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I love sweet coco!


your ladies are going to constantly grow to the light so ur gonna want to tie them back some how seeing that your spot is so confined. That way once your stretch does stop when you drop your light down into the center more you wont have to worry about your buds burning. looking pretty good though keep up the good work it will pay off in due time.


mhhm good advise,i might nail some strings,on each wall,and put the branches between the walls and the string,or maybe duct tape ,

noyd what do you think about my defoliating?you think it was a good time to do it?

it was just getting too bushy in there i guess,well see what happens,

and noyd do you think the burnt buds will be ok?it sucks having them burn you know?
:biggrin: need plenty air flow in and around back of bushes where you cant see, mold will creap up on you like the borg lol, if only mild burn rest should be ok, if burnt to a crisp you could start up a new thread:) called? how i crisped my lady parts.


sweety have you got a fan in there blowing heat away from globe? can not see one.
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the fan moves the ambient air from the light even with the ac u should still have a fan under the light to blow the air upwards


Active member
Normally i'd wait until stretch is complete before doing any defoilation. However in the case of plants being to crowded, I would have done the same and removed a minimal amount (20% or less of total leaf mass) of leaf to allow more light to each bud site. This will also prevent elongated nodes caused by shading. All of this is a bandaid to a bigger issue. What really needs to solved (dialed) is veg time and plant numbers. Ideally your plants will grow just big enough to fill the canopy without choking eachother out.


Active member
As a rule of thumb I take no more than 30% of total leaf mass at any one time when defoilating. I usually do this 1-2 times per week (depending plant reaction) after stretch ends, continuing until I run out of leafs with stems on them. This could also be done in veg. Now for your questions, will it harm them? No it won't harm/slow them, but only because you removed a minimal amount of leaf (<20% of total mass). If you had been more aggressive, it's very likely (plant dependant, some take it better than others) they would have stunted out for 2-3 days. This will lengthen time to harvest. An easy way to tell if they are stunting is to monitor their water usage. If they are stunted water intake will go way down. As for your second question, YES! They will love you for the extra light penetration :biggrin:. That is the whole reason for defoliating in the first place. Just remember though it's only one small piece of dialage, just like enviroment, veg times, watering times, nutrient strength/ratio, etc are all small pieces of the big puzzle.


Looking good! Those buds are stacking nicely for day 26. Keep up the good work. O and I agree with Mister_D. Be careful how much your defoliating at once because you want your plants to be as stress free as possible for maximum yield and potency. Cheers :)


Active member
How is everything sweetest? haven't seen anything from you in a week hope everything is going well with your grow.

:yeahthats We wanna see it all, the good, the bad, and the sexy :biggrin:. Besides we can't advise if ya don't show us the goods......