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I love it when....


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
i love it when i think something is going to go totally wrong. And in the end it all works out even better than i thought... peace..



The Hopeful Protagonist
I LOVE it when....a happen-stance stop, while running errands, turns into an absolute GOLD-MINE for my Gro....

Been looking for Pro-Mix BX, EWC and other hard to find items locally(I'm sketched about on-line ordering)......and it turns out I had an Agway distributor right under my nose....at of all places a hole-in-the-wall road-side flower stand.

I am FUGGIN STOKED right now !!!!


That is all :joint:


Rollin Face

I love it when:

I can get outta town and breath fresh mountain air and truly relax in nature.

I can look at a few 1/2 gallon mason jars full of bud and happily sigh as i can literally smoke myself retarded and not pay for it anymore...


Yesterday was good, wished I could work it in... I went driving with my step son so that he could see some gators. He has never seen one in the wild before. We drove and seen some exciting sights. Anyway, after we got out of the swamps we seen a cool Gulf beach with people fishing in it. They fish in the water chest high. I just started walking into the water and started swimming. I handed him my wallet first. He went to the truck and put the stuff in it and joined me. After a long day of driving we got to get our backs massaged by the gentle Gulf waves in water that is in the high 80s in temp.

Spent a lot of today getting my truck cleaned out though.


That sounds like one of those days that money just can't buy. I love days like that too.:joint:


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I love it when.......

I love it when.......

they're aren't any Yummybud threads
on page #1 of the Tokers Den.......


I love it when I find a random bag of weed that I'd lost for a while, mmm bud cured for 3 years hehe

I love it when shits get their comeuppance

I love it when music sends a chill down me

I love it when a plan comes together

I love it when I make someone laugh, like uncontrollably laugh :D

I love it when I score a great goal (football/soccer), like a volley or powerful top corner smash

I love it when a favourite song comes on in a club (rare considering most clubs)

I love it when I am overseeing a great view, sunset/sunrise/gazing over a cliff out to sea


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
I love it when you go to eat @ dickey's BBQ and it kicks ass... As i thought it would...
now time for a green crack joint.. peace..



I love it when I wake up really really on the weekend and I can hear a steady rainfall through my open bedroom window.


I luv it when I get the stick icky all over my fingers...... and the smell of drying herb in the morning.....mmm....anticipation.


To Have More ... Desire Less
I LUV...IT when U get a NEW ballast and bulb....gett'em home and fire'em UP....and BOTH work perfectlyyyyyy.:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

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