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I have holes in my brain!


Feeling good is good enough.
Forget holes....!

I smoke so much weed I've got a crack on my ass.

Or is it between brain hemispheres...? Was that a Rush album...?

Anyhow... horse feathers!
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Active member
I think they just come up with this shit to scare kids away from trying weed....couldn't be true....

I've heard that extacy and mdma (molly) put holes in your brain...but weed....NAH

I can definately notice the lack of seratonin the day after doing molly for a couple days straight....shits too good lol...:laughing:I like to do molly once in a while even though it's expensive and probably does put holes in your brain...:blowbubbles: I won't do extacy presses though because you never really know what's in that shit....


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I was talking to my niece last night and she told me that smoking marijuana puts holes in your brain just like meth does but not as bad!

I asked her where she heard that bit of news at and she said that its true and that the school (DARE) had shown them pictures of the brains of marijuana users that had holes in the brains.

No wonder America is ranked so low on education if this is an example of the idiocy allowed to be taught in schools.


Most likely she was thinking of Extasy by the way, it has been found to put holes in the frontal lobe with even first-time users. Bad shit!

Yeah, and marijuana turns christian children into devil worshippers :laughing:


Active member
I heard marijuana made you rape white woman...kill your family with axes...and will have you injecting herion in months....damn! Im glad all it gave me was holes in the brain! Im removing my grandson from public schools...home schooling from now on!!!


Most likely she was thinking of Extasy by the way, it has been found to put holes in the frontal lobe with even first-time users. Bad shit!


Intresting article about the holes in your brain thing.

cstasy interferes with the neurotransmitter that produces serotonin, the brain chemical that helps to regulate mood, memory, sleep, libido, appetite and temperature. The National Institute on Drug Abuse, based in the USA, ran a high-profile anti-ecstasy campaign suggesting that pill popping caused actual, physical holes in the brain. However it was later revealed that the scans were only looking for serotonin levels and weren't bona fide 'brain scans'.


Ive always had holes in my brain & cannabis just fills the gaps. hehehehe


I've about had all I can stand. There are pill ads on television all day and night with horrifying "side effects" some of which are Cancer. Their drugs will throughly poison you, destroy your liver and kidneys, render you unable to operate your car, give you irritable bowls and an inability to control them, and last but not least....give you thoughts of suicide. There are plenty of "funding for cancer cure" organizations out there and yet, there are ads for drugs with cancer side effects. I can list over a dozen things your home is made out of that has ingredients that are known to cause cancer.

The corporations can produce and sell all the poison they desire, and I have to worry about what my kids are told in "school" about cannabis? This whole world is bass akwards!


Well-known member
Sounds like it might be a good opportunity to further her education. Do some info gathering and present her with a little portfolio on the subject of PROPOGANDA. All kinds of historical data to present to her.

If you do a good job of this, not only will she be smarter, but she will likely show her friends this info and spread the knowledge.
I totaly agree.

i smoke so much my head is hollow

That's not the ONLY thing we're lied to about...not by a long shot...how about just about EVERYTHING you think is true...is a lie. God, religion, economics, government, history, what you THINK happens/happened, what you think is the truth...isn't.

Wrap your holy brain around that.
hell yah.

We must realize we live in real'lies and c2c through real'eyez.
good one.

The corporations can produce and sell all the poison they desire, and I have to worry about what my kids are told in "school" about cannabis? This whole world is bass akwards!
agree totaly.


Active member
This whole world is bass akwards!
Thats for sure, its even in the spell of many words backwords like this one -university read backwords says whiteys revenue.

University = Ytis Revinu = Whiteys Revenue

ytis = whiteys
revinu = revenue

They created it they teach it they collect big bucks for it. This is where they teach alot of the "ass backwards" mo.


you know , that weightless sensation when you are high, ..... only the holes in your brain witch make you feel that way.... :)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I have ta agree!
Ya have ta have holes in yr brain ta believe this crap.

Which begs the question of why do they demonize marijuana still? I mean think about it for a minute and think of how much more compliant people generally are when they're pleasently stoned. Seems to me the morons behind the big money would be bending over backwards to legalize marijuana. It would make them look like heroes to millions of up and coming consumers and make comsumers in general more tolerant of the screwed up world these same people make accumulating their hords of wealth.


