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Fiberglass reservoirs


Hey fellas:

Im on the market for a large tough res container, preferably fiberglass. It needs to hold around 90-100 gal, and should be at least 3-4ft deep. Ive seen and used many of the hydro specific res over the years but they are all very shallow. The 100 gal I use now is very tough, but only about 1.5ft deep. Im wondering if anyone out there can link me to a product with a deeper container dimension. Nothing rubbermade since with that much water they bow out like crazy. It needs to be fiberglass or some other rigid material.

This is a last ditch effort for me. Im to the point of having one custom molded, but that is really expensive on just one. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.


Well-known member
Go to the TSC or any farm supply store and look at the Rubbermaid feed trough(for live stock) exactly what you're looking for.
if you can find a mold (ex. a rubbermade container) you can make fibreglass reservoirs.

I know many people who make fibreglass fish tanks like this. If it's safe for fish I think it should be safe to hold nutrients solution.