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I love it when....


Non Conformist
I love it when I think I have one paper left, and pull it out jus to find another one! lol.... BC


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
I love it when the wife wakes me up in the morning and puffs on my bong.. peace..



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
i love it when i forget the wife made chocolate cream pie, and then i find it later in the fridge... peace..



I love it when I nearly awaken from a pleasant dream in the early morning ... lie peacefully at the threshold of sleep ... then slowly fade back into the same dream ...


Non Conformist
I love it when I nearly awaken from a pleasant dream in the early morning ... lie peacefully at the threshold of sleep ... then slowly fade back into the same dream ...

I can relate, it's happened to me many times. There has be been a few times when I couldn't get back in the same exact dream. But I sooo badly wanted to though! hehehe... BC


I love it when I've planted a seed and had my doubts about it even making it through germination, then I take a peek at the surface of the soil and see the seed casing just popping through. It's a strange sense of accomplishment each time I see it, and also a great feeling of relief. Growing plants is amazingly therapeutic. I think I'd grow weed even if I didn't smoke it, and I've spoken to other forum members that actually do just that.


The Hopeful Protagonist
Hear, hear Kizz.....

I LOVE when I have more progress "under the scope" then the number of days would dictate....early chop :joint:


I LOVE it when after hours of climbing a mountain you get to the top, light a joint and marvel at the view


I LOVE it when after hours of climbing a mountain you get to the top, light a joint and marvel at the view

:biglaugh: I remember a post on an old forum I used to frequent where the guy and his friend's spent hours walking up a mountain to go for a scenic smoke. When he and his friends finally got to the top they all rolled their joints and packed their bowls. The guy said he realised he didn't have a lighter when they got to the top, so he asked his friends if they had one. Everyone went frantically searching their pockets and bags, and after a few minutes they all realised that absolutely none of them had a source of ignition on them. After reading that story, I carry two lighters on me at all times. You never know when you'll need one!


LOL, I once left my house keys at the top of one, climbed back down, drove home, knackered, wanted a bowl a beer and a rest, no keys - FUUUUUUUUCK!!


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
I love it when

I love it when

I wake up and breakfast is almost ready. eat then bake after i really awake... peace..



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
I love it when....

wow noone has posted in this thread since 8-2 oh wait that was me... lmao..Anyhow

I remember that i have a can of spaghetti and meatballs then realize i cant eat them on this diet regimen.. grrrrrr.. I wish i had a dream where i was really puffed full of good puffage.. peace


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