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I hate school


Active member
First day of classes today, and what a shitty fucking way to start the year....my stupid F'in college decides to close the counseling department during the break so this morning there was a long ass line to get cleared for classes. I got there 1.5 hours early and there was still a long ass line.

After i wait for an hour i get cleared and think everything is good to go.

Until i get to my class and realize its a super advanced Spanish course that i have no chance of passing. The teacher has a "no ingles" rule that basically fucks me because im a stoner and have hard time remembering words right away. Everybodys talking in damn near fluent spanish and im sitting there like a fucking idiot all i can say is "lo siento no se" FUCK.

So now i gotta flunk back into level two spanish which ive already taken before, take that and then take level 3 spanish again during summer. So much for getting my degree by May. What a fucking waste of my time.

Funniest part abuot this whole thing is that my degree is useless and i dont even really want it. im fucking sick of school, if it wasnt for the fact my grandma died and left me money to go to college i would not even entertain the thought. Most of my friends didnt even go to college and are doing fine. All my college buddies are in debt and working shit jobs like security and waiter because the market sucks so bad.

so FUCK COLLEGE, i was supposed to graduate in 2008, now its 2010 and the end still aint in sight. Fuck school and fuck society, making us all get a peice of paper to be more accepted and employable. i dont have any fucking intentions of going to job interviews and working for the man anyways. all this bullshit makes me wanna sink back into my little closed world of wheeling and dealing, growing and earning tax free paper for myself. its either that, jail, or camping out in the national forest until the swat team comes for me.

another funny part: right as i stormed out of the parking lot angry as hell, i turn on the radio station and Pink Floyd is blasting "WE DONT NEED NO EDUCATION!!!!! TEACHERS LEAVE US KIDS ALONE!!"

haha put a smile on my face and i decided i had to make a thread on icmag to rant.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Fuck man...I hear ya. But, you will sooooo be thankful that you went through the extremely fucking frustrating process of getting your degree. It's one thing I never, ever regreted doing. I'm paying off a $27,000 debt and I've been paying on it for 8 years already:(

College did make you a more disciplined and intelligent person...even if you don't feel so right now. I have mad respect for you for keeping with it and please, please finish. I graduated in '02 and you know how it went for my generation trying to find a job.....I grow weed now. I'm smart though ;) We'z proud of ya here :huggg:Stay in cool, but make sure you smoke lots of weed and have fun with it.


Active member
yea im definately not quitting now. my grandma died and left about 60 grand that went towards my education. to quit now would be MAJOR shame in my familys eyes.

im just pissed about all the red tape i gotta go through to get this damn degree.

some of my friends got their degrees and didnt have to take language because they were already bilingual. curse my life for being a typical whiteboy raised by english speaking parents, i gotta take the damn requirment. ive been in several meetings with my college asking them to waive it but no dice.

the only thing i love about college is the social networking, meeting new customers/suppliers, and checking out the girlies.


Active member
haha another brick in the wall??

Fuck yeah man

As for college, if y ou sireous about it, u need to

1. save money
2. Get into TOp uni/college
3. Study fekin hard

Then get employed by fortune 500 company

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
The process sucks dick, that is for sure. It's frustrating from every angle. I went to a private college that was different from a typical university in the "step plan" for my degree. I didn't have to take a lot of things that weren't related to my major. Lucked out there..

College was the best time of my life. High school couldn't touch it....early career days couldn't touch it. Growing weed can't even touch it....I miss college all the time:trampoline:


Active member

in my college days i had

funky social dorms
and the rest of the shit


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
College RULES!!!

Going to class can be a pain the ass sometimes, but shit. I loved college lol. Enjoy it while you can. You probably won't use the piece of paper when you get out, but the life experience is everything.

It will help teach you how to think better. Plus, dude, do I really even have to say it?

Football Games
Tests and some course work

Repeat cycle. Enjoy it brother. You'll regret it if you don't.


Active member
Once you are working a few years you will look back at college as a great time

Enjoy while it lasts , even though you have to study , you also get way more free time when studying


Fuck man...I hear ya. But, you will sooooo be thankful that you went through the extremely fucking frustrating process of getting your degree. It's one thing I never, ever regreted doing. I'm paying off a $27,000 debt and I've been paying on it for 8 years already:(

College did make you a more disciplined and intelligent person...even if you don't feel so right now. I have mad respect for you for keeping with it and please, please finish. I graduated in '02 and you know how it went for my generation trying to find a job.....I grow weed now. I'm smart though ;) We'z proud of ya here :huggg:Stay in cool, but make sure you smoke lots of weed and have fun with it.

I concur with Ms B... Stick with it, and it'll pay off in the long run... It's just better for your life to have some level of completed higher education under your belt;) It'll come in handy one day bro...

By the way... I'm currently in grad school:D So I understand your frustrations too well


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
every single person i know who has a degree, with the exception of one, does not work in there field and makes less then 20k a year. such a shame.......


Active member
yea trust me guys i know ALLL about college and the dorm life and drinking. i partook in that the first few years and its probably biting me in the ass right now because my memory is straight fucked from all the herbs and 30 packs. i went to a 4 year university, lived in dorms two years, lived off campus two years. now im trying to go to a cheaper place to fill in my last requirements because my 4 year college was like 2k a class.

right now college is not about partying and socializing, the school i go to is a commuter college so everyone commutes from home, there are no dorms, etc. but its only a hundred bucks a unit.


i know where you're coming from prop with the whole spanish thing. all i can do is wish you the best of luck and hope that you will be content with your life and where its going. it might not be looking too positive but you should put your own goals ahead of anything.


Active member
Shit i miss college years soo much i was thinking about it today how i was young and healthy without any worries and could just sit all night and smoke weed.... and i had tears... such a memorable experience


Active member
yea i really miss the first few years of college, definately the best years of my life. partying all the time, so many girls everywhere, random drunken hookups, road trips, having lots of friends.

shit really changes once everyone graduates. now everyone is living at home with their parents or struggling to get by. not alot of hanging out anymore everyone is too busy trying to gain footage in the rat race that alot of us dont even kick it anymore. the only time i see my ex roomates is when they call me to buy herbs.


weed fiend
Bear down, bone up and kick that Spanish in the ass. In a few years, you'll have a tough life and a tough job and you'll remember your great time.


the thing about the rat race is, even if you win you are still a rat- forgot who said this.:chin:


this thread made me feel like there's still hope... it may sound ridiculous but after i fucked up high school i really thought i missed out on all the good times... now i have something to look forward to if i ever get my diploma

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