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I Just Got Rolled with a 1/2 oz & Still Have It

So you think that once you get to court, you can pull out your suave and debonair and hotshot talk yourself out of imprisonment?

<humongous laffter>

If you think you can jerk a judge around with patently bullshit answers that are the equivalent of saying "Prove it!" while giving him the finger, think again.

Judges are not stupid. They are cranky, conservative old men, infatuated with their own estimate of their abilities, with a jaundiced view of the rest of mankind, and drunk on the power they have exercised over others' (your) lives, true - but they aren't stupid.

And courts are not just about old men in fusty wigs, funny clothes, and oak paneling. Behind that veneer lies power, naked and raw, with very, very sharp teeth. Cross them and that power will be brought to bear very forcefully indeed.

If you find yourself in court you have already lost - bigtime! Even if found innocent it will be a sentence of bankruptcy with perhaps your marriage, your career, and your future in tatters. That's the upside.

So make sure you don't find yourself there. But, if you do, I suggest presenting a very submissive and very respectful demeanor. Unless, of course, you'd like to go out in a blaze of glory, a hero to us all, as you begin your long sentence :)
On elast post from a recent, running thread right here on S and L.

Let's call it the STFU post.


"The other oft forgotten and under-appreciated fact is the bit about STFU. LEO asks questions 'cuz their trying to make a case...and most times you're the only way that they can hang you. They usually don't know shit until you fuck up and tell them, usually because you're scared or think that you're really smart and can talk your way out of shit. No matter what the beef, you can never go wrong with the shut the fuck up tactic, the other way...you're pretty much planning to fail.

If you still don't quite get it I would suggest a reverse tattoo across your forehead so that it's the first thing that you see in the mirror every morning...Shut The Fuck Up!

Got any more questions?

See your local prosecutor.

Avid Fan

Good for you.

Not all pigs are intent on making everyone's life miserable. Some actually agree/support medical/decriminalization. Would ya believe that? :wave:
a few of years ago,i had just rolled and lit a joint of res behind a cinema with a friend,when two police officers walked around the corner.
they had seen the joint,but i tried chuck the 1/4 of res out of view.it hit off the wall and landed about a meter away from me.
i live in the uk so i thought that was my clean record ruined.
while one officer walked over to me and took the joint from me,the other one,who had spied the res,walked over and casually stood on it and didnt say a word.
got a caution and they went on their merry way,with a wink from my new friend in blue!:dance013:


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
The fonz.


He dealt to an inside straight and got surprisingly lucky. The jails are full of those who didn't.

he played his cards right.
when you do things right ITS NOT LUCK
he wasnt pulled over with an amount over his reccomendations allowances. its not like he had 3lbs & 5gs... and even then being smooth is better than trying to be gloria aldred.

when you get that defensive front going that you are pushing down everyones throat all you do is raise suspicion - the cops gonna want to know why youre so defensive, so then theyll start pushing. YOU DONT GIVE THEM A REASON TO PUSH BECAUSE THEY WILL.

being cool doesnt mean striking a conversation. it doesnt mean blurting out details. it means simply maintianing a respectful posture & tone, keeping eye contact, and politley answering only the questions/part of the question you have to. nothing more. you dont have to be a defensive dick....

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Active member
i had something very similar happen to me 2 years ago, i had just gotten my medical paperwork sorted out after being expired for 1 1/2 years, i was about 80 miles into california coming back from a job in arizona

the office said it reeked when he came to the window, i had burned one about 10 minutes prior, i never actually answered his question when he inquired, "it smells like you just smoked a joint, did you?" ...i said something like, "while driving? that's just crazy officer!" with a confused look on my face much like a dog does when he stares at you then cocks his head diagonally

i did get the speeding ticket though, in regards to the herb, he handed my recommendation back to me saying, "i'm not going to push the issue on this"

poking smot

Awesome, way to stay in control. I've heard that CHP has started to treat mmj patients with respect as long as we follow the rules too.


Freedom Fighter

So, you are a Lawyer?? Hmmm, and you don't know the Law??

, every person who possesses not more than 28.5 grams of marijuana, other than concentrated cannabis, is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars ($100). Notwithstanding other provisions of law, if such person has been previously convicted three or more times of an offense described in this subdivision during the two-year period immediately preceding the date of commission of the violation to be charged, the previous convictions shall also be charged in the accusatory pleading and, if found to be true by the jury upon a jury trial or by the court upon a court trial or if admitted by the person, the provisions of Sections 1000.1 and 1000.2 of the Penal Code shall be applicable to him, and the court shall divert and refer him for education, treatment, or rehabilitation, without a court hearing or determination or the concurrence of the district attorney, to an appropriate community program which will accept him. If the person is so diverted and referred he shall not be subject to the fine specified in this subdivision. If no community program will accept him, the person shall be subject to the fine specified in this subdivision. In any case in which a person is arrested for a violation of this subdivision and does not demand to be taken before a magistrate, such person shall be released by the arresting officer upon presentation of satisfactory evidence of identity and giving his written promise to appear in court, as provided in Section 853.6 of the Penal Code, and shall not be subjected to booking.

Sorry Sheep, but you are just arguing for the sake of arguing-- Under an Oz, you don't go to jail....period--


Well-known member
ICMag Donor

I won't waste another moment on folks whose ignorance-driven arrogance exceeds their common sense.
hey now! my arrogance comes from my good looks and large genitalia...not my ignorance (ooh, possibly another arrogant self quote for my signature!)


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
i really think hes just not as good looking as us sub... thats why he has to be a cornhole
good looking people have beter chances of scoring the job, getting off with the po-po....

you and i know we got looks on lock down bro...
Really great to hear...good story and I'm glad things are changing for alot of you in other states...Now only if VA would get onboard with the times....
But last week you were in real estate law...

And I will be this week and the next several years, God willing. I also have interests and ownership responsibilities in real estate development, environmental science/permitting/law and the creation and support of military and intelligence agency software.

Feel free to test my expertise in any of these disciplines.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
And feel free to not offer advice in what is not your specialty. It will only lead to confusion and possible misinformation ;)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
And I will be this week and the next several years, God willing. I also have interests and ownership responsibilities in real estate development, environmental science/permitting/law and the creation and support of military and intelligence agency software.

Feel free to test my expertise in any of these disciplines.
why would we test your expertise on real estate law or weapons software on a canna site? now you have gone from being arrogant and kinda rude into "what the fuck is he talking about" mode...who gives a shit? why are you still arguing? oh yeah, your a lawyer...you billing yourself by the hour?

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