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I have hit a plateau. 150grams per grow

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
800 watts and you're getting 150 gms total:yoinks:

When I grew Mandala#1 from seed I got 100 gms per plant, 4 of them and 110 gms from a Northern Lights clone in with them using my 600 HPS .... I never get less than 480+gms

From rereading your posts I noticed the following:-

1 you don't seem to be correcting the pH

2 You don't seem to be putting oxygen in the feed solution

3 You don't seem to be watering to give 10%+ run to waste

4 You seem to be treating the coco like soil and the N deficiency is actually a mild Mg deficiency which all seedlings are prone too

5 Both (I still can't believe 2) are basically veg lights, although they'll grow some nice weed and lots of it, switching to HPS as soon as they 3 weeks old will end up giving you a better yield ....... you can still keep the Agrosun but swap the MH for a Son-T+ (or PIA), the red in that will boost your buds

I used to get over 5 oz everytime when I was using a 250 watt even in soil

My system with coco is lots of oxygen rich water, if it's only once a day then 25% run off to really 'freshen' the roots, with the pH right the nutrients are absorbed correctly, get the pH wrong and the plants are poor

^^^ All IMHO & Experience (20yrs)

What are you feeding them?

BTW This is all meant to help mate, not criticise


Active member
800 watts and you're getting 150 gms total:yoinks:

When I grew Mandala#1 from seed I got 100 gms per plant, 4 of them and 110 gms from a Northern Lights clone in with them using my 600 HPS .... I never get less than 480+gms

From rereading your posts I noticed the following:-

1 you don't seem to be correcting the pH

2 You don't seem to be putting oxygen in the feed solution

3 You don't seem to be watering to give 10%+ run to waste

4 You seem to be treating the coco like soil and the N deficiency is actually a mild Mg deficiency which all seedlings are prone too

5 Both (I still can't believe 2) are basically veg lights, although they'll grow some nice weed and lots of it, switching to HPS as soon as they 3 weeks old will end up giving you a better yield ....... you can still keep the Agrosun but swap the MH for a Son-T+ (or PIA), the red in that will boost your buds

I used to get over 5 oz everytime when I was using a 250 watt even in soil

My system with coco is lots of oxygen rich water, if it's only once a day then 25% run off to really 'freshen' the roots, with the pH right the nutrients are absorbed correctly, get the pH wrong and the plants are poor

^^^ All IMHO & Experience (20yrs)

What are you feeding them?

BTW This is all meant to help mate, not criticise

No problem. That's what this thread is all about. trying to achieve 1oz per plant. anyways to answer your questions

ph is consistently between 5.9-6.2. my tap water comes in at 6.3 and an ec of.10

my feeding formula is gh micro/flower at 6ml/9ml per gallon. I mix 4gallons at a time and bubble it. ec is at 1.2 which is roughly 900ppm
For the young ones I use 1/3 of that formula so basically 2/3mls per gallon along with 1.5mls of cal/mag ec of this is around .40= 300ppms

As far as the seedlings go I have to treat them like soil, because i started them in seedling soil and wasnt able to get all the soil off before I transplanted to coco. Once they finally root the cups I will then start watering on a daily basis

My plants in the flower cab do get watered daily with about 10% run-off

As far as the bulbs go my veg room uses a 400wt cmh bulb. Flower room is a dual spectrum on 2 bulbs a 400wt agrosun gold which is a mh bulb with enhanced red spectrum and and the other is a 400 watt eye hortilux hps with enhanced blue spectrum.

I could definitely use some help with these seedlings. To me it looks like over watering, with a possible nitro deficiency


Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
How old are your seedlings?

It looks to me like overfeeding of N and Mg deficiency, I've just fought some that did the same, try a good flush ...... looking at the 'Micro' bottle it says 5-0-1, not what I'd call a good balanced grow feed ..... why no 'Gro'?

As per feed schedule http://www.eurohydro.com/pdf/tabs/gb/fs-aero.pdf

I'd lower the pH to 5.5 - 5.8

I often start seedlings in potting compost, then instead of shaking off the soil simply transplant that on, the little bit of feed in there is exhausted so for all intents and purposes it's a coco grow

Do you have a pic of the roots when your plants are finished?

This is my Mandala#1


  • Mandala#1..jpg
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Active member
Hey Doc thanks for the advice I am using heads modified lucas formula as a base

"In the coco, I am now using 6ml/gal micro and 9ml/gal bloom which gives the nute profile:"
N 97
P 60
K 105
Mg 41
S 27
Ca 97

This is from the first page of his sticking at the top of this forum. I didnt add any of the epson because he is using ro water and i am using tap water


Active member
Overwatering a bit, and it looks like you could have a mold problem or some type of fungus there unless thats perlite specs on the leaves


Active member
wickedpete .... if that's the feed schedule it's your pH mate

Hey Doc I gave the seedlings a flush as you mentioned in a earlier post. ph run-off was at 6.3. So we see how that goes. The only thing I dont get is I use the same tap water to feed my white widow that I have the flower room and they are looking good and healthy. These were started as clones and they are now at day 15 of 12/12