Well-known member
rofl³ sounds like that story of hair growth on palms...
well could be she mixed up amphetamines and cannabis, or the dorks still try chicken scare kids into the arms of alc n psychopharma... public desinformation was, is and always will be a mofo!

@hempkat: for the same reasons ever... controll, money, more money, ...



Which begs the question of why do they demonize marijuana still? I mean think about it for a minute and think of how much more compliant people generally are when they're pleasently stoned. Seems to me the morons behind the big money would be bending over backwards to legalize marijuana. It would make them look like heroes to millions of up and coming consumers and make comsumers in general more tolerant of the screwed up world these same people make accumulating their hords of wealth.

The introspection and general reflective states induced by cannabis are not in the corporations' best interest, and more importantly the governments'. They are just socially acceptable thugs and rackateers...They have the monopoly on force and make a bunch of money of us. All that inflation from them printing more and more money...That's debt that screws over the next generation. So the cycle goes on :( Further, all of the biggest corporations would take a drastic hit. Prisons, pharms, etc. in regards to female cannabis plus all the damage from hemp in regards to fuel, synthetic fibers...companies like DuPont) . Too much money (il)legitimately lining politicians' pockets from lobbies =/

I think that federal legalization is far off and the ignorance will continue to be spread - in the same manner and to the same effect as religion in regards to control. I think CA legalization is farther than the public mood seems to be @ too. I'm saying 4-7 years, guess we'll see!
/end rant...just did marijuana, but I didn't inhale! <_<


Cannabrex Formulator
Acid, mushrooms, and X all manipulate seratonin in a way. One squeezes all the seratonin out leaving you down for days
(X I believe) afterwards. One mimics seratonin and binds with the receptors producing a very similar eurohpia(acid I believe). The third converts the chemicals into seratonin(mushrooms) as lazyman stated.

Think I remember them correctly. I once saw a girl who was on this pretty strong anti depressant. One day I took one and couldn't believe it. Every time I yawned I felt a wave of pleasure going through my body. For someone who has done alot of damage to every part of the seratonin process in my brain I was shocked she could even function like that.

Clomipramine...it causes spontaneous orgasms when yawning in about 5% of those who take it.


Which begs the question of why do they demonize marijuana still? I mean think about it for a minute and think of how much more compliant people generally are when they're pleasently stoned. Seems to me the morons behind the big money would be bending over backwards to legalize marijuana. It would make them look like heroes to millions of up and coming consumers and make comsumers in general more tolerant of the screwed up world these same people make accumulating their hords of wealth.

Shh! Quit telling the demon government shit like that, they really are trying to turn us into sheep!
It's just amazing the shit they tell kids & people , so they think weed is bad. Then if your kids are disrupting in class you have to give them drugs cause they got a.d.d! But remember drugs are bad for you!
What are they going to think up next of stupid information to fill the kids heads with!WTF!!!!!!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The introspection and general reflective states induced by cannabis are not in the corporations' best interest, and more importantly the governments'.

I disagree, just look at the whole hippy generation/movement. Everyone correctly identified the evils of the world, Big Brother, The Establishment (Corporations), environmental pollution etc. Everyone had such grand visions of how the world would be transformed thru Peace, Love and Understanding.

Then everyone lit up and here we are half a century later and it's worse then ever.


Well-known member
heya hempkat, since im to young to know how it was in the hippy days, i cant cite "facts", but as far as i read, hippy is a term used very broadly, i read somewhere that barbiturates, coke, etc. were also used/abused by some hippies, i bet many were in the "movement" just for the hype, drugs n pussy, ... but still without their multifaceted "phenotypical" expression, we wouldn't have "broadened" our horizon when it comes to: traditional farming, nuclear energy, male female equality, and so forth...

same goes for stoners, in my opinion, some blaze for the coolness factor, some for medical reasons, some for religious, ... but we also have a bunch of smokers who increase their "free thinking" while "indulging", and even the ones who never consume for broadening their horizon, get extra time to reflect on their actions etc. in comparison with non smokers. i hope it makes sense (would love to write more, but typing with one hand temporarly is a PITA).
