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I need a drink.


Active member
I prefer opiates to alcohol.. they seem to bring such a subtle level of 'not giving a fuck' that alcohol can't come close to...too bad a I like the illegal ones more than the pharma's...pills suck folks...

smoke the herb and not get sick, but get well!!:joint:


Active member
Arrogant Bastard Ale

I dare ya to try it.

The aroma......it really does stink. But its a good stink :)

And flavor!!

Arrogant Bastard is for noobs.
Man up and drink the Double Bastard.

"Yes I'm a new world Samurai... and a redneck nonetheless"


Unfortunately most beer gave me a bad headache,.
good thing I met Vodka and her mellow sister Ginny Gin,.
~ life has never been the same since..



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Fuck alcohol! It is the primary factor in so many crimes and is responsible for ruining so many lives. I was married to a violent alcoholic and saw the worst of what this fucked up drug can do.
Fuck alcohol!!!!
right on bro.......
with the exception of a single cold brew on a hot assed summer day booze NEVER enters my life. I've worked in bars & seen the fucking worst of it, if friends show up drunk on my doorstep I close the door in their face.

Here's two facts in the USA:
66% of ALL domestic violence involves one or both parties being drunk.
75% of ALL college date rapes involve the female being drunk.

Those are the LEO stats gathered from acorss the nation.

Boozers are losers.......

Lt. Herb

But what about the RUM?
Captain Morgan (or Sailor Jerry for more kick for less buck)

Sail in one o' those ships and you'll get where you're goin' with a quickness!
YARRR! Me and the captain make it happen.


Active member
As a fellow beer snob, I laugh at your appreciation for ALE's..... Lager's and Stouts FTW.:dueling:
Lagers and Stouts are just as good as Bitter Ales in my book

mmmmmm yuengling.
You're joking right? My 3rd Yuengling and I thought I was going to be ill.:dueling:
It's the only good mass produced american beer, a very distant 2nd I guess could be Sam Adams.
Sam Adams is ok, but in this category, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale is always 1st in my book.

edit: case of BL? who the hell wastd money on BL, u mean a case of pbr or natty light?
For me it went from The Beast, later on to BL, finally settling into PBR until I quit being an alcoholic.

P.S. I lived in Germany and the beer there is on a whole other level.
P.S.S. Don't drink and drive
Kind of figured this thread would hit some rough terrain, too bad. I'll just toss in a couple :2cents: worth and then you can tear it all to shreads again....

I would like to step forward and admit that by nature I am honestly a rather violent person if provoked... and I provoke easily. I thought that participating in MMA would curb that nature but it really didn't, if anything it just sharpened my skills and made me that much more dangerous to a novice. That's not bragging and that's not a statement of pride, just a simple fact.

There seems to be 3 things in this world that help me to relax and break this cycle of returning aggression when its presented:

1. Living in my present location. Something about living in the wild that soothes the soul I guess.

2. Weed... and growing just about anything really is quite relaxing.

3. Alcohol. Not just drinking it, because too much is certainly no fun, you just fumble around and everything is awkward... too much is TOO MUCH. But just enough is very peaceful, just like weed. Making beer and whiskey is also very relaxing. I don't, (and won't) drink and drive and I won't smoke and drive either.

One last thing I won't do though... I won't jump in someone's face and tell them how fucked up something they enjoy is no matter my opinion on it. (I'm sure there are drastic exceptions to that rule like animal cruelty, kid abuse, etc. but I'm sure you get my meaning here.)

I can fully respect someone's opinion and reasons for not wanting to do something but to step up on a soapbox and preach about how wrong it supposedly is etc. is just going a bit far in my humble opinion. An opinion can be expressed without belittling or running a foul of others. Granted if someone says or does something stupid, then yes I'm probably standing right there with many other pointing and laughing. But when people are just looking for like minded corespondence it seems a shame that many have completely tear it down.

Respectable debate, and shit tossing are two completely different things. One is typically welcome to some extent and the other is serves nothing that to just piss everyone off.

Well anyway I've tossed out more than a couple pennies here I see, and I thank those that took the time to read this whether or not you agree with it. Its human nature to disagree, its civilized behavior to disagree respectfully.

So have at this thread, you won't have to hear any more from me about it... I'm out.



Fuck alcohol! It is the primary factor in so many crimes and is responsible for ruining so many lives. I was married to a violent alcoholic and saw the worst of what this fucked up drug can do.
Fuck alcohol!!!!

Now replace alcohol with marijuana and you sound like (one of them). Would you call for prohibition? If not that's cool. I don't like mushrooms but i wouldn't tell anyone they couldn't eat them.


Active member
Hello all,

Well said SC.

I like what was considered a microbrew...Sierra Nevada.

I am also pretty partial to an ale called White Shark from Lost Coast Brewery. We have it sooo good in Norcal.


PS. Thats my plug guys. I get the free pitch right?


Smokin' Chopper
We should chat about brewing beer some time. Its my favorite hobby. even over growing. I would like to hear about distilling alcohol. I understand if you mess up it can kill you?.?.? But i don't know, have only dabbled in the brew.


Alcohol is cool, but in large amounts, it gets you way too fucked up.

I'd rather try to smoke 5 blunts in a row of some killer shit than drink a whole fifth.

Guest 26753

right on bro.......

Boozers are losers.......



Smoking Moose would you say because you don't like alcohol no one should? Would you say i don't have the Right to drink?

Guest 26753

No mate, I believe in free choice. I was just highlighting the impact this drug can have on folks. I do not know one drinker who has not had the technicolour yawn from this drug. I know I am biased, but I admit that. I just see alcohol as the drug of choice of the "establishment", therefore I oppose it. In moderation any drug is ok, but it is my experience that most folks do NOT consume this drug with moderation.


Ok then. I find it sad when people can't handle or say no to one more drink. I was not cursed with such a flaw but it is terrible. Now that i think of it... its been about 5 years sense i have sacrificed to the porcelain God. Never want that again.
Yep all in moderation.


I'm a young guy, not much of a drinker at all really, but the few times I drank liquor I found myself just drinking more and more. Then I was way too fucked up and simply put, out my mind.

Beer though is a wonderful beverage to drink a few of.

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