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Different needs between flower and vegging m8

Just keep that pH down at 5.8 and give them a very light feed


Active member
Different needs between flower and vegging m8

Just keep that pH down at 5.8 and give them a very light feed

Hey doc. think I messed up with the flush. I flushed with ph adjusted water of 5.8, and run-off was about 6.4. So i readjusted ph of water going in to 5.0 until runoff was at 5.8. Now all of my little ones look like this. They all have this purplish color now. any suggestions


Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Hey doc. think I messed up with the flush. I flushed with ph adjusted water of 5.8, and run-off was about 6.4. So i readjusted ph of water going in to 5.0 until runoff was at 5.8. Now all of my little ones look like this. They all have this purplish color now. any suggestions

Water in with pH 5.8, but that's OK ..... the colour is nitrogen toxicity, just water them for the next 2 goes (only when they need it) with pH balanced water, it'll take them a while to settle down

They should even out in colour ..... that bright green is the new growth and it looks healthy enough

Cozy ..... its 150gms total for 800 watts
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Hey there Wicked,

About your seedlings, did you rinse the coco before you transplanted? What kind of coco are you using? I've heard some horror stories about coco having a high ec reading if it's not rinsed properly. Just throwing that out there...

I also use Hempy buckets in my grows. My last harvest was 131 grams with 2 plants under CFLs. I'm drying my new harvest now, but I think it will be well over 250 grams. We really need to help you out, you should be kicking my ass with 800watts of HPS. But first we need to get your seedlings healthy. If you've got a TDS meter check the runoff, maybe you got a batch of shitty coco.


Active member
Hey Bud thanks for stopping by.

As for your questions. I reuse my coco and you are correct. I forgot to flush the coco before I planted the seedlings runoff ph was at 6.3 and ec was at1.20 roughly about 800ppms. Since then I have flushed the ec is now down to about .30 and run off ph is about 5.9. I just got done flushing all my coco in my rubbermaid down to 350ppms and ph of 5.8, but to be honest I have never had much luck with seed in coco.

Ok for the good news. This is the first time I have run heads gh3 coco formula as well as using hempy buckets and so far i am very happy with the results. I think I am getting to the point where I probably should start backing off on the micro mixing at 3ml/gal instead of the 6ml/gal. Here is some white widow that started as clones in hempy buckets at day 21


Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Looking good there for day 24 ..... is this what they normally look like or are these better?
Hey wickedpete,
I have read your thread and I would say that you do have some issues if you are only getting the weight you mentioned. I just ran two plants in 1/2 gal. pots through my 400w HPS and I pulled a total of 70 grams. You are using bigger pots, more light and it seems like you are feeding ok.

I haven't heard you say much about your temps. I had some purpling from getting too cold at night last year at my old house. This is just a thought.

Another idea is to try a different coco method. I am using LC's soilless mix. Basically I am doing 5 part coco, 2 part perlite, 2 part worm castings, 1-2 tbls dolomite lime/gallon of mix. I don't even worry about my pH anymore. I don't have trouble w/ seedlings in this mix, but I do start the cal/mag nutes early and I use more cal/mag now compared to my Fox Farm days. However I do NOT pretreat my coco w/ cal-mag, as some people do. I just feed my cal-mag w/ every feeding at 6-7ml/gal.

So maybe checking temps and considering using your coco in a different way can help.
GOod Luck,


Active member
Looking good there for day 24 ..... is this what they normally look like or are these better?

Hey doc. These are looking way better than anything I have ever grown, but as I mentioned this was also the first time using heads gh3 formula as a base. It is also the first time I have used hempy buckets as well.

I modified the formula to 15mlof flower and 3ml of micro per gallon now that flower production has really started to kick in. It gives a nute profile of
[FONT=Verdana,Helvetica,sans serif,Arial] NN[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana,Helvetica,sans serif,Arial]P [/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Helvetica,sans serif,Arial]K[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana,Helvetica,sans serif,Arial] Ca[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana,Helvetica,sans serif,Arial]Mg[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana,Helvetica,sans serif,Arial]S[/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Helvetica,sans serif,Arial]
[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana,Helvetica,sans serif,Arial]93[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana,Helvetica,sans serif,Arial]137 [/FONT] [FONT=Verdana,Helvetica,sans serif,Arial]40[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana,Helvetica,sans serif,Arial]59[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana,Helvetica,sans serif,Arial]79[/FONT]


sorry pete, dont really have much experience at all, just starting out myself.

Just wondering, have you always been using those tents? ive read a few times that certain (cheap chinese) grow tents release chemicals that are toxic to plants when used with hid lights, something about the white pvc plastic breaking down, i dont suppose there is any type of smell from the tents?

anyway if the tents are the single constant thing with every one of your grows it might be worth considering, maybe they are slightly stunting their growth? just a stab in the dark mate, hope these white widows confirm you are over your troubles
