . . i always think if i should tell people but hey its just better not to if they dont know you do

and twojoints yea know about that whole sidestepping thing you said well i really have trouble with that because my gf is/was one of the biggest pothead haters i know(other than my rents) but im glad to say shes coming around she said shed smoke with me maybe woo but she lives in cali and im a keystoner

pce guys , im glad to know its not just me who has these problems


I cough up honey oil
Moldy- I voted my ass off in 96! Got a bunch of friends to vote yes too, some for the first time. But I don't think thats the same as outing myself in the public eye. And I really wouldn't compare it to a black mans right to live. I also wouldn't wright my family off because they don't agree with my choice to use cannabis! I commend you for your convictions but I'm not an extremist. Keep fighting the good fight brotha!:respect:

Cookie monster

im getting ever more tired of society labling me a loser because i smoke weed.

i dont even do anything else. i cant drink, i hate tobacco, and i know how dangerous Rx pills are. so while the rest of the world is TOTALLY ok with doctors shelling out lethal drugs and everyone else ruining their livers to have some relaxation, IM THE IDIOT because i smoke weed.

every time i have a brain fart or forget where i left my car keys i get labeled a pothead. the jokes are fine, when my friends do it i can take the hits... but its when the rest of society is so quick to bring me down while they hold a beer or a pill in their hand is when i start to lose my faith (in people). i can never point out someone else's stupidity, because when i do its just because "they were having a bad day, they have kids to worry about, their car wouldnt start, the alarm clock didnt go off or they woke up and saw the sun rising". im sick of the hypocrisy.

now i am keen on current world events, and i know marijuana is not the most important issue... but i think it quantifies much of the problems in the entire world. its about people making decisions for perfectly capable and intelligent other people. it shouldnt happen unless those people want it to be like that (we all listen to our doctors, mechanics and mothers for good reason).

but whatever. this bong i just hit is kicking in and in a few minutes ill just reside in obscurity once again. peace

Who cares what society thinks?? the only people who are qualified to judge you are those that love and care about you, the rest will always see what they want to see...my 2 :2cents:


Well-known member
im getting ever more tired of society labling me a loser because i smoke weed.

i dont even do anything else. i cant drink, i hate tobacco, and i know how dangerous Rx pills are. so while the rest of the world is TOTALLY ok with doctors shelling out lethal drugs and everyone else ruining their livers to have some relaxation, IM THE IDIOT because i smoke weed.

every time i have a brain fart or forget where i left my car keys i get labeled a pothead. the jokes are fine, when my friends do it i can take the hits... but its when the rest of society is so quick to bring me down while they hold a beer or a pill in their hand is when i start to lose my faith (in people). i can never point out someone else's stupidity, because when i do its just because "they were having a bad day, they have kids to worry about, their car wouldnt start, the alarm clock didnt go off or they woke up and saw the sun rising". im sick of the hypocrisy.

now i am keen on current world events, and i know marijuana is not the most important issue... but i think it quantifies much of the problems in the entire world. its about people making decisions for perfectly capable and intelligent other people. it shouldnt happen unless those people want it to be like that (we all listen to our doctors, mechanics and mothers for good reason).

but whatever. this bong i just hit is kicking in and in a few minutes ill just reside in obscurity once again. peace

TJ, I've been smoking weed for 40+ years, and I've never felt like society or anyone eles for that matter, considered me a loser. More important than what others think, I've never thought of myself as a loser.

You sound like someone that may be going through a difficult time at the moment. No offense, however, your entire post reeks of self-pity.You can sit on the bench and worry & whine about what others are thinking, or you can pick yourself up, brush of the dirt, get back in the game, and enjoy life while your still able.

Life is to short. Dont waste any of it by becoming absorbed & distracted by what you think, other people are thinking.


Cookie monster

Bobby said it best.....


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smoking weed has helped me escape what is one of the most powerfully addictive substances known to man.

Being a heroin junkie from the age of 16 shooting up everyday by 17 was a life that would end shortly. Overdosing, almost dieing, killing my parents from the inside out.

Being a shitbag, and now i've been clean a year and a half. I believe the only reason I can sustain is because of the herb.

But i can't fight the good fight. I'm tired with the stigma associated with me... of someone that does drugs, i can't take it anymore. It's just better in my mind to shut the fuck up and live quietly, not letting anyone know... I feel it would be better if i sit this one out, I try to sweep my demons under the rug, hoping no one ever seeings my track mark scars.

I'm a college student, going to a "party" school... and i feel the stigmas around me... those that get hammered drunk every waking moment, and tell me obnoxiously drunk how they'd never smoke weed. (not my friends mind you, just a bunch of idiots at the parties around)

I wish i was in cali, you guys are so free, i commend you on all the work you all put in, and it's true you reap what you sow.

I'm not in such a liberal place however, and i fear for my life and future coming to an end cuz people know i love smoking weed


Moldy-I'm in cali. born and raised. I've smoked weed for like 24 yrs. sold it for like 22 and have grown it for over 20. during that time I've seen friends and family thrown in jail. I've seen them robbed. I've seen them taken advantage of. I've seen them expelled from school. I've seen them loose jobs. I'm not saying that you shouldn't gather with others who have the same views and mount an "organized" protest! Thats hardly sticking your own neck out. If you think that that your gonna change the world one person at a time while those in power are using mass communication.... well be my guest! the world needs more mother Theresa's. And I'm far from scared. Just smart! Some people are WAAAY too involved in other aspects of this culture to take that kind of chance. some of us would get the fk'n book thrown at them.

This is to be learned from, reason for his longevity as well also.

Bottom line is we all have a general image, and imo its smarter and wiser not to display illegal or potentially damaging things as part of that image.

one tends to have few true friends in life, no need to expose yourself to a large number of people as someone who smokes especially if you sell or grow.


I really think you guys are so lucky that you can even tell anybody at all!

Where I am there is constant FEAR of jail that YOU TELL NO ONE!

ive been jailed 3 times for it already, and i havent even hit 30 years old yet. its stupid, they bust you and think theyre all cool for doing their job, but when i get the to judge and he finds out im a union worker and upstanding citizen- he always lets me off with class a misdemeanors. i wonder why they convict me at all, but i guess they want to label me a pothead so be it. best part is my union hall could care less. they know what i do at night inside my home is my business. i wish the cops would think the same.