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I need ideas for things to keep me occupied


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

go back to school, maybe take up something like air traffic control, yeah that's the ticket, air traffic control.......

Well I have to say I'm disappointed in myself for reading this whole thread, I also can't tell if this thread is for real or not.

If the OP is really serious an earlier poster was correct in that you need to start with discipline. If you really are depressed it can seem like nothing is worth the effort and nothing will work out for you. You change that by committing to small task's on a daily basis. For instance say you are going to wake up at an early time, then do it for a week. Commit yourself to this one simple task, then take on another more challenging endeavor. These small steps really will build your self-esteem and do alot to help you climb out of depression, simple enough right. It won't seem easy but you have to start somewhere...

Most of people's self-esteem comes through their own actions, if your not doing anything your going to be down on yourself and depression will onset.

The beneficial thing here is you have all the time in the world to decide what to do with yourself, seriously look at that as a positive, it's not like you have 3 kids, working 3 jobs with no way to change your fortunes.

1 thing anyone can do is lock themselves in a quiet room with NO distractions, just your thoughts and a pad of paper. Think about what is important to you, what you want to do with your life, your profession, if you want a family etc, then write all of this down as well as the steps needed to reach these goals. Take 30 minutes, 4 hours, however long it takes but don't come out of that room until you have finished and have a clear view of your life goals. The good thing about this is when you write something down on paper you instantly have more attachment and dedication to it. You can always go back and edit things as you progress through life.

If the OP is depressed I hope some of this will help you. If this is some kind of lame joke then you really need to look in the mirror.

Good Luck to you brother.



h^2 O

Hey thanks Harold good stuff, feeling the energy, working it. I slept from like Sunday thru this morning. Super bored today but have a few horror novels. I'm also looking into scrog. Lots of threads. But all in all another day nothing special. Haven't watched tv yet so that's good.


Active member
i was skimming through the thread while listening to my music on shuffle... a punk band called Blitz came up. The lyrics went well with this thread i thought... the song was written in 1982 and its still relevant to these times.

This is the voice of a generation
Of unemployment and aggravation
Life's too short for wasting time
Because of this I'm wasting mine

I just can't go on living this way
It's always the same day after day
Fed up of sitting and lying around
I just can't seem to get off the ground

And I don't wanna be poor no more
And I don't wanna be poor no more

This is the voice.

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